1. I love studying people. I think human nature is the most interesting thing in this world. I mean, after all, we are God's supreme creation, are we not? :) I like to watch people, not in a creepy stalker way, but in a way that let's me get to know them without them even realizing it. I like knowing about people, what they think and feel and why they do the things they do. Basically I'm just a people person. :)
2. I have a curse and a gift all wrapped into one. People just tell me things. Serious things. Things that weigh them down and trouble them. Things that they can't handle by themselves. It's hard sometimes, to listen to that, but I love it anyway. It keeps me close the the Savior, because I can't help them if I'm not close to Him. I usually just point them to Him anyway. :)
3. Not very many people know me very well, at all. I don't talk about me very much. Just because I'm naturally a listener. And I don't talk unless people ask me.
4. I love asking questions and getting answers. I like when people ask me too...
5. Singing is my passion. When I'm singing, I'm happiest. Music can touch people in a way that nothing else can. It connects people. I love it.
6. As soon as I realize I really care about a person, I get all weird and insecure about myself. I kind of hate it.
7. My cat, Charlie, is my baby and I am going to miss her very much when I go to college next year.
8. I'm going to BYU-I next year and I am so freaking excited!!! :) I am so ready for college and life!
9. I love shoes. And dressing up and feeling pretty, but I also love lazing about in my sweats and hoodie. If you come to my house unexpected, you'll probably find me in the latter.
10. I think Mac n Cheese is a beautiful creation.
11. Smells are really big with me. If you smell bad, I probably can't really be around you.. haha sorry. I don't like it when anything smells too strong, though, even good things. I'm very particular about smells. I like clean soap smells. And rain.
12. Thunderstorms are my favorite. :)
13. I've recently developed a new standard for kissing. I don't really want to go into detail here.. but if you're curious, you can ask me. Reference #3.
14. Everyone says I'll get married young, really young, but I am kind of dead set against it. I need to know what it's like to be on my own for a while. I need to live life and experience things and learn more about myself before I can figure out who I want to spend eternity with.
15. I really enjoy reading. Books influence me a lot. If I read a good book.. it kind of changes my life. That may sound dramatic or something.. but it's true.
16. I'm basically a professional procrastinator.
17. I love words. And spelling. And the English language. If you do it wrong, I'll correct you.
18. There's something about a man with an accent or speaking a different language that melts my heart into a little puddle.
19. French is the bane of my existence.
20. I think I have a selective memory. I remember the weirdest things, things that I don't necessarily need to remember but that were for some reason significant to me. And then there are things that I should remember and I don't.. for example meeting my now best friend for the first time during 7th grade.. haha
21. I am completely dedicated to my faith and religion. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the best thing that ever happened to me. In the words of Caleb McKay: "If I wasn't Mormon, I'd have AIDS" BAHAHA
22. I love laughing and smiling and being happy. What's the point of life if the majority of it isn't spent doing those things? :)
23. Sometimes I pretend my life is a musical and make up songs. Opera, Broadway, Gospel, and Screamo are some of my favorite styles of different life musicals. :)
24. I laugh at things that aren't funny to other people.
25. Nothing says Annie Fletcher like everyone around her. I am a total chameleon. If I hang out with you, I will steal your laugh and mannerisms and tastes, sometimes your sense of humor. It comes in handy since I move a lot. I can always find friends.. because people like people that are like them.
Woo that was interesting. Hope you liked it... if anyone even read it. haha woo.