Friday, May 28, 2010

I like...

... that my new puppy snores when she sleeps. I like my new house. I like days when I don't have to work AT ALL and don't have to feel guilty for it. I like cleaning my house all by myself while blasting music and belting at the top of my lungs. I like fresh flowers in the house. I like thinking of fun things that I'll like to do when I'm married. I like smiling. I like feeling twitterpated. I like holding hands. I like going to church. I like my mommy. I like hanging out with my little sister... even though I don't do it enough, she's pretty cool. I like thunderstorms and I can't wait until monsoon season. I like the sun and the way it tingles my skin. I like curling my hair. I like how my legs feel right after I shave them. I like going to the movies. I like being totally comfortable with someone. I like CTR rings. I like being LDS. I like talking about things. I like sweet kisses. I like getting motivated. I like pay day and paying tithing. I like taking responsibility for myself. I like loving people. I like my cat Charlie. I like my new sexy black stilettos. I like being a girl. I like that my toenail polish makes me feel like a mermaid. I like you!

Love, Annie

P.S. I really like it when people comment on my blog... just saying. :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

1 CD down... 8 to go...

Kyli gave me a bunch of CDs to burn about 2 weeks ago... and I am FINALLY getting around to ripping them to my laptop. I haven't even listened to all of them but what I have listened to I LOVE. So I decided to blog while they were downloading. :)

And SPEAKING of CDs... I really really super duper wanna make one! I have a bunch of different ones that I have in mind. I want to make a church one and a Christmas one and a Broadway one and a miscellaneous one with just a bunch of my favorite songs that don't fit in any of those categories exactly. I don't know which one I'm going to do first... and I don't know where I'm going to come up with the money to make all of them.. or even who'd want them. haha but I'm gonna do it anyway!

So just a little update! I finally told Angry Preacher Man that I just wanted to be friends. Which made me feel like a HORRIBLE person because his dad just died. I know, right? I'm awful. But he was super duper nice about it all and even let me borrow his little sister's Glee dvd's!! I'm so happy! But anyway, I must tell you why! Mostly because of Friday night... and because of the freaking outness that was experiencing when I thought of dating him. See, on Friday night Angry Preacher Man put together this little night float down the Salt River.. and it was pretty fun. But he and his friends that came were pretty LAME and immature about some of their jokes and just.. yeah. It was interesting.. pretty fun! But interesting. And then Mr. Brown was there too. I first met Mr. Brown at EFY... he was a counselor.. and now we're friends. Growing up is weird. But yeah, I've always kinda had a little crush thing going for Mr. Brown. It's not even a big deal but he had more of a pull for me than Angry Preacher Man... and I figured if Mr. Brown had more pull.. even though it's just a silly little crush... then Angry Preacher Man really had no chance. And he's just so short! Sad.

But a good thing that may have come out of that night... Mr. Brown may have helped me understand a little more why I am the way I am when it comes to boys. I explained to him what I knew of my strange situation... and he thought I should not go against my feelings, first of all. And then as we talked about it more... and I told him about how I move so much and have no problems just letting go of most of the people that I leave behind... he said that might be why I have a hard time with relationships. See, I've moved around so much, I have a hard time committing to things because it's like my brain is programmed to just plan for everything short term. For the past 5 years I haven't lived in one place for more than a year... and that's just crazy. And it totally makes sense to me.

But anyway, I'm really super tired and I have to pee... so I should wrap this up. OH I GOT A PUPPY!!!!! And when I say I ... I mean Kelene got a puppy.. but she's the cutest thing on the entire planet!! Charlie is very jealous because I am giving the pooch looots of attention... but I gave Charlie some loves tonight too... I thought she was gonna die if I didn't pet her. But ANYWAY. It's a boxer puppy and seriously. The Cutest Thing Ever. Love. Except she poops in the kitchen. Sickie.

Seriously though.. I'm tired. SO words of wisdom for the day... trust your instincts... you're smarter than you think you are. The end. :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

So it's 2:13 am...

... and I am just getting home for the night. Wanna know why? Because I am an awesome moocher! ... and I took terrible advantage of the fact that I am a cute girl tonight... and because Angry Preacher Man took me to see the new Shrek movie... because he likes me. And this is where I freak out. Except I know I'm freaking out so I'm able to contain it more. I know I have this problem... yet I can never seem to fix it. It's only not happened a few times in my whole life... when I didn't freak out when a boy liked me, I mean. I tried to fight it, I really did.... but he keeps making his hands too available for holding... and he gave me this look after we hugged goodnight that was just like..."oh heavens"... and he keeps commenting on my prettiness... I can't handle it. And on top of all that, he's shorter than me. This is just not going to work out.

It's kind of funny.... I used to have a terrible habit of rushing into things... and now I have a terrible habit of never getting into anything. Perhaps someday I'll find a happy medium.

I really wish my hair was longer already! Why am I so restless? When I'm feeling restless, I take it out on my hair. PROBABLY because I am too chicken to take it out on anything else. But I have decided to grow out my hair in order to better attract a husband. I figure it'll take at least a year to grow it out to the desired length... during that time I'll date all the wrong guys and learn oodles and oodles about myself and also what I want in a member of the male species. It'll be splendid. And then when the blessed day is finally here... when my hair is long and luscious once more... then I will be ready to meet my future husband. And he'll be all romantic and sweep my off my feet (which is much easier to do when I have long hair, you know... it's so much more romantical with long hair).

So I don't remember if I mentioned that I am definitely staying here for school... going to MCC to work on Psychology so I can be the best Marriage and Family Counselor EVER! And I'll stay in my ward... which I now adore!

Alright, it is now 2:40 and I am getting up at 8:30 so I can do baptisms at 9... so I must go to bed now. I should get more sleep at night... naps just aren't quite the same as a good solid 8 hours at night.

So I'll close with my words of wisdom for the day. Don't be afraid to say what you think. Don't be afraid to act on what you feel. I don't know anyone who got anywhere worthwhile by being afraid. I'll wrap that up with an awesome quote by Madonna. I think of this when I'm feeling chicken. I kind of live my life by it, really."A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want." It's easy to let life happen to you.. but where's the fun in that? The end. :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I dedicate this blog post to Kelene Fletcher....

Mostly because she is the reason I am writing it because she has BUGGED THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS out of me trying to get me to post. So here it is... finally. Alright. Where to begin? My heavens, a lot can happen in... has it been 4 weeks? Almost a whole month?? Wow. It has been a while. Okay, well first of all I'll wrap up the whole Mr. Stalker Bank Man deal... loooong story short, we will probably be distant friends... I might not even say friends... more like acquaintances.. I might even start getting direct deposit, although I will miss the eye candy at the bank, it's not worth it to bump into him. I'll spare you the details. So that's that!

Let's see, what else? I've just been working a bunch... I'm working for the census on top of my Walgreens job right now. It's actually pretty fun. I don't get any mean people. How could people be mean to ME?? I mean, really. Look at me.

You know what I realized? I kind of have a crush on every boy. All of them. I can't even tell you all of the boys that I love. There are too many of them. And they're all so very different. How am I ever going to find a husband when I love so many boys? You know who's scary to love? RM's. But I'm starting to love more of them.. just because I know more. Do you know WHY it's scary to love RM's? Because they want to get MARRIED. So usually... I love them. And then I freak out. And then I run away really really fast! And then I love them from a distance. :) Sometimes I wonder if I really will get married. You never know these days. I mean, I don't find people that I genuinely like very often... someone that I never feel awkward around... someone that I'm totally attracted to... someone that has the same goals as me... someone that actually likes me in all of my quirky, annoying, weird, self absorbed, loud, awesome glory. I mean, really though... I have a hard finding someone that I actually like and who actually likes me back. Relationships and dating and all that jazz... it's just craziness.

But anyway, on with what's been happening to me. I performed in Joseph Smith: The Prophet this last Sunday and it was such an amazing experience! Everyone did such a great job and I loved every second of it. :) I got two dates out of it, too. One was with the Angry Preacher Man and the other was with this other guy... I'm not even sure he was in the fireside.. but whatev. I actually need to call the other guy back to schedule a time for a date... if he'll still have me. haha I feel bad. but ANYWAY. I went on a date with Angry Preacher Man on Tuesday night. Basically he's a great guy. He's super nice and way funny and seems to have his life pretty well together. We get along swimmingly and he seems to like me. And I actually think he's pretty darn cute.... except that he's my height. MAYBE even a little shorter than me. Problematic? Potentially... I'm trying REALLY SUPER DUPER hard not to let it bother me.. or sway my opinion of him in any way... but I'm afraid I'm beginning to fail. He was the first guy I'd ever been on a date with who was shorter than me.. and he's not even little... he's totally my type.. in every way. He's a bit thicker, cute, dark hair... he's just short. I don't know how this whole thing is going to play out... I'll keep you posted. We have another date on Friday. But the date went really well. We went to his little sister's choir concert and got ice cream, pretty basic but definitely up my enjoyment alley. We'll see.

Stoooooopid things happened to me today. I had to spend 600 freaking dollars to fix my car so it could pass emissions. Poo. I got a ticket last week because my tags were expired.. and that same night I locked my keys in my car again. I know. Again. Ridiculous. I have super funny stories of guys hitting on my at Walgreens and me being so incredibly awkward. My manager wants to make a name tag for me that says, "18 and Mormon" ... just so I won't have to worry about it anymore. I like the idea.. but he won't actually do it.

Kyli Larson gave me a fabulous idea... I need to just stop worrying about my social life and work on me time. I need some me time. And not worrying about the fact that I have nothing to do on Friday night but hang out with my family will be a welcome change, I think. Life is crazy... but I'll make it. It's wonderful and crazy.

Words of wisdom for the day... Feeling sad and stressed about things does no good. Put your faith in Christ and it will be okay. IT WILL. The end. :)


About Me

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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