Monday, June 28, 2010
Never ever ever ever push the snooze button ever ever again. WHY? Because for the past THREE days I have been trying to get up earlier because.. you know.. it's healthy or something... and I'd like to DO some things with my day. You know. BUT it has all been thwarted by the SNOOZE button... or me resetting my alarm to later than I set it the night before after I let Jamie out to pee in the morning. Seriously. I set my alarm for 8:40 last night...this morning it went off.. I hit the snooze.... but didn't really hit it. I just made the buzzing stop on my phone but didn't actually hit SNOOZE. So I woke up at 10:30. What am I DOING with my life? Dang it all! SO I will follow the advice of two very important wise people: My stake president from BYU Idaho, Henry J Eyring. He told us to NEVER hit the snooze button. Choose when you want to wake up and WAKE UP and your day will ALWAYS go better. I will believe him now. The first thing I said when I woke up this morning was, "EFFFFF" ... not the best way to start, right? And then I will follow the advice of Fraulein Maria when she sings the Confidence song in the beginning of the Sound of Music (Which I've had stuck in my head ALL morning.. well since I've been awake at least.. which isn't very long. BUT STILL), "When you wake up, WAKE UP! It's healthy!" Alright, alright. I've learned my lesson.
But ANYWAY. Heavens. I'm actually kind of excited. I always have fun ideas for blogs... but I never get around to them because I always have some long story to tell about a boy. But now that I don't have a boy... I can write about whatever I want!
Okay... the post I was just going to write about is too awkward. I can't do it. hahaha So I'll just ramble. Last night I was talking to a bunch of guys about dating stuff... man. Some of the stories were AWFUL. And by awful I mean AWKWARD and HILARIOUS. I learned that even if a guy is TOTALLY not into you... and the thought of kissing you is AWFUL... BUT you are HOT and try to MAKE OUT with him... he will totally be down. One of them was on a date with a girl and they fell asleep watching a movie and he woke up to her sucking on his fingers. WHAT? Who DOES that?? I mean really. REALLY?? So what does he do? He makes out with her. He didn't LIKE it... but to get her to stop... he made out with her. Boys. I swear. Then another guy said that had happened to him... but he LIKED it. Filthy. Boys. I swear. This story makes me really really glad I'm a girl. I mean, I like making out and all... kissing is great. Cuddling all that jazz. It's GREAT. But.... if you don't even LIKE someone... why would you do that? It would be so icky. Don't get me wrong.. I've had my share of NCMO's... but at least I LIKED those people. I dunno. I think it's harder for me to understand boys because.... I didn't grow up with any boys around. I have 3 brothers.. but I never really lived with them. Oh well. One day I'll get married and THAT will be a shocker for me. I'll have to LIVE with a BOY. Weird. Okay I guess I'm about done...
Except for my words of wisdom for the day. Whenever you need a pick me up, make a list of things that you like or love. It ALWAYS makes you waaayyyy happier. I promise. Like this:
I like sleeping in.. even if I feel LAZY as heck haha. I like waking up super early and smelling the early morning. I like how amazing I feel right after I work out. I like being sore because it means I'm getting stronger! I like seeing Jesse Noble at church and places because I've had a crush on him since 7th grade and he STILL gives me flutters hahaha and I KNOW nothing will ever come of it.. but I just like flutters. :) I like singing in church. I like sitting down randomly at the piano and singing for 2 hours. I like feeling happy. I like FEELING. I like observing people. I like reading. I like making something really yummy to eat. I like moving and meeting new people and getting to start over and reinvent myself once again. I like reading my scriptures and praying and knowing Heavenly Father is listening and helping me. I like the really fatty sugar cookies that have the yummy frosting and sprinkles and you look at them and say, "Those look like fake cookies" and you eat them and you say they MUST be fake cookies because nothing REAL could taste this GOOD. I like getting texts.. seriously it's kind of a problem.. I call texts "love"... if I have no texts.. I have no love. It's depressing I know.. but I LIKE it. I like blogging and people telling me that they like my blogging. :)
And I'm really hungry so that's it. The end. :)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
You Know You're a TRUE Blogger When....
... the first thing you do after the guy you're dating breaks up with you (after calling your best friend and crying a little) is thinking of what you can put in your blog about the experience. I realize I kinda left you all hanging with the "Love you" post... after that everything was fine. Hairy Ben and I talked about it.. and it was super awkward... but we got over it. We still saw each other every day. We were just having fun! He was even over last night and everything seemed great. We did baptisms this morning and then afterward he did a session. Then later we were texting... and he said he needed to talk to me. Dun dun dun. It sounded ominous. So I went over and we talked... and he said while he was in the session he had this feeling that we should stop dating... and he'd had the feeling before.. and didn't listen to it.. and it ended up badly. So he decided to listen this time. And how can you argue with that? He's still a fantastic guy... I just can't like him anymore. The whole time it looked like he was about to cry.. so naturally I COULDN'T cry.. because that would have just pushed him over the edge.. and I can't handle crying men. I just can't. So I put on a not sad face and left. That's all I could do. I barely made it in the car before the tears came out. Haha. It's not really funny. It's just... I really liked him. I liked his smell and his big nose and his hairiness and his roommates and his nephews and the fact that he is the only other person in the world besides my mom that's ever been able to give me a foot massage without me being totally grossed out. I liked beating him at foosball (even though I'm pretty sure he actually let me win) and watching Lost and holding hands. I liked talking about random stories and playing card games and how he'd push all my hair away from my face before he kissed me. It was fun. I liked being with him. But now it's over. He's still Hairy Ben and I'm still Annie. And we'll move on. But I'll be sad for a while. I can't really be friends with someone after I've dated them.. or even liked them too much. It's just too hard, especially when you still want to be with them. So I probably won't talk about Hairy Ben anymore after this post. As I was driving home I actually started laughing because just this morning I was telling my mom that it was exactly 3 weeks ago today that Hairy Ben and I first met on the river. He lasted exactly 3 weeks. Still not good enough to earn his REAL name in the blog.. but much much better than just about every other boy.
SO now that that's done... I'll watch my feel good movie, While You Were Sleeping. It always gives me hope.. because she's such a weirdo.. that I'll find someone to stick around one of these days. :) Yup. That's right. I'll watch a chick flick and eat some ice cream... if only it would start raining. Then it would be the perfect post break up scene.
But anyway, it's been a while since I've done my words of wisdom for the day. And I'll use Hairy Ben for this. Because he was the perfect example. Follow your gut. I'm good at this because my gut always SCREAMS at me when something's wrong. Hairy Ben kept having this weird feeling ... kind of like my freaking out.. but I think a little more mild. But he kept ignoring it.. until finally in the temple he couldn't NOT listen anymore. That's it. Follow your gut. And by gut.. I mean the spirit. It might not be what you WANT... but in the end it's what you need. I know that Heavenly Father knows best... and He loves me. So I'll be fine. The end.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
For my Father...
So I decided to do what everyone expects on Father's Day.. and do as I'm sure just about every other blog on is doing and dedicate this post to my Dad. :)
First off, I'd like to say that my dad JUST graduated from Pharmacy school. He is now a Doctor of Pharmacy. Seriously, how cool is that? He has always been such a hard worker! And that is such an amazing example to such a slacker like myself. I'm very lucky to have such a dedicated Dad. :) He taught me my love for learning and I got my good brain to learn with from him. I've never had any trouble with learning new things and I give him full credit! He always pushed me to do better. I KNEW that Dad and Mom expected A's from me. Because they knew that's what I could achieve. Dad was always willing to read one of my English papers or give me input on a project I was working on.. or help me with math. Without his encouragement and faith in my abilities... I wouldn't be the good student that I am today.
When I was little I remember Dad playing the piano. I remember waking up on Sunday mornings to hymns. I always loved this. Sometimes I was a little mad because I was being woken up... haha but I loved it all the same. Then as I grew older I remember him sitting down at the piano and asking me to come sing with him. I learned how to love music from him. And now that is such a HUGE part of my life. He was always my number one supporter where anything musical was concerned and I am so grateful for some of the opportunities he made possible for me. And I love that he is my number one accompanist when I sing in church. Performing with him is always awesome! Without him and his piano and his singing... I wouldn't be the musician that I am today.
When I was about 13 I realized I looked like my dad. I had these annoying little bumps on my arms. I had a long body and short stubby legs just like him. I had big feet and big hands. I had a smaller, girlier version of his big nose.. but his nose all the same. BUT I also had his amazing soft, luscious, silky hair. Dad, thank you so much for my hair. It is so incredibly vain, I know. But I love it. And this wonder would not be possible without your awesome genes. :) he also contributed to me being all chubby. That's right, I had an incredibly fat, awkward stage as those of you who saw this post know already. But I know that those years of being chubby and awkward and self conscious have made me a better person. I can't be too vain because I know what it's like to be the only 11 year old to be 5'4", wear size 9 shoe, and weigh 145 lbs. THANKFULLY I grew out of it and learned some awesome lessons as I did. Without my dad and his great genetics... I wouldn't be the confident young woman I am today.
Around 15 I dyed my hair red and dropped 15 lbs and gained a little confidence. Boys now thought I was attractive. And with this new development came a slew of new experiences that were scary and exciting and crazy! I had some good ones and some bad ones. I freaked out a lot and dated A LOT of boys. And through it all Dad was always on my side. Whenever I freaked out about a boy... he was always VERY willing to do anything he could to help scare him away so I didn't have to deal with it. When I liked a boy he tried his very hardest not to embarrass me and help me with whatever questions I had. Because of Dad's support and trying his very best to not kill all the boys I brought around... I am the dating machine I am today. ;)
Growing up me and Dad didn't always get along. We disagreed on a lot of things. And I always wanted to be more independent without any of the responsibilities that came along with it. We'd fight, and I'd be mad. But we'd always work it out. He's my dad. And I've learned so so much from him. Through some of our fights I learned so much about myself and about people and how to handle my life. I learned that forgiveness is a beautiful healing balm for all wounds. I learned that nothing is more important than keeping the ties strong in an eternal family. I learned that seeing your father reading his scriptures makes you want to read your scriptures too even though you're mad at him. I learned that after you read your scriptures and pray about it.. you can't be mad anymore! The gospel is such a wonderful part of my life and my dad taught me so much about living it.. in ways that he doesn't even realize. Without my dad's example... I wouldn't really have a testimony of the gospel and I would not be the happy person that I am today.
In conclusion I'd just like to say that I am very grateful for everything my dad's done for me. We moved a ton growing up but that helped me develop my personality. Things have been hard but I feel like everything has helped me become better. I love my Dad very very much and I'm lucky to have him. He's always been there to give me advice or just give me a hug when I needed it.
Happy Father's Day, Dad!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Ohhhh my life..
is so awkward sometimes. Seriously. I can't even explain to you. But I will try. See, you know that I am usually the one who freaks out when someone likes me.... but it is not happening with Hairy Ben. Right? Good. The thing is.... Hairy Ben has the same problem as me... and he's freaking out a little. Because I like him. Granted his reasons for freaking out are more upright than mine... I freak out because... I'm a freak. He freaks out because he's afraid I'll like him too much... and he'll end up not liking me as much and hurt me. Which is fine. I can empathize with freaking out but still liking the person.. and he's nice and is willing to keep trying. SO. Everything's fine.
BUT THEN.... tonight we were hanging out... it was time to leave... he walked me to my car.. we hugged and kissed goodnight... and as we're pulling away he runs his hand down my arm and holds my hand for a second and starts walking away and says, "Goodnight!" So I say, "Goodnight! Love you!"...... holy hannah! What just came out of my mouth???? Kill me. I'll crawl into a hole right now and DIE. Now... anyone who's friends with me will know... I say Love you allllll the time. BUT it's a little different when you say "love you" and you're dating the person... and you just got finished cuddling and sharing stories and a kiss goodnight. I mean really. I just wasn't thinking.. and it jumped out.. and I was SO embarrassed. I can't even tell you. AAAAnnnnd I really hope he's not freaking out... because he stopped texting me. RUDE. And now I'm freaking out. RUDE. Kill me. K I'm done. I already did my words of wisdom for the day THANKFULLY... because I have NO wisdom right now. I'm a crazy person. Seriously. I could die. It's time for bed. Goodnight bloggers. DON'T love you. BAHAHA. Except I really do. You know I do. I'm sorry. But for realsies. Goodnight.
Monday, June 14, 2010
So I was going to work on math...
because I am a dunce! Seriously. I took the math placement text at MCC last semester and I didn't even get into the 100 level classes... I know. I know. It's sad. BUT I really am determined to study so I can retake the test and get into the math class that is required for my major. However, as I started practicing... Hairy Ben got on facebook chat and started chatting me up! Well... I couldn't very well ignore him on his BIRTHDAY. Yes, that's right. It's his birthday. :) He is 24 today... and although I have told him about 20 times already today... I would like to say for all the blogging world to see: Happy birthday ..... Hairy Ben. I decided I can't put his real name until he's lasted at least a month... I feel like that's long enough that he might be a permanent fixture in my life... at least for a while. But anyway, he started talking to me... therefore delaying my math practice. Then my dad's classmate who's staying with us for a few days put in Sherlock Holmes... which I have never seen. And naturally that was very distracting. Although I still TRIED to do some math. But then my mother got home and she'd promised to give me a little mini massage because my back has been hating me lately. So I pretty much gave up all efforts to improve my mind for tonight. Now I am just watching Sherlock Holmes (which is very entertaining) and blogging.. because I feel like it.
I don't have anything particular to blog about, really. I'm just rather content with life at the moment. My family is moving away.. so I must find a new place to live. I'm thinking my aunt and uncle's house will be my best bet... because it's cheap and I absolutely adore my little cousins. I can go to the community college that's near their house... because it's also cheap. I have a lovely bunch of friends and of course Hairy Ben to snuggle when I want to. That always helps. :) Overall life is just pretty grand!
I am much too involved in this movie to think of anything else to say... so I'll just end with my words of wisdom for the day. I actually don't know if this can be counted as words of wisdom... it might just be something I'm learning.. or maybe learning.. right now. But maybe life isn't as dramatic as I seem to make it. I'm a rather passionate person... and I feel things a lot. But maybe it's best sometimes to just step back and let things be. I don't have to control everything... I don't have to know how everything's going to turn out. I just have to live life and love it! One of my favorite scriptures EVER is Phillipians 4:6-7... and you have to look at the footnotes too. I tend to over think things and say too much and muddle things when they don't need to be muddled at all. Things are more simple than we imagine them to be... especially if we can learn to rely on the Lord for happiness. The end. :)
Saturday, June 12, 2010
I like to analyze...
myself. Which may be vain... or something. And it may over complicate things... but it's what I do. I think people should understand themselves, right? Well, I think I may have realized another reason why I freak out when an opportunity for a relationship presents itself. I'm not really sure how to write all of the stuff that's in my brain... I've been awake for about an hour just lying here thinking about a lot of it. And it all makes sense in my head.. but whenever I try to translate my brain into writing.... it's a little difficult. So bear with me.
See, basically the thing is I'm scared to death to care too much. In the past that's been my problem.. if you can call it a problem. I'd find these guys that I really liked. When I was with them I wouldn't get that freaked out feeling that I would with EVERYONE else... which was awesome. But then as the relationship progressed it would just get unhealthy... I would give too much and they would take waayy too much.. or there wasn't open communication.. or I was moving away so things moved too fast. And because of who I am... whenever things don't work out I blame myself. I always feel like I'm not good enough.. which I know is ridiculous.. and I tell myself that is definitely not the case. I am a daughter of God and my worth is immeasurable! ...but... I still can't seem to shake the feeling. I've never thought of myself as insecure... but I guess that's the only explanation if I'm scared to care about someone because in the end... I expect I won't be good enough to stick around.
So that's been my little struggle lately with Hairy Ben. He's fantastic. He has a testimony.. and as far as I can tell he lives the gospel the best way he knows how. He's nice to EVERYONE and never talks bad about anyone. He's funny and cute and awkward and I love that. He loves his family and goes home to visit. He's getting a good education and works hard. He's adventurous and actually DOES things that he wants to do.. like traveling. And from what I can gather the worst thing he's done in his whole life is cheat on a college exam... but he confessed and was able to keep his grade because of his honesty. I mean, this guy is a general authority in the making. And then there's me in all of my crazy, weird, more-life-experience-than-I-wanted glory. But he seems to like me...but I'm almost scared to let him like me. What if he gets to know me and decides he doesn't really like me after all? I haven't liked someone like this in a really long time. And it scares me to let myself care about someone.. not that Hairy Ben has given me any reason at all not to trust him... but it's still scary.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I think another reason I freak out when boys like me is I'm afraid of getting hurt. I'm afraid of caring so so much and then getting crushed again. I'm afraid I won't be good enough to make them stick around for more of me.
But I suppose here's where I'll insert my words of wisdom for the day... which I definitely need to remember and use in my own life. And my words of wisdom most certainly do not come from me.. but someone much smarter... who just happens to be an apostle of the Lord. 1 John 4:18 says, "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." Now I'm not saying I am in love with Hairy Ben. Not at all. But I might be saying there's potential there... I don't think I've ever been in love.. and maybe that's why. Maybe I've been too afraid in the past. BUT if I can incorporate the words of John into my life... and cast out my fear.. maybe... who knows? :) But no pressure! We've only been dating a week for heavens sake. Not even.. haha. So to sum it all up: Don't be afraid to care about people. Don't be afraid to trust! Because even if you are afraid to trust Man... you should never be afraid to trust God. "For God is love." And if you're hurt by Man... the Savior can heal you.. and you'll be better for the experience! The end. :)
Friday, June 11, 2010
is a word that people use to describe a person who is rather smitten with another person. Some common symptoms of twitterpation are fluttery stomachs, not being able to concentrate on anything other than the object of the twitterpating for very long at all, staying up very very late every night just to be with that person, etc. I believe I might be twitterpated with this Hairy Ben fellow. I will give you a further proof that this is the case.
First off I will tell you (so you don't think I am a floosy and don't follow through with my resolutions...) that Hairy Ben took me on a little mini date. Which was cute. I like him. SO I am totally justified in holding hands. And in participating in the following story.
Last night Hairy Ben invited me over to his house to watch Leap Year. Yeah... he picked out the movie. It was the first time I'd ever watched a chick flick when HE was the one that picked the movie. Hilarious. I'm a fan. Well we watched Leap Year which was adorable and I want to marry an Irish man because they're hot! And after the movie we were cuddling and such and just talking. He was laying on my stomach and I was playing with his luscious head of hair. But then I got tired and I tried to lay down a little but then his body was in the way... so I told him I was a little uncomfortable. haha so he moved down the couch because he's so nice! So we were laying there... he with his feet at one end of the couch and me with my feet at the other end and our heads right next to each other. We're still talking when he reaches up and starts playing with my hair and the conversation kinda dies out. Which was comfy.. not awkward. Now the way he was playing with my hair was kinda pulling my face so it had to look at his face and I thought to myself, "This boy wants to kiss me! ...but do I want to kiss him? .... well I WANT to of course.. but SHOULD I? If we kissed right now it would be all awkward and upside down like in Spiderman. But it looked super hot in the movie.. I've always wanted to try it... and I like this boy. BUT there is the whole-" .. I was cut off here by Hairy Ben asking, "Have you seen Spiderman?" (hahahaha!) "Why yes I have! Why do you ask that?" hahahaha! ...."Well, I was just thinking about whether or not I should kiss you." ... "I was just thinking the same thing." ....(insert rather long pause here where I decide whether or not to kiss this boy.. who is actually a man.. which makes it way scarier. HECK! It's 2 in the morning! Go for it!) So I moved my face ever so slightly towards his and that was enough. We KISSED! It was hot. ....but awkward because it was upside down. hahaha it felt weird.. but I LOVED loved kissing him. We stopped and he said, "That was awkward." BAHAHA! "Yeah, it was.. hahaha" Another kiss. "Your chin is on my nose and I can't really breathe." HAHAHAHAHA I laughed so hard. Another kiss. "Hey lets get more comfortable." "Yeah good idea." I know what you're thinking now... that was the most awkward, weird, HOT, hilarious, awesome first kiss ever. I know, I know. Trust me... I know. :)
Well, that's all I've got for now. I was planning on writing about a bunch more stuff that's going on in my head and stuff that I'm feeling and stressing and such. But I am wayyy too tired to do that. So I'll do it when I wake up maybe.
But before I go I'll tell you this one other story. So I share a room with my sister.. which is problematic because she goes to bed EARLY and wakes up EARLY and I go to bed LATE and wake up LATE. So I feel bad blogging in there because I wake her up... so I sometimes go into the front room... but my Nanny(grandma) is in town spending the night in the recliner (don't ask me why she's not sleeping in my bed.. she always does. WEIRD). So I didn't have anywhere else to blog....
Which brings me to my words of wisdom for the day. Don't blog in the bathroom late at night because it's slightly awkward when your Nanny timidly knocks on the door having to go to the bathroom and you open the door carrying a laptop... it's just weird. Don't do it. The end. :)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Once Kelene gets out of the shower....
I'm going to do her hair and then go to the gym. And work out! and swim! But for now... I'll blog. I don't know how much longer she'll be.. so I'll try and fit in some juicy stuff! Everything with Hairy Ben is going well. I'm definitely a fan of him. :) Last night was the second night in a row that I've been at his house til the wee hours of the morning. Which is absolute silliness. Night is for sleeping. We still have not held hands... but it's pretty inevitable at this point. :) I'd probably say more but he reads my freaking blog. Dang him! And it's awkward to write about someone when you KNOW they're going to read it.
OH hahahahaha speaking of him reading my blog! Last night when I was at his house we got on his laptop to watch Wipe out (which is freaking HILARIOUS I might add... I highly recommend it). WELL when he opened his computer... the screen was on my blog... hahahaha awwwwkward. So he clicked out of that real fast but the next tab up was my facebook profile.... hahahahaha awwwwkward. So basically he's a major STALKER. It made me laugh super duper hard.
OH and we talked about the whole awkwardness of where to put our hands and such. It was hilarious. I feel like talking about awkward things makes it less awkward and WAYYY funnier. Admitting it's awkward makes everything funnier too. Good times. :)
Anyway, Kelene's out of the shower so that's about all I have time for. I'm having fun, though. :) I'm a fan of this one. And he's made it past the one week mark without FAILING miserably like most guys. There's potential here. hahaha.
Words of wisdom for the day: Smile! It makes you happy. The end. :)
Monday, June 7, 2010
Once upon a time....
there was a girl named Annie. She was awesome. HA! But really... anyway. One thing about this girl is she had lots and lots and lots of crushes. On every boy. Well, I don't want to talk about myself in the 3rd person anymore... mostly because it's too much brain power to word it at 4 in the morning. Goodness. SO I'll just say I love boys. BUT my main squeeze at the moment is... dang it. I don't have a nick name for him yet. Kelene was telling me I need to find him one. But then I forgot. We'll call him... Hairy Ben!! Hahaha. And this might be awkward because he actually reads this blog. What boy reads blogs. Seriously. I attract weirdies. But I like it! Anyway this boy is suuuper super awkward. hahaha. But I love it! I thrive in awkward situations. As long as it's not me that's feeling awkward. But I can BE awkward. I think I'm using the word awkward too much. This post is not making any sense. I'm tired. I should sleep. But I MUST BLOG! So I'll trudge forth!
Anyway, what I was saying is Hairy Ben is awkward. And we were actually just chatting and thinking we want to start a book club! Because people should read more because it makes you smarter. And I'm getting dumber. Very sad, I know. And then we were talking about books that we like and I brought up The Lord of the Flies because that book is AWESOME. And it has so much JUICE for my psychology major brain. :) And then we were talking about how awesome personalities are. And how I love to know why people are the way they are and why they do things they do. It FASCINATES me. And then I thought of all the personalities that are out there in the world.. and all the ones that have died.. and all the ones that are yet to be born... and God made them ALL. How amazing is that?? I'm pretty sure He is the most awesome genius ever. Maybe someday I can have my own children. And I can help develop their personalities. Hopefully I influence them for good. Hopefully I can make them better than me and my parents. Hopefully I can teach them how to love people and God through my own example. Hopefully they'll be GOOD. Maybe someday I can be a little more like Him. :)
Well, I think that's all my brain's gonna squeeze out at this late hour. Or early hour. Whatever. Goodness, I bet some people are WAKING up right now. For Pete's sake. For Hairy Ben's sake. I'm gonna go to bed now.
Right after I write my Words of Wisdom for the Day segment.. because I've been slacking on my wisdom lately. I suppose I can say.. Don't sweat the small stuff! As a girl, I have a horrible habit of analyzing and over analyzing everything that happens in my life. For example: Tonight, I was at Hairy Ben's house and we were watching Lost... and he kept putting his hand down by his side. And I analyzed that. Really now? He just casually put his hand down there and my brain said to me, "Is he wanting to hold your hand? Maybe he's just actually casually resting his hand there.. but he's GOT to realize that's what he supposed to do when he wants to hold hands. But he's crazy! We haven't even gone on a date yet. I'm not a floosy! I will not hold hands until he takes me on a date. But I kinda want to.. I'll put my hand down there too.. oh wait, he moved it. Okay it was casual... I'll put my hand back up. Awkward. Oh wait.. he put his back down. Maybe he's all weirded out now. Awkward. I'll shift positions so we can BOTH put our hands down without it being awkward... nope still awkward." .... and so on and so forth. How freaking weird am I for thinking all that stuff. And even if I was justified for feeling weird and a tad stressed (hahahahaha) it's not that big of a deal. Even if Hairy Ben had tried to hold my hand, it wouldn't mean he wanted to marry me or anything. In Relief Society today they recapped a lesson they had last week on dating. The bishop talked to both the women and the men for the 5th Sunday and one of the points that was reviewed was what I'm talking about. The bishop told the girls to remind themselves, "It's just a date!" And this is where I get back to my original point... one girl raised her hand and said she and her roommate had applied that to a lot of things in their lives. "It's just a date" "It's just a phone call" "It's just a burnt dinner" "It's just a bad test grade" We don't have to make mountains out of mole holes. Just as long as we put our trust in Heavenly Father (just take a look at yourself, that should be proof enough that He KNOWS what He's doing... genius) everything will work out for our best. It may not be what we thought we wanted.. but in the end.. it'll be perfect. The end. :)
Friday, June 4, 2010
I was taking a little nap today after doing yardwork... I was cuddling with the puppy. When I woke up I proceeded to do the inevitable... rub that adorable belly she has. When I started thinking.... what if humans were built more like dogs. And when I say that, I mean what if humans had boobs that went alllll the way down their stomach.
Then I laughed HARD for about 5 minutes.
Sometimes I just think funny thoughts.
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About Me

- Annie Citrine
- Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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