I'm in Thatcher.
I've eaten so much.
So much deliciousness.
I've laughed so much.
My family is awesome.
Richard came too, of course.
I like him.
He basically rocks my world.
He's so good.
And so good to me.
But he had to go home tonight.
But I'm going to have a lovely Christmas, I can tell.
Well, that's about it.
Just thought I'd check in.
Hope you're all having a wonderful Christmas!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Yes, I'm posting again.
I had tithing settlement tonight.
And my bishop rocks.
He is truly inspired.
After he checked if I had a full tithe he asked for a goal I want to work on for the coming year.
One of them was to read a conference talk at least once a week.
And he said he sometimes has a hard time reading them so he just downloads them and listens to them on CD in his car!
And he had some old conference CDs that he just gave me.
I was so happy.
I got the October 2007 sessions.
I popped the first one in as soon as I got in my car
and the first thing I heard was President Gordon B. Hinckley's voice.
I was surprised by the instant tears that welled up in my eyes.
I had to blink them away so I could see to drive.
I had somehow forgotten how much I love the prophet that I grew up with.
He truly was a great man.
The night my family found out President Hinckley died is very vivid in my mind.
We got the news from a friend on the phone.
I was on the computer when Dad came in and told me.
I was sad.
It was surreal.
Gordon B. Hinckley had been the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints since I was 3.
He was the only prophet I knew.
I didn't cry though.
I wasn't even very sad, only because he was so old and he'd lived such an amazing life.
We gathered our little family together.
Dad, Mom, Kelene, and I sat around the table for our own little memorial service of sorts.
We started off singing
"We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet"
but we didn't finish.
Within the first few bars we all had tears in our eyes.
We sat around the table.
Tears streaming down.
Loving our prophet.
He was a good man.
He was a jokester.
He had a crack in his old man voice which was one of my favorite things about him.
He always had the best stories.
He accomplished so much for the Church.
He loved his wife dearly.
He was truly a prophet of God.
Although I miss President Hinckley, I also very firmly sustain the new Prophet, Thomas S. Monson. I have a personal testimony that he is the Lord's prophet on the earth today and he loves us and gives us guidance directly from our Father in heaven.
I am so thankful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I am thankful for my Savior and His example.
I am thankful for a loving, caring Heavenly Father.
And I am thankful for living prophets to point us in the way Christ would have us go.
The end.
You see, Arizona is a desert.
Meaning we only get a few inches of rain a year.
Meaning we only get rainbows a few times a year.
So instead I must borrow rainbows from other places.
Like here:
and here:
Don't they just make you happy?
Yeah... they're kind of amazing.
Hey thanks, Heavenly Father.
Yesterday was a fabulous day.
You all must be getting so bored with how happy I am all the time.
Sorry to disappoint.
I could make up some drama for you.
Something exciting to read.
But I'm too busy being absolutely content that I just don't want to waste the time.
Not that I don't waste time.
I'm just lying in bed because it's warm here.
And soft and lovely.
I've finished my facebook and blog stalking for the day.
And now I'm just lying here.
Being happy.
Do you ever take the time to just
Just lay on your back and look at the ceiling,
or the sky,
or a tree,
(take your pick, really, God's given us many choices).
And just think about all the things that make your life wonderful,
and beautiful,
and happy,
and worth living.
It's easy.
And perfect.
I'll show you.
I get to feel the sun almost every single day.
On the days that have wind I feel like I could fly.
I think that's maybe why God made windy days... just so we could taste a little what it is to be a bird with the air all around us moving.
I even like those embarrassing Marilyn Monroe moments when my skirt flies up because I feel like a movie, even when no one else is around.
It's Christmas time. Everyone's jolly and everything's festive.
The twinkle lights are my favorite.
And Richard loves them too.
I get to go to church today.
I need it. I always need church.
I love that I can feel my Savior's love whenever I need it.
Especially when I need it.
Even when I feel I don't need it right then.
Or I forget about it.
He reminds me in the little things.
I bet the Savior makes the best husband.
Because he's so into the details! :)
Hot cocoa and scarves are wonderful inventions, aren't they?
One makes you warm on the inside and the other the outside.
And now I have to get ready for church.
I love getting dressed up and pretty.
It's like I'm telling life,
"Alright, I'm ready for you today, let's be lovely together."
Now you try!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Dear life,
You seriously rock my socks.
Love, Your Favorite
Dear institute formal,
Thank you for such a lovely time last night! Your food was delish and your decorations and music combined with Richard's and my cheesiness made me feel like I was in an 80's movie. A super duper awesome 80's movie. Which is something I love. So thanks.
Love, Me
Dear Richard,
Your dance moves simply slay me, darling. And so does that vest. And your bowtie. Oh yeah, and your face.
Love, Me
Dear pretty purple dress,
Thank you for looking lovely on me last night! ... unlike a certain PROM DRESS that wouldn't fit and will go unnamed. People liked you. Even other girls dates liked you. That made me laugh and then feel bad. But also pretty. What I'm trying to say is you rocked it, pretty purple dress!
Love, Me
Dear room,
I promise I will clean you today. Nasty dishes pile and all. Although, quite franky, I'm a little scared to open those tupperware containers...
Love, Me
Dear Goodwill,
I hope to visit you and find some deals that will make me say, "Hot dog!"
Love, Me
Dear Christmas,
Thank you for making December so very happy.
Love, Me
Dear Me,
That fact that you're so happy makes me so happy. Just keep it up.
Love, Me
You seriously rock my socks.
Love, Your Favorite
Dear institute formal,
Thank you for such a lovely time last night! Your food was delish and your decorations and music combined with Richard's and my cheesiness made me feel like I was in an 80's movie. A super duper awesome 80's movie. Which is something I love. So thanks.
Love, Me
Dear Richard,
Your dance moves simply slay me, darling. And so does that vest. And your bowtie. Oh yeah, and your face.
Love, Me
Dear pretty purple dress,
Thank you for looking lovely on me last night! ... unlike a certain PROM DRESS that wouldn't fit and will go unnamed. People liked you. Even other girls dates liked you. That made me laugh and then feel bad. But also pretty. What I'm trying to say is you rocked it, pretty purple dress!
Love, Me
Dear room,
I promise I will clean you today. Nasty dishes pile and all. Although, quite franky, I'm a little scared to open those tupperware containers...
Love, Me
Dear Goodwill,
I hope to visit you and find some deals that will make me say, "Hot dog!"
Love, Me
Dear Christmas,
Thank you for making December so very happy.
Love, Me
Dear Me,
That fact that you're so happy makes me so happy. Just keep it up.
Love, Me
Friday, December 3, 2010
Also I learned another song.
I posted it on facebook already.. but for those of you nonfacebookers.. here you go! :)
I may or may not have been inspired by my last post with this song at the end.
It's just so good!
I may or may not have been inspired by my last post with this song at the end.
It's just so good!
Yesterday was a funny day.
I woke up NOT wanting to be awake, but what can ya do when you have school?
Wake up.
That's what you do!
So there I was at school.
Sleepy and bored.
I wish I was better at public speaking.
Something to put on my to do list.
Then I wrote a missionary letter to my favorite brother in South Africa!
Which I still need to send off.. along with the ones to Nebraska and Romania.
Good heavens.
Then I got to see my lovely.
That's always happy.
I went to Sweet Cakes with Addi, dear.
That was lovely until they didn't have any soup.
I've never been so disappointed at mealtime.
But I got a cookie to make up for it.
They really do have the best cookies!
Shopping on Main Street is always splendid!
And so is finding great jeans that the boyfriend loves for only 20 dolla.
Addi time is always fun.
Then Richard taught me how to not suck at pool so badly.
And it's hard to see where the ball is when your glasses are in the way.
Good gracious.
And happiness.
Then a nap.
Any fabulous day needs a nap.
In my opinion.
Then I ran out of gas on the freeway.
Thank you Andrea for saving me.
I really should feed my car more, let's be honest.
Also I'm a doofus but at least I know it!
Then Skyline with Richard.
That movie was silly.
But he liked it and I like him.
Then conspiracies about the White House and Masons on TV
and snuggles.
And kisses.
And falling asleep.
And waking up to be happy to see each other.
P.S. I adore her hair.
Think I could pull it off?
HA! Just kidding.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I seriously love this.
It will probably wear off in a while.
But the guitar is so fun!
Thank you Michael for having guitars around the house.
Thank you internet for having easy songs to learn.
Thank you fingers for not falling off yet even though I've been abusing you.
Here's my latest!
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About Me

- Annie Citrine
- Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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