Okay, so this is in no particular order really of how favorite it is exactly. And these are just the pictures I had on my laptop.. there are so many other FANTASTIC memories that I have stored elsewhere in photos. But here you go. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
Alrighty, I thought I'd start off with my favorite picture of myself.. which is incredibly vain, I know. But I really think it just perfectly captures who I am... and I just feel so content in this picture. :)

This is my bestest friend ever and I love her dearly. And the week I spent with her in Boise was absolutely awesome!! So many memories and firsts and things that I love to remember!! This picture always makes me think of all those things. Thus, it is a favorite. :)

Okay I love this one, first and foremost because it shows all the craziness that Raegan Elmer and I get into!! love it!! hahaha And also it shows how freaking hot I would be as a boy I could even get babes that were taller than me.

Favorite because it is a picture of me and Andres Squire who I love so very very dearly and who basically saved my life while I was in Peoria. And also because it was here that I learned that it was Satan who was telling me to hate my pink cheeks that PERFECTLY matched my pink shirt.. and that I can say, "BACK OFF, SATAN! At least I HAVE a face! Booyah!"

One of my fondest memories of getting food poisoning for the first time. At least I didn't pay for it... haha. Also Ben Drake is a stud. All this together = favorite.

Hahahaha! This one always makes me laugh. Ready? So for winter formal we went on a picture scavenger hunt... this guy thought we were taking a picture of him because he had red hair.. NOPE. It was because we thought he looked like he could work at McDonalds. I know, terrible. But.. hilarious!!

Right before senior year choir trip. Most of my favorite memories from senior year come from choir and I LOVED finally being in Mr. Harris' choir! And I loved the people in choir!! Automatic favorite. :)
Me and Steph are so hot. and gangster. The whole composition of this photograph is just fabulous. Love it.
Self Explanatory. I had the best roommates ever.

I got to kiss Dustin Harper on the cheek. Enough said. BUT if that weren't enough my hair is absolutely luscious in this picture. Favorite.
Uhm yeah, I will never be able to do this with my face ever ever again. I'm glad it was caught on camera.

Favorite because NO ONE is looking at the camera... except maybe Kelene who's not supposed to be there. haha

Even though I look like a ho in this picture... it's still a favorite just because of the little curlies in my hair. Love them. The end.
Yeah, basically I love all of these people mucho grande. And we are all glowing in this picture.. that was a great family campout! :) FAVORITE.
These babies were the best pair of shoes I ever owned... I had to retire them up at BYU-Idaho though... the snow was the end of them. :( Stupid snow. Grrr.

Uhm. Yeah, this is pretty obvious why it's a favorite.

I couldn't decide which one I loved more.. so I just put both from this wonderful night with Lexi Jones. Bahaha we are so freaking funny.
This is a favorite mostly because of the extreme awkwardness created by the perfect angle on the old people legs behind us.. this was completely unintentional but our faces match the scenario perfectly. Awesome.
This is a really awful picture of both me and Kyli... however I still absolutely adore it. I think it sums us up pretty well.

Basically the reason this is a favorite is Jade's face. We all look like we're pretending to be scared except Jade.. she really look legitimately terrified, excellent work.
Okay, this one I love because... well look at it. That coat is a freaking sleeping bag with a hood. Coolest thing ever? Why, yes. Yes it is.
The end!!
And my words of wisdom for the day: fake it til you make it really does work most of the time! If you're having a TERRIBLE day.. but you fake like you're having a great one... chances are, it will turn into a great day just because. :)
So funny story. Remember me... From EFY... you came to my reception... Ring any bells? You are too cute for words. I was just on my guilty pleasure website (Mormon Bachelor Pad, of course!) and totally saw that you left a comment. I was all, what the what? YAY! So glad you have blog! We can be blog friends.
Yaay!! Emily!! Of course I remember you! I need more blog buddies, oh I'm so pleased. :) I will definitely check out your blog as well.
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