this is basically an "I like" post... but "I'm grateful for" instead.
I'm grateful for Jesus Christ and His sacrifice. I'm grateful for the true gospel in my life. I'm grateful for my knowledge of the plan of salvation. I'm grateful for my patriarchal blessing. I'm grateful for the scriptures, especially The Book of Mormon. I'm grateful for prayer. I'm grateful for church leaders. I'm grateful for the Gift of the Holy Ghost. I'm grateful for living prophets who receive revelation for the people of God.
I'm grateful for my love of music. I'm grateful for my talent of singing. I'm grateful that I enjoy playing the piano. I'm grateful for my ability on the cello. I'm grateful for the good books in the world that I love reading. I'm grateful for my ability to express myself through words. I'm grateful for language and communication. I'm grateful for things that entertain me. I'm grateful for things and people and events that humble me. (heaven knows I need it!)
I'm grateful for my wonderful family. I'm grateful for my amazing friends. I'm grateful for my teachers. I'm grateful for all the people in my life that push me to do better and encourage me to stand taller and help pull me up to higher ground. I'm grateful for learning new things and understanding. I'm grateful for the struggle. I'm grateful for the accomplishments. I'm grateful for people that are better than me and their examples.
I'm grateful for love. I'm grateful for happiness and joy. I'm grateful for the warm fuzzies. I'm grateful for peace. I'm grateful for laughter and smiling. I'm grateful for sadness and anger. I'm grateful for determination to be better. I'm grateful for emotions that make life worth living.
I'm grateful for stretching when I first wake up and all my muscles feel alive and wonderful. I'm grateful for a good solid blush when I'm embarrassed. I'm grateful for the feeling I get when I run as fast as I can. I'm grateful for yoga and balance. I'm grateful for dancing and feeling music in your chest. I'm grateful for my hair.
I'm grateful for seeing. I'm grateful for hearing. I'm grateful for smelling. I'm grateful for tasting. I'm grateful for feeling.
I'm grateful for you!
What are you grateful for?
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Mailbag! Holla.
Dear laptop,
I'm glad Andrea bought you. It feels absolutely fabulous to by blogging on a lappy again! You are kinda weird a square and I miss Penelope dearly.. but you'll do for now. :)
Love, Me
Dear Me,
You should accomplish more. You're being kinda lazy.. not gonna lie to you.
Love, Me.
Dear Thatcher,
I'm freaking stoked to visit you!! Holy Hannah. I need this vacation. likeWOAH. And Jon's coming! And maybe Kendra and maybe Lexi and maybe Jason!
Love, Me.
Dear Jason,
I'm glad we're legitly friends now. I'm probably (okay definitely) more excited about this than I should be. But it's like finally being friends with your best friend's older brother, yeah? hahahaha don't worry, I'm just weird.
Love, Me.
Dear School,
Please slow down. Actually, you're doing okay. This should be addressed to me again. I'm just lazy. Sorry for bothering you.
Love, Me.
Dear Itch On My Butt,
I totally would have scratched you as inconspicuously as possible when I FIRST felt you walking to institute... but there was a super hot guy walking behind me. Yes, it was uncomfortable... but come on. He was hot. Terribly sorry. At least I got you later. It was intense there for a while, promise it won't happen again.
Love, Me.
Dear One-Sideburned Boy,
When I saw you at school today... you basically changed my life. Totally opened my eyes to new possibilities. likeWOAH.
Love, Me.
Dear Glee,
You were freaking weird and uncomfortable tonight. Holy Hannah.
Love, Me.
Dear Bed,
I want you so bad right now. Here I come, baby!
Love, Me.
I'm glad Andrea bought you. It feels absolutely fabulous to by blogging on a lappy again! You are kinda weird a square and I miss Penelope dearly.. but you'll do for now. :)
Love, Me
Dear Me,
You should accomplish more. You're being kinda lazy.. not gonna lie to you.
Love, Me.
Dear Thatcher,
I'm freaking stoked to visit you!! Holy Hannah. I need this vacation. likeWOAH. And Jon's coming! And maybe Kendra and maybe Lexi and maybe Jason!
Love, Me.
Dear Jason,
I'm glad we're legitly friends now. I'm probably (okay definitely) more excited about this than I should be. But it's like finally being friends with your best friend's older brother, yeah? hahahaha don't worry, I'm just weird.
Love, Me.
Dear School,
Please slow down. Actually, you're doing okay. This should be addressed to me again. I'm just lazy. Sorry for bothering you.
Love, Me.
Dear Itch On My Butt,
I totally would have scratched you as inconspicuously as possible when I FIRST felt you walking to institute... but there was a super hot guy walking behind me. Yes, it was uncomfortable... but come on. He was hot. Terribly sorry. At least I got you later. It was intense there for a while, promise it won't happen again.
Love, Me.
Dear One-Sideburned Boy,
When I saw you at school today... you basically changed my life. Totally opened my eyes to new possibilities. likeWOAH.
Love, Me.
Dear Glee,
You were freaking weird and uncomfortable tonight. Holy Hannah.
Love, Me.
Dear Bed,
I want you so bad right now. Here I come, baby!
Love, Me.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Reason gabajillion why I love living with my Auntie Andrea & Co.:
She buys me these awesomespice socks at Costco because all of mine have holes in them. She even got me all different colors because she knew my love of mismatching. :)

Also, I get to witness things like this:

Basically Jake has about 8 projects due TOMORROW... that he put off until about 10 tonight.

The joys of children, right Andrea? :D bahahaha

One of the projects that has yet to even start as I type this at 11:44 pm. 31 note cards that need to be filled. :) Seriously. Being a mom is going to be HILARIOUS! I'm pretty stoked for it.

And all this procrastinating led me to remember my own ULTIMATE procrastination story. :) I feel like I might have told this story before on my blog..? But I can't remember so I'm gonna go ahead anyway!
So my Freshman year in high school I took Biology... and my teacher was the devil. Almost literally. No one liked him, poor guy. Anyway, he gave us the assignment to get involved in the community and provided a list of about 20 things we could choose from to do. They ranged from having absolutely nothing to do with the community to spending a lot of money to buy stuff that sort of helped the community.
Well... I really didn't want to do it.. and when I don't want to do things, I just don't deal with it. At all. I put it off and just kind of ignore it hoping it will go away somehow. It's stupid, I know and I've gotten better at NOT doing it.. but I still do it sometimes.. haha. ANYWAY, I put it off until the late Saturday night before it was due on Monday. I went in to talk to my Mommy... and told her my dilemma. ...of course she was majorly exasperated. HA! And we decided the only project I could feasibly finish by Monday was to get five trees and plant them in the community and take pictures documenting the process.
SO the next morning Mom drove me up to Flagstaff and we parked in the woods.... and dug up 5 baby pine trees.... and took pictures of me trying to replant them about 20 ft from where they started. And we had a BLAST doing it. And felt very guilty for ditching church and digging up these perfectly healthy baby trees and (almost certainly) unsuccessfully relocating them. In hindsight we probably could have just dug up ONE baby tree and just posed with it differently... so then we would only kill one tree... instead of five. It was probably me and my mom who pulled the last straw in that whole "global warming" thing. Yup, we're going straight to hell.
My mom did the pictures at a one hour photo and got me the photos about 2 minutes before the class started.
Basically I rocked the assignment... but still only got a B because some other girl also did the assignment and made a freaking scrapbook about her boring typical experience for real planting trees. PSHH.
Basically I have the best mom EVER and that's one of my all time favorite memories.
Basically I killed 5 trees for a Biology assignment one time.
Basically my life is legit.
Love it.
Goodnight, dearies. :)
She buys me these awesomespice socks at Costco because all of mine have holes in them. She even got me all different colors because she knew my love of mismatching. :)
Also, I get to witness things like this:
Basically Jake has about 8 projects due TOMORROW... that he put off until about 10 tonight.
The joys of children, right Andrea? :D bahahaha
One of the projects that has yet to even start as I type this at 11:44 pm. 31 note cards that need to be filled. :) Seriously. Being a mom is going to be HILARIOUS! I'm pretty stoked for it.
And all this procrastinating led me to remember my own ULTIMATE procrastination story. :) I feel like I might have told this story before on my blog..? But I can't remember so I'm gonna go ahead anyway!
So my Freshman year in high school I took Biology... and my teacher was the devil. Almost literally. No one liked him, poor guy. Anyway, he gave us the assignment to get involved in the community and provided a list of about 20 things we could choose from to do. They ranged from having absolutely nothing to do with the community to spending a lot of money to buy stuff that sort of helped the community.
Well... I really didn't want to do it.. and when I don't want to do things, I just don't deal with it. At all. I put it off and just kind of ignore it hoping it will go away somehow. It's stupid, I know and I've gotten better at NOT doing it.. but I still do it sometimes.. haha. ANYWAY, I put it off until the late Saturday night before it was due on Monday. I went in to talk to my Mommy... and told her my dilemma. ...of course she was majorly exasperated. HA! And we decided the only project I could feasibly finish by Monday was to get five trees and plant them in the community and take pictures documenting the process.
SO the next morning Mom drove me up to Flagstaff and we parked in the woods.... and dug up 5 baby pine trees.... and took pictures of me trying to replant them about 20 ft from where they started. And we had a BLAST doing it. And felt very guilty for ditching church and digging up these perfectly healthy baby trees and (almost certainly) unsuccessfully relocating them. In hindsight we probably could have just dug up ONE baby tree and just posed with it differently... so then we would only kill one tree... instead of five. It was probably me and my mom who pulled the last straw in that whole "global warming" thing. Yup, we're going straight to hell.
My mom did the pictures at a one hour photo and got me the photos about 2 minutes before the class started.
Basically I rocked the assignment... but still only got a B because some other girl also did the assignment and made a freaking scrapbook about her boring typical experience for real planting trees. PSHH.
Basically I have the best mom EVER and that's one of my all time favorite memories.
Basically I killed 5 trees for a Biology assignment one time.
Basically my life is legit.
Love it.
Goodnight, dearies. :)
Friday, September 24, 2010
So I just got a call from Haley Mills who I LOVE a RIDIC amount. For serious.
And she said she was facebook stalking me and was trying to find out info about my latest lover interest because her new bestie knew him! So basically she was getting the stats. And THEN she asked which one he is on my blog.... and I realized I haven't blogged about him! And since I am wide awake from jogging in place while watching The Nanny, I thought I'd remedy the situation. :)
Okay I'll start off with my list of boys:
DREAMY DAVE: He will forever be at the top of my list. (At least as long as I know him...) If he would dump his gorgeous and adorable and smart and successful girlfriend (who I know.... awkwardly enough) I would SO so so date him. Even if he wanted random make out booty calls.. I'd so be down. It would be like making out with a mix of Gerard Butler and Hugh Jackman. Holy Hannah. likeWOAH.
TURTLE WAX: He will no longer be mentioned in this list. I will not ever ever have anything else to say about him unless he tries to lip rape one of my friends or something.
CHOCOLATY GOODNESS: We will be institute buddies. I really am very sad we won't ACTUALLY be best friends. He's freakin hilar. And black. And awesome. And trendy. It's the best. But I really am too busy with my other potential loverrrr boys to deal. Sorry, love.
PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR GUY: Yeah, this one's floundering too. He's still super attractive and all smart and nice and everything... but yeah. I don't think it's going anywhere. But he's still my fav part of that class. HA!
JON: My bes fraaannnnn. :D He makes me happy. He sends me happy texts to make me happy and gives me happy hugs and makes jello and watches Glee with me. LIKE.
JON'S ROOMMATES: I think my favorite of Jon's roommates is.... his brother Jason. He let me borrow his laptop.. and he always gives me giant otter pop things when I'm there. And he always tells me very interesting law stories because he's in law school and distracts me from doing my homework on his laptop. And we basically bonded hardcore when we drove back from St. Johns that one weekend and Jonny Boy slept in the back seat. And he has the best dog ever, Leon. I love that furry guy. :)
THE CREEPER: Is also not one of my boys anymore... seeing as how I can't date him and all.. but we made out. haha Weird. So I probably won't include him in my list anymore either.. sorry bud. We're still friends though! :)
ANNNNNDDDDD Drum roll please! Our newest member of "The List"
THE JOLLY BLONDE GIANT: So named because all three of those adjectives apply to him. He is very jolly. He is very blonde. And he is freaking 6'5". Yes, that is a foot taller than me. No, this is not a problem. Yes, I've dated someone this tall before. And yes, I love it mucho grande. :) The Jolly Blonde Giant is my main lover interest currently. He's kinda weird... and awkward. hahaha but it works. I'm really weird and awkward too...
Anyway, he kissed me.
Yeah, I know.
What just happened?
Don't worry, that's what I thought.
Okay, ready for this story?
So he came over last night after I got out of class and we went for a little walk because it is SO SO nice outside right now!! I like it. And when I say like, I mean LOVE. And then we watched Ferris Bueler's Day Off.. possibly one of the best movies ever ever ever made ever. And we cuddled a little. And he took charge of everything.. which I liked, actually. And then he had to go home and I walked him out. And we hugged. And I went to go pull away and then he was kissing me. Whaaa? Yeah. First time ever that I didn't realize when someone was going to kiss me. I always know. But I didn't. HA! And... well... he's a little... inexperienced. hahahaha I mean, it wasn't TERRIBLE.... but it def wasn't that best I've had. But I have to cut him some slack since he's only ever kissed one other girl.. and that was his first girlfriend a month ago. And she was the most Molly Mormon girl ever. Like, she'll be a prophet's wife or something. AND he was very nervous.
So basically it'll be fun teaching him my mad kissing skills. ;)
I'm just saying.
And she said she was facebook stalking me and was trying to find out info about my latest lover interest because her new bestie knew him! So basically she was getting the stats. And THEN she asked which one he is on my blog.... and I realized I haven't blogged about him! And since I am wide awake from jogging in place while watching The Nanny, I thought I'd remedy the situation. :)
Okay I'll start off with my list of boys:
DREAMY DAVE: He will forever be at the top of my list. (At least as long as I know him...) If he would dump his gorgeous and adorable and smart and successful girlfriend (who I know.... awkwardly enough) I would SO so so date him. Even if he wanted random make out booty calls.. I'd so be down. It would be like making out with a mix of Gerard Butler and Hugh Jackman. Holy Hannah. likeWOAH.
TURTLE WAX: He will no longer be mentioned in this list. I will not ever ever have anything else to say about him unless he tries to lip rape one of my friends or something.
CHOCOLATY GOODNESS: We will be institute buddies. I really am very sad we won't ACTUALLY be best friends. He's freakin hilar. And black. And awesome. And trendy. It's the best. But I really am too busy with my other potential loverrrr boys to deal. Sorry, love.
PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR GUY: Yeah, this one's floundering too. He's still super attractive and all smart and nice and everything... but yeah. I don't think it's going anywhere. But he's still my fav part of that class. HA!
JON: My bes fraaannnnn. :D He makes me happy. He sends me happy texts to make me happy and gives me happy hugs and makes jello and watches Glee with me. LIKE.
JON'S ROOMMATES: I think my favorite of Jon's roommates is.... his brother Jason. He let me borrow his laptop.. and he always gives me giant otter pop things when I'm there. And he always tells me very interesting law stories because he's in law school and distracts me from doing my homework on his laptop. And we basically bonded hardcore when we drove back from St. Johns that one weekend and Jonny Boy slept in the back seat. And he has the best dog ever, Leon. I love that furry guy. :)
THE CREEPER: Is also not one of my boys anymore... seeing as how I can't date him and all.. but we made out. haha Weird. So I probably won't include him in my list anymore either.. sorry bud. We're still friends though! :)
ANNNNNDDDDD Drum roll please! Our newest member of "The List"
THE JOLLY BLONDE GIANT: So named because all three of those adjectives apply to him. He is very jolly. He is very blonde. And he is freaking 6'5". Yes, that is a foot taller than me. No, this is not a problem. Yes, I've dated someone this tall before. And yes, I love it mucho grande. :) The Jolly Blonde Giant is my main lover interest currently. He's kinda weird... and awkward. hahaha but it works. I'm really weird and awkward too...
Anyway, he kissed me.
Yeah, I know.
What just happened?
Don't worry, that's what I thought.
Okay, ready for this story?
So he came over last night after I got out of class and we went for a little walk because it is SO SO nice outside right now!! I like it. And when I say like, I mean LOVE. And then we watched Ferris Bueler's Day Off.. possibly one of the best movies ever ever ever made ever. And we cuddled a little. And he took charge of everything.. which I liked, actually. And then he had to go home and I walked him out. And we hugged. And I went to go pull away and then he was kissing me. Whaaa? Yeah. First time ever that I didn't realize when someone was going to kiss me. I always know. But I didn't. HA! And... well... he's a little... inexperienced. hahahaha I mean, it wasn't TERRIBLE.... but it def wasn't that best I've had. But I have to cut him some slack since he's only ever kissed one other girl.. and that was his first girlfriend a month ago. And she was the most Molly Mormon girl ever. Like, she'll be a prophet's wife or something. AND he was very nervous.
So basically it'll be fun teaching him my mad kissing skills. ;)
I'm just saying.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
This is awesome and you should watch it.
I'm sorry I haven't been posting. I still love you all. And I'm still self absorbed. And there are still tons of HAPPENING things going on in my life and I should really record it all.... BUT my laptop is currently not charging... which means there's something wrong with it or the cord... which is not appreciated. But whatev, ya know? At least I'm not spending so much time on facebook!! ... but I'm also not spending so much time doing homework... or blogging (obvi).
SO moral of the story: I will blog again regularly when my computer is not being dumbface. For now: watch this awesomespice skit. Seriously, it's so awesome.
Peoplebumps all over the body awesome.
Enjoy! :)
SO moral of the story: I will blog again regularly when my computer is not being dumbface. For now: watch this awesomespice skit. Seriously, it's so awesome.
Peoplebumps all over the body awesome.
Enjoy! :)
Saturday, September 18, 2010
For Shawna!! (and the missionary she wants me to marry)
Allllrighty. So my Auntie Shawna has this missionary that she SWEARS is absolutely perfect for me. Perfect. And she told me to write him a letter... so I did! And then he wrote me one back with pictures and a happy birthday note! So cute. :)

... and then I meant to write him back....
.. and I meant to. and I kept forgetting....
... and THEN finally Shawna kept getting mad at me because I hadn't sent one yet!! I felt terrible. ..

... and THEN she called and told me that his brand new greenie companion had just gotten a care package from his girlfriend back home and it was making Elder Perfect awfully trunky. So I decided to send him a care package! My first ever package to a missionary... and I haven't even met him! haha. I think I did okay. :) In my letter I explained the contents of this lovely package and I will just copy my explanation from that here for you. :)
One awesomespice letter

One pack of the coolest gum ever. For serious.

One seriously BA ninja mask. I almost kept this for myself... but I'm sure you'll find better uses for it. Make me proud, baby.

One truck. Shawna said you were a truck driving man. Hot.

One army man. I call him "gun furiously over the head guy" ... but my friend just said he was wading through water and didn't want to get his gun wet. I prefer my story.

One Tim McGraw Silver sample smell that I got from work. Shawna said you grew up on a ranch. I imagine you smell like this. (p.s. I sprayed the letter with what I smell like :D

(my smell)

Four pieces of delish candy. I tried to find moonpies for you... but no luck. Sorry, dear.

One senior picture.

One random mix cd.

One copy of Rob Gardner's "Joseph Smith: The Prophet"

Pretty good, yeah?? :) I thought so. I hope he likes! I added a bunch of other stuff about me and other funsie things in the letter as well. :)
SO I was feeling super happy and accomplished so I went to the Post Office to mail it!!

... but they were closed already. :(

... but I'll send it on Monday! What can ya do?
... and then I meant to write him back....
.. and I meant to. and I kept forgetting....
... and THEN finally Shawna kept getting mad at me because I hadn't sent one yet!! I felt terrible. ..
... and THEN she called and told me that his brand new greenie companion had just gotten a care package from his girlfriend back home and it was making Elder Perfect awfully trunky. So I decided to send him a care package! My first ever package to a missionary... and I haven't even met him! haha. I think I did okay. :) In my letter I explained the contents of this lovely package and I will just copy my explanation from that here for you. :)
One awesomespice letter
One pack of the coolest gum ever. For serious.
One seriously BA ninja mask. I almost kept this for myself... but I'm sure you'll find better uses for it. Make me proud, baby.
One truck. Shawna said you were a truck driving man. Hot.
One army man. I call him "gun furiously over the head guy" ... but my friend just said he was wading through water and didn't want to get his gun wet. I prefer my story.
One Tim McGraw Silver sample smell that I got from work. Shawna said you grew up on a ranch. I imagine you smell like this. (p.s. I sprayed the letter with what I smell like :D
(my smell)
Four pieces of delish candy. I tried to find moonpies for you... but no luck. Sorry, dear.
One senior picture.
One random mix cd.
One copy of Rob Gardner's "Joseph Smith: The Prophet"
Pretty good, yeah?? :) I thought so. I hope he likes! I added a bunch of other stuff about me and other funsie things in the letter as well. :)
SO I was feeling super happy and accomplished so I went to the Post Office to mail it!!
... but they were closed already. :(
... but I'll send it on Monday! What can ya do?
Friday, September 17, 2010
My "List"
So I mentioned the list that Turtle Wax keeps of all the (over a hundred) girls that he has kissed. He also recorded what he DID, the minimum being a kiss, with them. CREEEEPPYYYYY!
So naturally I decided to make my own list. Because I couldn't remember. I will NOT go into detail. But I'll share a memory from each. Because it's awkward and weird and welcome to my life. No names will be used. Although you will recognize some of them.... if you have been stalking my blog for any amount of time.
1. THE LITTLE ONE. Seriously. This dude was very little. Short and skinny as heck. He was my first kiss... and I really don't like to count it... but everyone says I have to. The Setting: We were on a school bus... on the way back from an orchestra festival.. at night... and all the cool kids were in the back of the bus and were playing truth or dare... and someone dared him to kiss me. So he did. He also kissed the next girl someone dared him to kiss. BASICALLY the lamest/best first kiss ever. Depends on how you look at it. I was 13. (Okay, mostly lamest. Whatev, man.)
2. THE DOG. Weird nickname? Yes. Appropriate? Yes. Not because of his personality.. but more because I imagine kissing him was a lot like kissing a canine creature: toothy and slobbery. The Dog was the first person I ever made out with... and he was only my second kiss. I was NOT expecting it at all. And it was GROSS. It felt like he was gnawing on my face and had overactive salivary glands. ALMOST turned me off to kissing altogether. AND we got caught by my best friends mom. That was awkward. But such a relief!
3. BOYFRIEND. Yeah, this was my first real boyfriend. And he was fanfreakingtastic. I really really liked kissing him. A lot. Most memorable thing? I got my first and LAST hickey form this one. It was the size of TEXAS and hurt like the devil. Good times. :) HA!
4. THE AWKWARD TRIANGLE. Named because I decided to try friends with benefits. Bad idea. I started liking him... only to find out he was in love with my best friend. That was awesome. But he was a pretty decent kisser. Especially since I was his first for realsies kiss. Props, man.
5. INTERNET BOYFRIEND. We weren't actually dating... haha but we did chat on facebook a lot. And when I went up to Salt Lake for conference.... we made out. Hard core. It was hot. And I fogged up the windows in a car for the first time... but mostly only because it was snowing outside... haha which ALSO means I got my first kiss in the snow. :) It was lovely. And pretty dang good kissing.
6. MR. STALKER BANK MAN. Nothing good ever came from this boy. And he wasn't even that great of a kisser. Bleh. REGRET.
7. BLACK MAN LIPS. Most definitely the worst kisser. Well actually The Dog rivals him... but seriously. Bad. I really liked this one. We were really good friends before his mission... and even liked each other before he left. So when he got home.. we started dating. And we kissed for the first time... and it wasn't that great. But.. maybe he was just rusty from the mish, ya know? So I decided to give him another chance. BAD IDEA. It sorta felt like he was trying to eat my face and suffocate me with his tongue. And those big black man lips were RAPING mine. I just couldn't compete.. I was contributing nothing. And it was bad. P.S. He was white.. he just had black man lips. hahaha
8. HAIRY BEN. Best kisser I've had. Yup. Some came pretty DARN close... but I think he's still the best. haha and now we're best friends! :) I love my life. Seriously though. Our awkward upside down Spiderman first kiss is the BEST story that I have to offer. Seriously. You're jealous of our first kiss. It was HILARIOUS.
9. THE CREEPER. Great kisser. likeWOAH. I was surprised, honestly. Not because I expected him to not be good or anything... I just didn't expect to like it THAT much. haha too bad I can't date him because of my stupid freaking outness. Oh well, such is life.
Now I can move onto my next victim!!! BAHAHAHAHAHA! .... I have no idea who it is in the least... but it'll be fun. :)
So naturally I decided to make my own list. Because I couldn't remember. I will NOT go into detail. But I'll share a memory from each. Because it's awkward and weird and welcome to my life. No names will be used. Although you will recognize some of them.... if you have been stalking my blog for any amount of time.
1. THE LITTLE ONE. Seriously. This dude was very little. Short and skinny as heck. He was my first kiss... and I really don't like to count it... but everyone says I have to. The Setting: We were on a school bus... on the way back from an orchestra festival.. at night... and all the cool kids were in the back of the bus and were playing truth or dare... and someone dared him to kiss me. So he did. He also kissed the next girl someone dared him to kiss. BASICALLY the lamest/best first kiss ever. Depends on how you look at it. I was 13. (Okay, mostly lamest. Whatev, man.)
2. THE DOG. Weird nickname? Yes. Appropriate? Yes. Not because of his personality.. but more because I imagine kissing him was a lot like kissing a canine creature: toothy and slobbery. The Dog was the first person I ever made out with... and he was only my second kiss. I was NOT expecting it at all. And it was GROSS. It felt like he was gnawing on my face and had overactive salivary glands. ALMOST turned me off to kissing altogether. AND we got caught by my best friends mom. That was awkward. But such a relief!
3. BOYFRIEND. Yeah, this was my first real boyfriend. And he was fanfreakingtastic. I really really liked kissing him. A lot. Most memorable thing? I got my first and LAST hickey form this one. It was the size of TEXAS and hurt like the devil. Good times. :) HA!
4. THE AWKWARD TRIANGLE. Named because I decided to try friends with benefits. Bad idea. I started liking him... only to find out he was in love with my best friend. That was awesome. But he was a pretty decent kisser. Especially since I was his first for realsies kiss. Props, man.
5. INTERNET BOYFRIEND. We weren't actually dating... haha but we did chat on facebook a lot. And when I went up to Salt Lake for conference.... we made out. Hard core. It was hot. And I fogged up the windows in a car for the first time... but mostly only because it was snowing outside... haha which ALSO means I got my first kiss in the snow. :) It was lovely. And pretty dang good kissing.
6. MR. STALKER BANK MAN. Nothing good ever came from this boy. And he wasn't even that great of a kisser. Bleh. REGRET.
7. BLACK MAN LIPS. Most definitely the worst kisser. Well actually The Dog rivals him... but seriously. Bad. I really liked this one. We were really good friends before his mission... and even liked each other before he left. So when he got home.. we started dating. And we kissed for the first time... and it wasn't that great. But.. maybe he was just rusty from the mish, ya know? So I decided to give him another chance. BAD IDEA. It sorta felt like he was trying to eat my face and suffocate me with his tongue. And those big black man lips were RAPING mine. I just couldn't compete.. I was contributing nothing. And it was bad. P.S. He was white.. he just had black man lips. hahaha
8. HAIRY BEN. Best kisser I've had. Yup. Some came pretty DARN close... but I think he's still the best. haha and now we're best friends! :) I love my life. Seriously though. Our awkward upside down Spiderman first kiss is the BEST story that I have to offer. Seriously. You're jealous of our first kiss. It was HILARIOUS.
9. THE CREEPER. Great kisser. likeWOAH. I was surprised, honestly. Not because I expected him to not be good or anything... I just didn't expect to like it THAT much. haha too bad I can't date him because of my stupid freaking outness. Oh well, such is life.
Now I can move onto my next victim!!! BAHAHAHAHAHA! .... I have no idea who it is in the least... but it'll be fun. :)
Oh life.
Yeah, I kissed The Creeper. It was hot. So hot. hahahaha BUT then I freaked out hardcore. And I KNOW when I freak out... that means it's just not gonna happen. It's just not. I mean, I wanted it to. But it just can't. I can't be dating someone if I have these horrible moths in my stomach all the time. No bueno. So we'll be friends because he's all nice and fun. And I'll get a normal amount of sleep again woooohooo!
and I'm gonna do an "I like" post because I want/need it! :)
I like sleep. I like waking up and feeling wide awake and rested and happy. I like the peace the gospel brings to me. I like cheesy romantic comedies. I like chocolate. I like dressing up and doing my hair pretty. I love boots. I like giant slip n slides. I like singing. I like finding the perfect song for my mood. I like morning talk shows on the radio. I like laughing. I like making other people laugh. I like being funny. I like stretching. I like hair cuts. I like painting my nails. I like being a girl. I like shoes. I like brushing my teeth. I like typing things. I like livig with all my little cousins, they are so stinking cute. I like wriig missionary letters. I like boys. I like kissing boys. I like you! :)
Yeah, I kissed The Creeper. It was hot. So hot. hahahaha BUT then I freaked out hardcore. And I KNOW when I freak out... that means it's just not gonna happen. It's just not. I mean, I wanted it to. But it just can't. I can't be dating someone if I have these horrible moths in my stomach all the time. No bueno. So we'll be friends because he's all nice and fun. And I'll get a normal amount of sleep again woooohooo!
and I'm gonna do an "I like" post because I want/need it! :)
I like sleep. I like waking up and feeling wide awake and rested and happy. I like the peace the gospel brings to me. I like cheesy romantic comedies. I like chocolate. I like dressing up and doing my hair pretty. I love boots. I like giant slip n slides. I like singing. I like finding the perfect song for my mood. I like morning talk shows on the radio. I like laughing. I like making other people laugh. I like being funny. I like stretching. I like hair cuts. I like painting my nails. I like being a girl. I like shoes. I like brushing my teeth. I like typing things. I like livig with all my little cousins, they are so stinking cute. I like wriig missionary letters. I like boys. I like kissing boys. I like you! :)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I'm a dating machine!!
No seriously, likeWOAH! I am. Which is fabulous... because I love going on dates. And I love boys. The end. I've been on more dates in the past 2 weeks than I did the whole entire summer. Which is really sad and really awesome at the same time.
So here's the update on my boys.
Dreamy Dave: Holy Hannah. He still takes my breath away. I don't think that will ever change as long as I know him.
Turtle Wax: He tried talking to me on facebook. I was all "Whaaa?? I don't think so." But then he wouldn't leave me alone. And asked if we were even still friends because I just kept ignoring him. So finally I told him he just really creeped me out. And I don't feel bad even one bit. He is creepy as heck. And has a whole list of girls he has LIP RAPED (thanks mom for the term haha)! Seriously. Ew.
Chocolaty Goodness: He is still Chocolaty and he is still Good.... but I don't know if we're gonna stay BFF's. I think he liked me. Like maybe wanted to date me or something. I dunno. But I'm kind of busy. And he kept trying to hang out... but I was just busy. I can't be everywhere!!
Psychology Major Guy: He is very attractive to me. He will be my school crush. I love crushes! :)
Jon: I am so happy this boy is my bes fran. We haven't been able to see each other as much lately. Which is sadface. But whenever we DO see each other it is super duper happyface. :D I seriously I am so completely myself around him. He's the best.
Jon's roommates: Okay so for this one. Tim. He came up with this genius idea for Halloween costumes!! Tim will be Nacho Libre. Maralie (she's so awesomespice) will be Incarnacion. Jon will be Steven aka El Skeleto!! (if we can convince him to be half naked all night...). And I will be the super duper fat pink dress lady that loves Steven and wants his hot body. Basically the best idea ever. I'm stoked.
The Creeper: Ya. I like this one. He's basically awesome. And he likes me. Which is splendid. And he's smart and has a good job and is stable and reminds me to be spiritually minded when I forget and makes me laugh. So far everything's pretty good. The next test? Kissing. Which will occur tonight. HA! Because I can't very well DATE him if I don't like KISSING him, right? It's pretty crucial. I'm really not too worried about it, though. NO PRESSURE, right?? hahaha
Tonight's gonna be good.
Oh yeah, I have a date with my home teacher tonight. hahahaha so all the fun stuff will occur after that. :)
I'll keep you posted.
So here's the update on my boys.
Dreamy Dave: Holy Hannah. He still takes my breath away. I don't think that will ever change as long as I know him.
Turtle Wax: He tried talking to me on facebook. I was all "Whaaa?? I don't think so." But then he wouldn't leave me alone. And asked if we were even still friends because I just kept ignoring him. So finally I told him he just really creeped me out. And I don't feel bad even one bit. He is creepy as heck. And has a whole list of girls he has LIP RAPED (thanks mom for the term haha)! Seriously. Ew.
Chocolaty Goodness: He is still Chocolaty and he is still Good.... but I don't know if we're gonna stay BFF's. I think he liked me. Like maybe wanted to date me or something. I dunno. But I'm kind of busy. And he kept trying to hang out... but I was just busy. I can't be everywhere!!
Psychology Major Guy: He is very attractive to me. He will be my school crush. I love crushes! :)
Jon: I am so happy this boy is my bes fran. We haven't been able to see each other as much lately. Which is sadface. But whenever we DO see each other it is super duper happyface. :D I seriously I am so completely myself around him. He's the best.
Jon's roommates: Okay so for this one. Tim. He came up with this genius idea for Halloween costumes!! Tim will be Nacho Libre. Maralie (she's so awesomespice) will be Incarnacion. Jon will be Steven aka El Skeleto!! (if we can convince him to be half naked all night...). And I will be the super duper fat pink dress lady that loves Steven and wants his hot body. Basically the best idea ever. I'm stoked.
The Creeper: Ya. I like this one. He's basically awesome. And he likes me. Which is splendid. And he's smart and has a good job and is stable and reminds me to be spiritually minded when I forget and makes me laugh. So far everything's pretty good. The next test? Kissing. Which will occur tonight. HA! Because I can't very well DATE him if I don't like KISSING him, right? It's pretty crucial. I'm really not too worried about it, though. NO PRESSURE, right?? hahaha
Tonight's gonna be good.
Oh yeah, I have a date with my home teacher tonight. hahahaha so all the fun stuff will occur after that. :)
I'll keep you posted.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Life's grand, isn't it?
I think so. The past few days have been just splendid. Lots of lovely new memories and uh... good stories at least. (haha oh Turtle Wax, you poor man.) I've met so many new people and made friends and gone on dates and basically I'm loving life!
My room is messy again, dang it.
I'm getting fat... haha but I still feel pretty! So BAM! In your face skinny girls!
I hadn't done homework for 2 whole days... and I finally did some earlier.. but not very much. Which just means I'll have A LOT to do on Monday. haha
Even work wasn't THAT bad today. But I still hate it there.
Tomorrow I have to see Turtle Wax. AWKWARD.
But I'm gonna have a church buddy tomorrow! The Creeper said he'd sit by me at church. :) We went on a date tonight. And he still compliments me too much. But he's lovely.
Chocolaty Goodness was over last night. And we fell asleep for the movie. Terrible. But we rewinded and watched it again! Date Night is SO freaking funny. Steve Carrell and Tina Fey are freaking hilar.
Man, I need to shower hardcore. And shave my legs. I bought shaving cream today. It's going to be splendid! I love Sundays because I can take as much time as I want to get ready. It's gloriously relaxing. I love getting pretty for church. :)
And speaking of pretty.. I need to get some beauty sleep. I think I might be getting sick again.. and sick is NOT pretty.
Good night! :)
My room is messy again, dang it.
I'm getting fat... haha but I still feel pretty! So BAM! In your face skinny girls!
I hadn't done homework for 2 whole days... and I finally did some earlier.. but not very much. Which just means I'll have A LOT to do on Monday. haha
Even work wasn't THAT bad today. But I still hate it there.
Tomorrow I have to see Turtle Wax. AWKWARD.
But I'm gonna have a church buddy tomorrow! The Creeper said he'd sit by me at church. :) We went on a date tonight. And he still compliments me too much. But he's lovely.
Chocolaty Goodness was over last night. And we fell asleep for the movie. Terrible. But we rewinded and watched it again! Date Night is SO freaking funny. Steve Carrell and Tina Fey are freaking hilar.
Man, I need to shower hardcore. And shave my legs. I bought shaving cream today. It's going to be splendid! I love Sundays because I can take as much time as I want to get ready. It's gloriously relaxing. I love getting pretty for church. :)
And speaking of pretty.. I need to get some beauty sleep. I think I might be getting sick again.. and sick is NOT pretty.
Good night! :)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
From the mouth of Babes:
So I'm sitting at the kitchen table doing homework.
Sam comes over and is eating an apple.
He points to bite marks and says, "Wow, look how big my shark tooth is. You can see where it was. It's sharp."
Then he carved a little face in the apple with his teeth.
"Wow, look at this. This is scary! I could put this out front and people would be so scared! ... but no, that wouldn't be good. I want people to want to come into our house. Yeah. Not be scared. I KNOW! I could put it on the ROOF! I could jump on the tramp and throw it on the roof! And it would still be scary. Look, I bit off its chin! hahahahahaha"
I probably said 2 words this whole time. He needs no response or encouragement. Just rambling.
I love living here. haha
Sam comes over and is eating an apple.
He points to bite marks and says, "Wow, look how big my shark tooth is. You can see where it was. It's sharp."
Then he carved a little face in the apple with his teeth.
"Wow, look at this. This is scary! I could put this out front and people would be so scared! ... but no, that wouldn't be good. I want people to want to come into our house. Yeah. Not be scared. I KNOW! I could put it on the ROOF! I could jump on the tramp and throw it on the roof! And it would still be scary. Look, I bit off its chin! hahahahahaha"
I probably said 2 words this whole time. He needs no response or encouragement. Just rambling.
I love living here. haha
Friday, September 10, 2010
Now for the rest.
Alright. I'm finally back to my old self. It's crazy and familiar and new and exciting and all very happy! I love it.
I have my boys back. And I'm back to my old freaking out self. Which is not as good... haha but familiar.
Okay, so the boys in my life right now, wanted or otherwise are:
DREAMY DAVE - The most beautiful human man my own two eyes have laid eyes on. Literally taking my breath away when he walks by. Beautiful.
THE CREEPER - The 26 year old recently church reactivated divorcee. Incredibly nice and flattering, although his level of interest is freaking me out a little, not gonna lie.
PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR GUY - The 2...3? year old hunk who sits next to me in Psychology of Death and Dying for 3 hours on Wednesday nights. He is literally my favorite part of that class. Although the class itself is very very good.
TURTLE WAX - Holy Hannah. I don't even know what to say. Only that I have to see him on a regular basis and its gonna be awwwwwkward.
a new one!
CHOCOLATY GOODNESS - I met him today at the institute building. And we instantly became best friends forever and ever and ever and ever (bffaeaeae) because are both so dang FUNNY! We went to dinner at ....Oregenos? haha I can't remember. But it was DELISH.. and it made me 45 min late to work. WHOOPS! I don't feel bad. I hate that job.
JON'S ROOMMATES - I spend A LOT of time at their house. Yes, I consider them to be my boys. I love them ALL. Jolly good. :)
JON - My best friend who downloads skype to his computer so I can watch his computer in the library while he goes to the bathroom because he doesn't want to pack it up to go with him OR leave it behind unattended. GENIUS.
Okay, I'm tired now. Goodnight!
I have my boys back. And I'm back to my old freaking out self. Which is not as good... haha but familiar.
Okay, so the boys in my life right now, wanted or otherwise are:
DREAMY DAVE - The most beautiful human man my own two eyes have laid eyes on. Literally taking my breath away when he walks by. Beautiful.
THE CREEPER - The 26 year old recently church reactivated divorcee. Incredibly nice and flattering, although his level of interest is freaking me out a little, not gonna lie.
PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR GUY - The 2...3? year old hunk who sits next to me in Psychology of Death and Dying for 3 hours on Wednesday nights. He is literally my favorite part of that class. Although the class itself is very very good.
TURTLE WAX - Holy Hannah. I don't even know what to say. Only that I have to see him on a regular basis and its gonna be awwwwwkward.
a new one!
CHOCOLATY GOODNESS - I met him today at the institute building. And we instantly became best friends forever and ever and ever and ever (bffaeaeae) because are both so dang FUNNY! We went to dinner at ....Oregenos? haha I can't remember. But it was DELISH.. and it made me 45 min late to work. WHOOPS! I don't feel bad. I hate that job.
JON'S ROOMMATES - I spend A LOT of time at their house. Yes, I consider them to be my boys. I love them ALL. Jolly good. :)
JON - My best friend who downloads skype to his computer so I can watch his computer in the library while he goes to the bathroom because he doesn't want to pack it up to go with him OR leave it behind unattended. GENIUS.
Okay, I'm tired now. Goodnight!
For Kendra:
Wow. My life is like a movie. My whole day was like a movie... BUT since Kendra is waiting for this RIDIC story... I will just post the MOST like a movie moment from my day.
It needs some background though.
There is a man that I know. We'll call him Turtle Wax. He is fairly nice. I met him at a church thing. He is very awkward. But super duper funny. When you're not next to him directly.
OKAY. So he has been bugging me quite a bit to hang out with him. And he seems pretty nice so I say to myself, "Okay. I can do that." But I've been so ridiculously busy lately that I just haven't made time for it. BUT tonight, I just wasn't in the mood for homework and Jon is busy being all dedicated to his studies and was unavailable to hear all my stories so I decided it would be a good night to do this hang out.
So I go over to his house. And he plays some drums for me. He's all good and musical and piano playing as well. Very nice. His house is nice. Then we pop in a movie on VHS (that's right, VHS. Kickin it old school, baby) and the only furniture in that room with the VCR is a lovesac. So we sit down... and it's really hard not to touch someone on a lovesac. And I didn't want to be rude and make it OBVIOUS I didn't want to touch him... so I just let it be. Went with the flow. Our arms were touching, not a big deal.
The movie keeps going and he starts rubbing my foot with his. Okay. I'M TOTALLY GROSSED OUT. Anyone who knows me at ALL knows feet ESPECIALLY NASTY SOCK COVERED MAN FEET gross me out to no end. Pukeface.
And he kept saying awkward things like "Trying to play footsies with me?" and tickling me whenever I'd yawn to "Help me stay awake"
Then at the part in the movie where the girl and the guy get together he was like, "Awwwwhhh this is so cute! Just so touching, give me a hug!"
Uhm. It's awkward to hug someone when they're laying next to you. Awkward. But I kinda scooted closer to him and he awkwardly hugged my head. And it was awkward. And he said so. And then we did a for real hug.. which was MORE awkward.. for me at least. And then when I went to lay back he kept his hand behind me... and it was awkward. So I decided to make it MORE awkward by laying on his forearm.... until he got the hint to move his freaking arm away! I WAS NOT CUDDLING WITH HIM!
And then the movie ended. And I said I had to go home to sleep (PAH!) so I gathered up my stuff and he walked me to the car. And he just looked at me. And I didn't know how to leave... and it was awkward.
SO I decided to make it awkward. So I put on an awkward face. You know how if things are FORCED awkward it's actually less awkward than when it's just NATURAL awkward? Yeah, that's what I was going for.
So he notes the awkwardness. "You look awkward. Why are you giving me that awkward look?" He says this like we have an inside joke going or something. What the crap? "I dunno... I have an awkward face? Rude."
"No, no, you just look awkward... like uncomfortable." (Here he leans against my car.. kinda blocking my door) "Look your fidgeting. You're fidgeting with your phone."
"Yeah, I'm just kind of an awkward person, I guess."
he just kept staring at me.
"Okay well I'm gonna go home now."
"Okay, good night."
He still didn't move. .... maybe he wants a hug?
So I lean in and give him a hug. ... it does not feel like a friendly- I'm leaving hug. It feels like a "he's holding me too tight and close for comfort and won't let go" hug. So I pull away and he's still got me by the waist. WHAAAAAAA IS GOING ON? I feel awkward.
"Okay well, goodnight!"
"Do you want to kiss me?"
... "Uh, no."
"Are you sure? Because it kinda seems like you want to kiss me. Your eyes say you want to kiss me."
"Yeah, I'm sure."
"NO really."
.. "Oh, okay."
"Uh, goodnight."
HE'S STILL STANDING IN FRONT OF MY DOOR. But then he moves. And I get in. And he's still just looking at me with the door in his hand.
And he finally shuts my door.
Holy crap.
How was your night? :)
It needs some background though.
There is a man that I know. We'll call him Turtle Wax. He is fairly nice. I met him at a church thing. He is very awkward. But super duper funny. When you're not next to him directly.
OKAY. So he has been bugging me quite a bit to hang out with him. And he seems pretty nice so I say to myself, "Okay. I can do that." But I've been so ridiculously busy lately that I just haven't made time for it. BUT tonight, I just wasn't in the mood for homework and Jon is busy being all dedicated to his studies and was unavailable to hear all my stories so I decided it would be a good night to do this hang out.
So I go over to his house. And he plays some drums for me. He's all good and musical and piano playing as well. Very nice. His house is nice. Then we pop in a movie on VHS (that's right, VHS. Kickin it old school, baby) and the only furniture in that room with the VCR is a lovesac. So we sit down... and it's really hard not to touch someone on a lovesac. And I didn't want to be rude and make it OBVIOUS I didn't want to touch him... so I just let it be. Went with the flow. Our arms were touching, not a big deal.
The movie keeps going and he starts rubbing my foot with his. Okay. I'M TOTALLY GROSSED OUT. Anyone who knows me at ALL knows feet ESPECIALLY NASTY SOCK COVERED MAN FEET gross me out to no end. Pukeface.
And he kept saying awkward things like "Trying to play footsies with me?" and tickling me whenever I'd yawn to "Help me stay awake"
Then at the part in the movie where the girl and the guy get together he was like, "Awwwwhhh this is so cute! Just so touching, give me a hug!"
Uhm. It's awkward to hug someone when they're laying next to you. Awkward. But I kinda scooted closer to him and he awkwardly hugged my head. And it was awkward. And he said so. And then we did a for real hug.. which was MORE awkward.. for me at least. And then when I went to lay back he kept his hand behind me... and it was awkward. So I decided to make it MORE awkward by laying on his forearm.... until he got the hint to move his freaking arm away! I WAS NOT CUDDLING WITH HIM!
And then the movie ended. And I said I had to go home to sleep (PAH!) so I gathered up my stuff and he walked me to the car. And he just looked at me. And I didn't know how to leave... and it was awkward.
SO I decided to make it awkward. So I put on an awkward face. You know how if things are FORCED awkward it's actually less awkward than when it's just NATURAL awkward? Yeah, that's what I was going for.
So he notes the awkwardness. "You look awkward. Why are you giving me that awkward look?" He says this like we have an inside joke going or something. What the crap? "I dunno... I have an awkward face? Rude."
"No, no, you just look awkward... like uncomfortable." (Here he leans against my car.. kinda blocking my door) "Look your fidgeting. You're fidgeting with your phone."
"Yeah, I'm just kind of an awkward person, I guess."
he just kept staring at me.
"Okay well I'm gonna go home now."
"Okay, good night."
He still didn't move. .... maybe he wants a hug?
So I lean in and give him a hug. ... it does not feel like a friendly- I'm leaving hug. It feels like a "he's holding me too tight and close for comfort and won't let go" hug. So I pull away and he's still got me by the waist. WHAAAAAAA IS GOING ON? I feel awkward.
"Okay well, goodnight!"
"Do you want to kiss me?"
... "Uh, no."
"Are you sure? Because it kinda seems like you want to kiss me. Your eyes say you want to kiss me."
"Yeah, I'm sure."
"NO really."
.. "Oh, okay."
"Uh, goodnight."
HE'S STILL STANDING IN FRONT OF MY DOOR. But then he moves. And I get in. And he's still just looking at me with the door in his hand.
And he finally shuts my door.
Holy crap.
How was your night? :)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Holy Hannah.
I have no time for my life. Let alone this blog.
My life consists of school, work, and homework. That's it.
My weekend at Jonny boy's was fabulouso. Seriously, it was great. His family is awesome. WAY different from mine. But awesome. :) Maybe I'll write more about that later. But not now. It's 1:40 in the morning.
I'm up so late because The Creeper asked me to go get frozen yogurt with him. And you know me, I can't turn down anything frozen and sweet. Mmmmm. :) It was delish and he is lovely. Not as weird as I thought. Or maybe he is. hahahaha I don't know. We'll see. He is very nice though but I have a lot to think about with this one!
Psychology Major Guy is also lovely! And we get to be in the same group for the class reading! I'm quite excited. If nothing else we'll be splendid friends. :) But he is very cute and I want him to ask me on a date.
The only good part about work today was seeing Dreamy Dave. Seriously. Other than that it was death. I can't even go into it. hahaha
SO I'll move on to the words of wisdom for the day. When things seem unachievable, schedule it. I have terrible time management. So the only way I get anything done is by scheduling and making lists! And you know what? I get it done. I'm not failing any classes yet at least. haha oi. The end. :)
My life consists of school, work, and homework. That's it.
My weekend at Jonny boy's was fabulouso. Seriously, it was great. His family is awesome. WAY different from mine. But awesome. :) Maybe I'll write more about that later. But not now. It's 1:40 in the morning.
I'm up so late because The Creeper asked me to go get frozen yogurt with him. And you know me, I can't turn down anything frozen and sweet. Mmmmm. :) It was delish and he is lovely. Not as weird as I thought. Or maybe he is. hahahaha I don't know. We'll see. He is very nice though but I have a lot to think about with this one!
Psychology Major Guy is also lovely! And we get to be in the same group for the class reading! I'm quite excited. If nothing else we'll be splendid friends. :) But he is very cute and I want him to ask me on a date.
The only good part about work today was seeing Dreamy Dave. Seriously. Other than that it was death. I can't even go into it. hahaha
SO I'll move on to the words of wisdom for the day. When things seem unachievable, schedule it. I have terrible time management. So the only way I get anything done is by scheduling and making lists! And you know what? I get it done. I'm not failing any classes yet at least. haha oi. The end. :)
Friday, September 3, 2010
My Talk. :)
My talk Pres. Uchtorf's talk "You Are My Hands" went SOMETHING like this. I DID NOT read it... mostly. I didn't have pictures to hold up.. haha I cried. But then laughed it off. People laughed when they were supposed to and I was a goofball. I think you could feel the spirit. And I got some VERY nice comments from people afterward (which I can't fully trust because you're SUPPOSED to say something nice). This girl even came up after and asked if I had a calling already.. I said yes... and she said, "That might change" all cryptic like! Scary. But anyway, this gives you the general gist of it. Enjoy! :)

Hi, my name is Annie Fletcher. I’m new in the ward but I’m already loving it! I’m gonna be upfront with you. I don’t like speaking in front of people. It kind of terrifies me. I’m really more a writer/reader creative thinker type person. SO to prepare this talk I decided to write this… 4.. page.. essay. And I’m gonna try really really hard not to read it because that would just be boring and awkward and weird. Not gonna lie, this is my first ever big girl talk… and I’m slightly terrified, so bear with me. We’ll all get through this talk one way or another. I just thought I’d introduce myself a little before I begin. I grew up mostly in Mesa but I moved around a lot in and since high school. Thankfully, I’m not really a shy person…. Except when it comes to speaking in front of an audience. I’m currently going to MCC where I change my major about once a week. Who actually needs to graduate, right? But anyway, I was assigned to speak on President Uchtdorf’s talk “You Are My Hands” from this last spring’s general coference.
He opened his talk with an awesome story that I’d like to share to open my talk as well.
“A story is told that during the bombing of a city in World War II, a large statue of Jesus Christ was severely damaged. When the townspeople found the statue among the rubble, they mourned because it had been a beloved symbol of their faith and of God’s presence in their lives.
Experts were able to repair most of the statue, but its hands had been damaged so severely that they could not be restored. Some suggested that they hire a sculptor to make new hands, but others wanted to leave it as it was—a permanent reminder of the tragedy of war. Ultimately, the statue remained without hands. However, the people of the city added on the base of the statue of Jesus Christ a sign with these words: “You are my hands.”

I love that. I love that they turned such a tragic situation into something so inspiring! As I read through the talk I noticed three main ways that we can use our hands for Christ’s purposes.
1. Our hands can serve.
2. Our hands can embrace.
3. Our hands can love.
Now I’m just gonna talk about each of those ways.
Our hands can serve.
There are a lot of obvious ways that we can serve others. Humanitarian work is one of them. There are so many people out there that are less fortunate than us. And the church is awesome at organizing ways to help those people. So when something is announced in Relief Society or Elders Quorum… go. That’s all you have to do. Make a little time for someone else. You REALLY don’t have time? Too busy with work, school, church callings? That’s chill. There’s a time and a season for everything, right? So what can we, as young single adults, do right now to give our hands to the Lord in Service? Just the little things, really. The Lord said to “not run faster or labor more than you have strength and means.” So if you don’t have time to go to the 3 hour food drive on a Saturday morning… maybe you have enough time to do the dishes for your roommate. Or maybe have time to call your single grandma and chat on the phone for a while. Or maybe take the time to prepare an extra good lesson for Sunday School. Magnify your calling! That’s a great way to serve! Even if your calling is just Relief Society Greeter. No joke, that’s a calling. Even if your only job is to be at the door to smile at people as they walk in. Do that job the BEST! Because the Lord probably picked that calling for you because he knows you have an awesome smile. Whatever you do, do it with a happy heart and in the best way that you know how. Because then it will FOR SURE bless the lives of you and everyone around you.
Our hands can embrace.
I think this one is especially important in a singles ward. A lot of us don’t live with family. Some have just moved here from different cities and different states and don’t have a ton of friends yet. And some have lived here all their lives but are just painfully shy and quiet and have a hard time getting to know people. Everyone just wants to be accepted and loved for who they are right? President Uchtdorf said, “It only seems right and proper that we extend to others that which we so earnestly desire for ourselves.”
So the one thing that I’ve noticed that makes me feel accepted and embraced when I go to a new ward is having someone to sit by. It’s such a little thing, but it makes all the difference in the world! One thing I really liked about my old ward was that the Elders Quorum Pres challenged the Elders to make sure no Sister sat by herself in Sacrament meeting. I just really liked that… just saying. … ANYWAY I thought of a few reasons why it’s hard to sit by someone that you don’t know.
Reason 1: I’m the new one so people should sit by ME to help ME feel welcome.
Uhm, hello, this is a singles ward. Chances are most of the other people sitting alone are new too, so just man up and go sit by someone!! Make some friends and don’t be afraid to reach out to people.
Reason 2: They don’t look like someone I could be BFF’s with OR my future eternal companion. What’s the point?
Once again, uhm hello! Get over yourself. Some of my best friends in the past have turned out to be people that I sort of hated a little when we first met. But then I LOVED! So don’t judge on first impressions… and also, connections. Even if you don’t end up as best friends what if that person has a friend of a friend who turns out to be your future hubby or wifey? Connections.
Reason 3: My PERSONAL favorite: I won’t sit next to someone because who’d want to sit by me?
Everyone here is a child of God. He created you and He loves you so so much! If you’re interesting enough to be [insert awkward emotional, crying voice here ugh!] CREATED and LOVED by a GOD, you are interesting enough to sit by.(I cried here when I PRACTICED my talk earlier too. *Audience laugh, tension released, Annie gets over it* And have some confidence! Confidence is attractive no matter who you are.
Basically, we just need to be inclusive instead of exclusive. Everyone deserves to be loved and cared for. We all just want to be accepted.
Our hands can love
Pres. Uchtdorf said that “True love requires action.”
I thought a lot about what I could share on this part because I have so many wonderful examples of people who show their love through action. But I decided to stick with all of the moms of the world. Everyone’s mom is the best.. just because she’s your mom, right? They all have flaws.. but it’s usually hard to see them through the unconditional love and sacrifice that they offer you. They truly show their love through action every day. They put their lives and dreams on hold for us. They picked up after us, stayed up with us when we were sick, let us cry on their shoulder when our hearts were broken for the first time, helped us get back on the right track when we started losing our way, and bore their testimony to us every day by living the gospel the best they knew how.
Now obviously none of us are parents, so how do we can we show our love for others? I think Mosiah 18:8-9 sums it up pretty well for us.
“And it came to pass that he [Alma] said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold ofGod, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light; Yeah, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yeah, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death.” We serve each other and embrace each other and support and help each other to show our love. We do the things that Christ would do. We try to care for people the way that He cares for him. The whole point of this life is to become like Christ, right? We can start by giving our hands to him.
Using our hands to serve, embrace, and most of all love will bring us closer to Christ and our Father in Heaven. I know it. He has given us this opportunity and responsibility because He knows we can do it and he knows it will help us grow into what He wants us to be. Marianne Williamson said, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world."
I am so grateful for His example and the examples of ancient and modern day prophets. We are all so blessed to have the knowledge and influence of the gospel in our lives. If we follow the Christ we’ll be happy. I am.
And here's the original. It's better than mine. :) I love Pres. Uchtorf!

Hi, my name is Annie Fletcher. I’m new in the ward but I’m already loving it! I’m gonna be upfront with you. I don’t like speaking in front of people. It kind of terrifies me. I’m really more a writer/reader creative thinker type person. SO to prepare this talk I decided to write this… 4.. page.. essay. And I’m gonna try really really hard not to read it because that would just be boring and awkward and weird. Not gonna lie, this is my first ever big girl talk… and I’m slightly terrified, so bear with me. We’ll all get through this talk one way or another. I just thought I’d introduce myself a little before I begin. I grew up mostly in Mesa but I moved around a lot in and since high school. Thankfully, I’m not really a shy person…. Except when it comes to speaking in front of an audience. I’m currently going to MCC where I change my major about once a week. Who actually needs to graduate, right? But anyway, I was assigned to speak on President Uchtdorf’s talk “You Are My Hands” from this last spring’s general coference.
He opened his talk with an awesome story that I’d like to share to open my talk as well.
“A story is told that during the bombing of a city in World War II, a large statue of Jesus Christ was severely damaged. When the townspeople found the statue among the rubble, they mourned because it had been a beloved symbol of their faith and of God’s presence in their lives.
Experts were able to repair most of the statue, but its hands had been damaged so severely that they could not be restored. Some suggested that they hire a sculptor to make new hands, but others wanted to leave it as it was—a permanent reminder of the tragedy of war. Ultimately, the statue remained without hands. However, the people of the city added on the base of the statue of Jesus Christ a sign with these words: “You are my hands.”

I love that. I love that they turned such a tragic situation into something so inspiring! As I read through the talk I noticed three main ways that we can use our hands for Christ’s purposes.
1. Our hands can serve.
2. Our hands can embrace.
3. Our hands can love.
Now I’m just gonna talk about each of those ways.
Our hands can serve.
There are a lot of obvious ways that we can serve others. Humanitarian work is one of them. There are so many people out there that are less fortunate than us. And the church is awesome at organizing ways to help those people. So when something is announced in Relief Society or Elders Quorum… go. That’s all you have to do. Make a little time for someone else. You REALLY don’t have time? Too busy with work, school, church callings? That’s chill. There’s a time and a season for everything, right? So what can we, as young single adults, do right now to give our hands to the Lord in Service? Just the little things, really. The Lord said to “not run faster or labor more than you have strength and means.” So if you don’t have time to go to the 3 hour food drive on a Saturday morning… maybe you have enough time to do the dishes for your roommate. Or maybe have time to call your single grandma and chat on the phone for a while. Or maybe take the time to prepare an extra good lesson for Sunday School. Magnify your calling! That’s a great way to serve! Even if your calling is just Relief Society Greeter. No joke, that’s a calling. Even if your only job is to be at the door to smile at people as they walk in. Do that job the BEST! Because the Lord probably picked that calling for you because he knows you have an awesome smile. Whatever you do, do it with a happy heart and in the best way that you know how. Because then it will FOR SURE bless the lives of you and everyone around you.
Our hands can embrace.
I think this one is especially important in a singles ward. A lot of us don’t live with family. Some have just moved here from different cities and different states and don’t have a ton of friends yet. And some have lived here all their lives but are just painfully shy and quiet and have a hard time getting to know people. Everyone just wants to be accepted and loved for who they are right? President Uchtdorf said, “It only seems right and proper that we extend to others that which we so earnestly desire for ourselves.”
So the one thing that I’ve noticed that makes me feel accepted and embraced when I go to a new ward is having someone to sit by. It’s such a little thing, but it makes all the difference in the world! One thing I really liked about my old ward was that the Elders Quorum Pres challenged the Elders to make sure no Sister sat by herself in Sacrament meeting. I just really liked that… just saying. … ANYWAY I thought of a few reasons why it’s hard to sit by someone that you don’t know.
Reason 1: I’m the new one so people should sit by ME to help ME feel welcome.
Uhm, hello, this is a singles ward. Chances are most of the other people sitting alone are new too, so just man up and go sit by someone!! Make some friends and don’t be afraid to reach out to people.
Reason 2: They don’t look like someone I could be BFF’s with OR my future eternal companion. What’s the point?
Once again, uhm hello! Get over yourself. Some of my best friends in the past have turned out to be people that I sort of hated a little when we first met. But then I LOVED! So don’t judge on first impressions… and also, connections. Even if you don’t end up as best friends what if that person has a friend of a friend who turns out to be your future hubby or wifey? Connections.
Reason 3: My PERSONAL favorite: I won’t sit next to someone because who’d want to sit by me?
Everyone here is a child of God. He created you and He loves you so so much! If you’re interesting enough to be [insert awkward emotional, crying voice here ugh!] CREATED and LOVED by a GOD, you are interesting enough to sit by.(I cried here when I PRACTICED my talk earlier too. *Audience laugh, tension released, Annie gets over it* And have some confidence! Confidence is attractive no matter who you are.
Basically, we just need to be inclusive instead of exclusive. Everyone deserves to be loved and cared for. We all just want to be accepted.
Our hands can love
Pres. Uchtdorf said that “True love requires action.”
I thought a lot about what I could share on this part because I have so many wonderful examples of people who show their love through action. But I decided to stick with all of the moms of the world. Everyone’s mom is the best.. just because she’s your mom, right? They all have flaws.. but it’s usually hard to see them through the unconditional love and sacrifice that they offer you. They truly show their love through action every day. They put their lives and dreams on hold for us. They picked up after us, stayed up with us when we were sick, let us cry on their shoulder when our hearts were broken for the first time, helped us get back on the right track when we started losing our way, and bore their testimony to us every day by living the gospel the best they knew how.
Now obviously none of us are parents, so how do we can we show our love for others? I think Mosiah 18:8-9 sums it up pretty well for us.
“And it came to pass that he [Alma] said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold ofGod, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light; Yeah, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yeah, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death.” We serve each other and embrace each other and support and help each other to show our love. We do the things that Christ would do. We try to care for people the way that He cares for him. The whole point of this life is to become like Christ, right? We can start by giving our hands to him.
Using our hands to serve, embrace, and most of all love will bring us closer to Christ and our Father in Heaven. I know it. He has given us this opportunity and responsibility because He knows we can do it and he knows it will help us grow into what He wants us to be. Marianne Williamson said, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world."
I am so grateful for His example and the examples of ancient and modern day prophets. We are all so blessed to have the knowledge and influence of the gospel in our lives. If we follow the Christ we’ll be happy. I am.
And here's the original. It's better than mine. :) I love Pres. Uchtorf!
This one will be happier. I really was pretty upset about that ticket last night... and if you know anything about me... you shouldn't talk to me about anything after Midnight unless its the FREAKIN HAPPIEST THING EVER... because if it's not. I'm not gonna be happy about it. hahaha I really should just go to bed earlier because after that certain time... I just think unhappy thoughts.
SO ANYWAY. I woke up this morning, well rested. I slept in til 9 and I feel MUCH better. I was rather HAPPY when I woke up this morning actually. :) It's a 3 day weekend and I am going out of town with Jonny boy and it will be splendid. I need a break. I'll try and take pictures.. but no promises. I'm terrible at finding "Picture Perfect" moments. Hopefully I'll get a few though. Like WHEN I CUT DOWN MY FIRST TREE. With a CHAINSAW! BAHAHAHAHA. It's gonna be awesome. If I even have the muscles to do it. haha We'll see.
Other happy things that have happened to me:
1. The most beautiful man that I have ever seen with my own two eyes in for reals life just happens to be the pharmacist at my Walgreens. You know those people that sorta just light you on FIRE and your breath kinda catches whenever you even LOOK at them? Yeah, he's BETTER. And we had a whole CONVERSATION about how my psychology of death and dying class is depressing on Wednesday. And he kept LOOKING at me while we were talking. I seriously couldn't breathe normally for 3 whole minutes. He probably thinks I'm a freak. BUT it was still happy. HA! Oh, we'll call him Dreamy Dave. I really don't know if I'll speak of him again... but you know. Just in case. That's how I refer to him in my head anyway. *sigh*
2. There is a very cute boy... actually MAN who sits next to me in psych of death and dying. And he is funny and seems like my type in all ways. Which is splendid. Whether I am his has yet to be determined. But I am a fan. And I'll probably write more about him sometime... so we'll call him Psychology Major Guy. Kinda lame compared to Dreamy Dave... but no one can compare to Dreamy Dave, let's be honest.
3.I got new nail polish. I love nail polish. But I tried one of them last night and I can't really look at my hands right now. I must take it off and put on a more appropriate color. For heavens sake.
4. I really am just happy in general. I feel like I've been kinda grouchy and not fun lately because I've been so stressed and TIRED. But I really am happy. I love being in school and LEARNING again. I love living with Mike and Andrea. I love my friends and being one of the guys at Jon's house with all his roommates. It's fabulous. I love my ward and my calling. OH I need to post my talk. I was happy with how it turned out.
Yeah, life is grand. :)
SO ANYWAY. I woke up this morning, well rested. I slept in til 9 and I feel MUCH better. I was rather HAPPY when I woke up this morning actually. :) It's a 3 day weekend and I am going out of town with Jonny boy and it will be splendid. I need a break. I'll try and take pictures.. but no promises. I'm terrible at finding "Picture Perfect" moments. Hopefully I'll get a few though. Like WHEN I CUT DOWN MY FIRST TREE. With a CHAINSAW! BAHAHAHAHA. It's gonna be awesome. If I even have the muscles to do it. haha We'll see.
Other happy things that have happened to me:
1. The most beautiful man that I have ever seen with my own two eyes in for reals life just happens to be the pharmacist at my Walgreens. You know those people that sorta just light you on FIRE and your breath kinda catches whenever you even LOOK at them? Yeah, he's BETTER. And we had a whole CONVERSATION about how my psychology of death and dying class is depressing on Wednesday. And he kept LOOKING at me while we were talking. I seriously couldn't breathe normally for 3 whole minutes. He probably thinks I'm a freak. BUT it was still happy. HA! Oh, we'll call him Dreamy Dave. I really don't know if I'll speak of him again... but you know. Just in case. That's how I refer to him in my head anyway. *sigh*
2. There is a very cute boy... actually MAN who sits next to me in psych of death and dying. And he is funny and seems like my type in all ways. Which is splendid. Whether I am his has yet to be determined. But I am a fan. And I'll probably write more about him sometime... so we'll call him Psychology Major Guy. Kinda lame compared to Dreamy Dave... but no one can compare to Dreamy Dave, let's be honest.
3.I got new nail polish. I love nail polish. But I tried one of them last night and I can't really look at my hands right now. I must take it off and put on a more appropriate color. For heavens sake.
4. I really am just happy in general. I feel like I've been kinda grouchy and not fun lately because I've been so stressed and TIRED. But I really am happy. I love being in school and LEARNING again. I love living with Mike and Andrea. I love my friends and being one of the guys at Jon's house with all his roommates. It's fabulous. I love my ward and my calling. OH I need to post my talk. I was happy with how it turned out.
Yeah, life is grand. :)
Okay finally back
Ready for this update? Hopefully I can make it happy because I'm in a rather foul mood.
I hate blogging when I'm not in a good mood because I just sound whiny... and I always get over it.
But I just feel like it right now. And I haven't felt like it in a long time.
In case you couldn't tell... I've been in love. My last big post was kinda a big deal for me. I feel..or felt all those things for someone. And I really did just have to realize that I have to give up. There's no hope of anything there. I'm wasting emotion on this person and I need to cut it out. And I am. Slowly but surely. School helps. Because I'm so busy. It's not hard, really. My mommy talked to me about it too. That helped a lot. Thanks mom. I needed that talk.
School started. Holy moly I forgot how crazy it is! I'm taking 3 psychology classes and an online math class. It's a load of homework. Psychology has SO much reading... and I hate math with a passion. I'm either working, doing homework, or at school. There's not a lot of in between time for anything. My room is messy. I need to clean it.
I finally did something fun tonight. I wanted to go to a movie and I went to a movie with this guy from my ward that wanted to meet me. He found me on facebook after he heard my talk on Sunday and added me. So we'll call him The Creeper. He was actually really nice. We'll see if he asks me out or not. Gary went too. Gary is Jon's roommate. We're friends. He's great. The end.
But on the way home from the movie I got pulled over for going 18 over the speed limit. I know. I'm a doofus. Seriously. He actually clocked my top speed at 21 over... .. UGH but thankfully he only cited me for the 83 mph. So basically I'm a doofus. And I really can't afford a $185 ticket right now.. but I'm gonna have to! Live and learn, baby.
.... I'm just glad he didn't pull me over when I decided to try going 105... just because I'd never done it before!
Well, I'm officially exhausted. Sobbing after you get a ticket because you're already incredibly stressed about finances and school and life really takes it out of you. So I'm going to bed. Goodnight!
I hate blogging when I'm not in a good mood because I just sound whiny... and I always get over it.
But I just feel like it right now. And I haven't felt like it in a long time.
In case you couldn't tell... I've been in love. My last big post was kinda a big deal for me. I feel..or felt all those things for someone. And I really did just have to realize that I have to give up. There's no hope of anything there. I'm wasting emotion on this person and I need to cut it out. And I am. Slowly but surely. School helps. Because I'm so busy. It's not hard, really. My mommy talked to me about it too. That helped a lot. Thanks mom. I needed that talk.
School started. Holy moly I forgot how crazy it is! I'm taking 3 psychology classes and an online math class. It's a load of homework. Psychology has SO much reading... and I hate math with a passion. I'm either working, doing homework, or at school. There's not a lot of in between time for anything. My room is messy. I need to clean it.
I finally did something fun tonight. I wanted to go to a movie and I went to a movie with this guy from my ward that wanted to meet me. He found me on facebook after he heard my talk on Sunday and added me. So we'll call him The Creeper. He was actually really nice. We'll see if he asks me out or not. Gary went too. Gary is Jon's roommate. We're friends. He's great. The end.
But on the way home from the movie I got pulled over for going 18 over the speed limit. I know. I'm a doofus. Seriously. He actually clocked my top speed at 21 over... .. UGH but thankfully he only cited me for the 83 mph. So basically I'm a doofus. And I really can't afford a $185 ticket right now.. but I'm gonna have to! Live and learn, baby.
.... I'm just glad he didn't pull me over when I decided to try going 105... just because I'd never done it before!
Well, I'm officially exhausted. Sobbing after you get a ticket because you're already incredibly stressed about finances and school and life really takes it out of you. So I'm going to bed. Goodnight!
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- Annie Citrine
- Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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