She buys me these awesomespice socks at Costco because all of mine have holes in them. She even got me all different colors because she knew my love of mismatching. :)
Also, I get to witness things like this:
Basically Jake has about 8 projects due TOMORROW... that he put off until about 10 tonight.
The joys of children, right Andrea? :D bahahaha
One of the projects that has yet to even start as I type this at 11:44 pm. 31 note cards that need to be filled. :) Seriously. Being a mom is going to be HILARIOUS! I'm pretty stoked for it.
And all this procrastinating led me to remember my own ULTIMATE procrastination story. :) I feel like I might have told this story before on my blog..? But I can't remember so I'm gonna go ahead anyway!
So my Freshman year in high school I took Biology... and my teacher was the devil. Almost literally. No one liked him, poor guy. Anyway, he gave us the assignment to get involved in the community and provided a list of about 20 things we could choose from to do. They ranged from having absolutely nothing to do with the community to spending a lot of money to buy stuff that sort of helped the community.
Well... I really didn't want to do it.. and when I don't want to do things, I just don't deal with it. At all. I put it off and just kind of ignore it hoping it will go away somehow. It's stupid, I know and I've gotten better at NOT doing it.. but I still do it sometimes.. haha. ANYWAY, I put it off until the late Saturday night before it was due on Monday. I went in to talk to my Mommy... and told her my dilemma. ...of course she was majorly exasperated. HA! And we decided the only project I could feasibly finish by Monday was to get five trees and plant them in the community and take pictures documenting the process.
SO the next morning Mom drove me up to Flagstaff and we parked in the woods.... and dug up 5 baby pine trees.... and took pictures of me trying to replant them about 20 ft from where they started. And we had a BLAST doing it. And felt very guilty for ditching church and digging up these perfectly healthy baby trees and (almost certainly) unsuccessfully relocating them. In hindsight we probably could have just dug up ONE baby tree and just posed with it differently... so then we would only kill one tree... instead of five. It was probably me and my mom who pulled the last straw in that whole "global warming" thing. Yup, we're going straight to hell.
My mom did the pictures at a one hour photo and got me the photos about 2 minutes before the class started.
Basically I rocked the assignment... but still only got a B because some other girl also did the assignment and made a freaking scrapbook about her boring typical experience for real planting trees. PSHH.
Basically I have the best mom EVER and that's one of my all time favorite memories.
Basically I killed 5 trees for a Biology assignment one time.
Basically my life is legit.
Love it.
Goodnight, dearies. :)
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