Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm a creeper.

So... I wasn't really ready to go to bed yet...

So I stalked Dreamy Dave a little. I googled him... hahahaha
And he has pictures on myspace... but he's not a weird myspacer because he hasn't been on since July. I know.

And he also has videos of him doing jujitsu on youtube. Which would be hot if it didn't look like 2 men getting dirty together. HA! Seriously, it's even worse than regular wrestling. But one of the videos it gets so intense his shirt sorta.. comes off. I didn't mind that part. hahahaha I'm so ashamed of myself. But so not at the same time.

I had a really hard time finding a good picture of him. Some people just aren't super photogenic, I guess. hahaha but here's the one that I liked the most. He's so fine.

Seriously it doesn't do him justice.


I love him.


I'm gonna have to get over it though, I guess.

But I love him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW. I see where you're coming from now, Annie. He's like... a cross between Brother Clarkson and every attractive male actor. Ever.


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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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