Sweet mother of Bambi... I have 50 whole posts on my blog. I'm so cool. For serious. I'm so proud of myself for being a for realsies blogger!
I really wasn't sure what to write about.... But I was thinking about it at work... and I had a few ideas come to me... so I'll just write down what I wrote on the piece of paper.. and then explain them all. Because they're all FUNNY! And awesome. Okay here we go!!
Adrian-Pharmacy-hit on- haven't showered in 3 days??- also sports bra! no boobs. hilar.
Crazy drunken lady. Laughing at abusive bf. no idea what talking about.
I love the smell of dirt and cold.
I think I'm attracted to big noses.
Okay. Adrian. He is a boy that works back in the pharmacy as a tech. I see him look at me. You know.. that LOOK. And he always tries to come to my register whenever he buys something. Seriously. There can be 3 people in line at my register and he WAITS. Good times. Well today he came over... just to chat. Weird. He asked when I was transferring over to pharmacy (because that was the plan before I decided to move to Gilbert) and I said I'm not! I'm moving to Gilbert. And then he made a sad face and then proceeded to try and flirt with me.. which he has not braved before. It was hilarious. He was super awkward and kept stuttering and blushing, however, he is attractive so I forgave him. :) But then he dropped the f bomb and I was all, "Oh no he di-int!" which kind of shattered all the hopes and dreams he once had of us being wed and making hot babies together. But it was super funny because I had not showered in.... seriously... 3 days. I know. Disgusting. Don't judge. I didn't even see anyone this weekend!! ... and then on top of not showering... I was wearing a sports bra... meaning you couldn't tell I have boobs. AND I was wearing leftover make up from... Friday. He just HAD to hit on me on the day I was feeling freaking NASTY. Oh well. I'm over it.
And then there was the crazy tipsy lady who came in looking for some more booz... but we didn't have the kind she likes anyway... so her boyfriend just went to the bathroom and she starts rambling about how he doesn't respect women and just walks all over them but she was laughing and just rolling her eyes like she loved it. I was confused. And she just kept talking and talking as I checked out other customers... it didn't phase her... I don't think she took a breath for 4 minutes straight. It was amazing. And I had no idea what she was talking about. Weird.
And then this lady came and bought some potting soil. And it smelled SOOOO GOOD! I wanted to go out and garden RIGHT THEN. Heavens. It smelled aMAZing. I wanted that dirty soil under my fingernails. And then I started thinking about how I also love the smell of cold. And sometimes I go in the cooler at work just so I can smell the cold. That is the one thing I really miss about Rexburg... the cold smell. And if you don't know what cold smell I'm talking about... don't be jealous. You have to be SPECIAL to smell it. Okay, you can be jealous. :)
And last.. for tonight... I think I'm attracted to big noses. This guy came into Walgreens today and I said to myself, He is very attractive and tall and good bodied and if he ended up having a dashing personality, I would make out with him. And then he turned to the side and his nose was like, 'Woahhh Nelly! I'm a mountain growing out of his face!' But it was somehow hot and I still wanted to make out with him... if he had a dashing personality. And then I realized all the boys I've liked since.... a long time... have had fairly to very large noses. And I LIKE it. It was a nice revelation. Now I don't have to be weird and slightly awkward when a boy I like has a big nose... I'll just OWN the fact that I LIKE it. Awesome.
And there was more on the list... but I'm too tired to blog it now... So you'll have to wait!! Dreadfully sorry.
I'm sorry it was such a lamesauce 50th post. The 100th will be much better and funnier and awesomer, I promise! Maybe by then I'll have a boy to post funny things about and we'll have funny stories and jolly good times. But for now Walgreens stories will have to do!
EXCEPT!!! For my words of wisdom for the day: Have faith. Have faith in yourself. In your dreams. In your abilities. In the people around you. In your family. In your friends. In your religion. In your Christ. In your God! I think the world has too little faith. I think there is more good out there than we think. It's easier to focus on the bad for some reason instead of the good. But if we can just remember to have a little FAITH that people are generally good, that we CAN do great things, and that God WILL help us achieve our greatest potential... we'll be happy beyond measure and everything we can dream of will be possible. I realize that was incredibly sappy and Oprah-esque.... but it's true nonetheless. The end. :)