Monday, July 26, 2010

Several things...

...soooo in the car I listen to the classical station a lot. I know, nerdy. But I do. I went to BYU Idaho for a semester studying music... and pretty much anything NOT classical there is of the devil. So I pretty much HAD to acquire a good taste for it.. plus I'm an orch dork. ANYWAY. So I listen to the classical station.. there is a lady on that station with a LISP. Or should I say LITHP. I mean, REALLY?? Why would you work in the radio industry if you have a SPEECH IMPEDIMENT??? Every time she comes on talking I miss a turn. No joke. I mean... I'm all for the American dream.... you can do anything you put your mind to... but some people just SHOULDN'T put there minds to some things.

Secondly... it's really hard to do yoga with a puppy in the room.

She kept trying to sit on me....

And that didn't work... so she just started attacking me. Which was cool. You know.

So...... it's my birthday on Saturday!!
... I'm working from 5 to 10.. poo. Oh well, I'll get over it.. because I'm going to the river on Thursday!! :) Life is pretty.

That's all. :)

Oh yeah, except for Words of Wisdom. Do yoga!! It makes you feel awwwesome. Even if a puppy is attacking you. It's THAT awesome. The end. :)


Maddi said... it.

Busy Bee Lauren said...

Hey girl! You won an item in the closet sale! Can you please send me an email at so i can get it to you?

JMay said...

Omg, that video cracked me up! Your dog is so cute!

P.S. Happy Belated Bday!


About Me

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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