SO. At my Walgreens.... I have 2 coworkers that are seriously like big brothers to me. As in they call me their little sister and we laugh and joke and gossip and it's jolly good times. One is a manager... so we can all fart around and not get in trouble! Woohoo! Well anyway, there's a night shift worker, Rickifer. And he is mighty attractive. And funny and smart and such. I sooorrt of... have a crush on hisself. If you know what I mean. But then I was all, "He drinks coffee, icky!" But then I was all, "But he's cute and is all GOOD in other ways." But then I was all, "What the heck, he's like 25 and works at Walgreens?? LAMMEEE!" But THEN I was all, "Maybe he's just a little lost... I like him. I'll be friends!" And so then I was nice to him and we had some jolly good conversational exchanges and were witty together. Which was fun. AND THEN I realized I was transferring to another store because of the whole moving to Gilbert thing... and I said to myself... I will never see this boy again. I MUST DO SOMETHING DRASTIC. So I did. I went up to my "big brother" who is not a manager and I said to him, "Do you want to know a secret??" ".....sure whatever." (I try to be sneaky and gossipy when there's nothing to gossip about but he will not cooperate, lil booger.) "I sorta have a crush on Rick!" "... yeah I know." "YOU DO?? WHAAA?" "I'm a guy. But I'm not BLIND." "Curses!" "Come into the office and we'll talk about it." So we go into the office and I try and get info from him.. but he knows nothing! Worthless! But then the night manager walks in and hears us talking and he gets all excited like Rickifer and I are gonna start dating. "He NEEDS a girl in his life," he says. Hmm what does THAT mean? "It means he needs a girl. He's a bum. He still lives with his parents and plays video games all day. He used to be Mormon.. but doesn't really go to church anymore. I mean, he still BELIEVES everything, he just got bored hearing the same things every week. He needs a girl to whip him into shape." So I say to myself, "That could be fun!" So I give my number to the night manager to give to Rickifer because I am a big fat chickenface and can't do it myself. And I think he did..... but Rickifer has not called me yet... and I have to see him on Monday night.. HA! It could be really awkward or suuper funny. We'll see. Hopefully I can pull off funny. But I DO feel like a sorta loser woman that this bum of a man will not even call me. PSHH WHATEV MAN. I'm basically over it. HA!
But that's the story. And now with the dream.
So I was dreaming that I was with Rickifer and another guy. And us three were just hanging out, having fun.. walking around the streets and stuff. Whatev. And then we decided to go to my house. And when we got there my mom had made food and the boys loved it! They said, "Nom nom nommmm good!" And then my mom brought out twinkies with this special chocolatey sauce stuff... and the boys REALLY liked it and said, "NOM NOM NOMMMM" to this stuff. And then I got a call from a friend who's actually on a mission asking me to come hang out with him and I was all, "Whaaa? Weird, no. SORRY, I have friends over." And then I went back out and I just looked at Rickifer because he was cute and wished he liked me... even though he's really short and skinny and a bumface. And that's all I remember.
But I was just thinking about that dream and my last post was short and boring so I thought I'd share!! Woohoo! Happy night! :)
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