Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Alright already!

Okay so I've been getting complaints that I haven't blogged for a whole FIVE DAYS! I know, how did all 8 of my followers survive without me for that long? But don't worry!! I'm back. I always have all these great ideas for posts... but then I'm too lazy to do them. Sorry. SO I'll try and remember all of the super duper exciting things that have happened to me since my last post.

FIRSTLY! I got a car!!! :) Can I just say that I am so freaking excited to finally own my very own beautiful car. I do have a picture on my phone.. but I'm too lazy to upload it. Sorry.. maybe someday. BUT I will tell you his name is James. When Jade dropped him off she was all concerned that he was a boy... because to tell the honest to goodness truth, he's kind of girly. Okay, really girly... his steering wheel cover has butterflies on it for heavens sake. SO I decided that he was gay. I've never had a sassy gay BFF so I am giving James the title. So far we have had splendid times together! He lurches a little when he changes gears (at least he's an automatic... we would SO not get along if he were stick shift) and I have to roll the windows down in order to see out of them (but I like riding with the windows down better anyway, ahh the free open air! Plus it's easier to eye flirt with the strangers that drive next to me) and I have to wrestle with the ignition to turn the key.. but HEY, he's got character! And so do I so I feel we are a perfect pair.

SECONDLY! I started watching Lost.. the tv show. I know. I know. What am I thinking??? I'll never catch up. Never. SIX SEASONS?? really now? But it's so good!! and so INTENSE! And I keep reading things on facebook and blogs that are giving things away and I'm FREAKING OUT. But not too bad.. I can still function and such. haha and I'm pretty sure one of the reasons I'm liking it so much is I have a GREAT cuddle buddy. (Yes, I'm talking to you... what kind of boy reads blogs anyway? BAHAHA!)

THIRDLY! I love Arizona. I really don't think I can say it enough. I went swimming again on Monday at the Fishers. And I get to tan all the time... and it's SNOWING in other places in this country. How awful. Some people hate the heat but it's one of my favorite things. I love when I walk outside in the summer and it's so HOT and DRY that my skin tightens. I love the feel of sun on my skin. I love smelling like chlorine all summer. I don't mind pit stains anymore because EVERYONE has them... it's like the whole state of Arizona is unified by their mutual sweatiness. Which sounds really gross.. but I adore it all! I love never wearing shoes and spending as much time as I possibly can in my swimsuit and never showering because... I went swimming, duh. and sleeping in and staying up late. People think Arizona summers are brutal.. but they're just perfect. :)

FOURTHLY! I am going to conference this weekend. :) And I have a HOT DATE saturday night with my internet boyfriend. And I get to see my brother and his wifey and my roommate from last semester. :) AND I get to be in the same room as the prophet and all the apostles. How awesome is that? I am so stoked.

FIFTHLY! I must tell you this story. Work on Monday was very slow. And when I say slow I mean I was working front register and the two people working photo and cosmetics would come over and we'd all chat and every time a customer would come we'd all fight over them and try and convince them to come to our register. I'd win of course because "my name is Annie and look how smiley I am and I'll sing you a song!! "The sun'll come ooouuuut tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrowwww there'll be sun!" Well, during one of these times a little old hunched over man in (I think) his 80's came up to my register with about 30 different hallmark cards. I joked with him and asked if he was starting his own card store. He chuckled and replied, "It certainly does seem that way doesn't it? But no, my wife has Alzheimer's and I send her a card every day. She doesn't remember a lot of the time, but I like to send them just the same. I like to see her smile." I couldn't even say anything for a few seconds. When I could say something all I could muster was, "That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard."

Which brings me to my words of wisdom for the day. Love is the most powerful force in this whole universe. "She doesn't remember a lot of the time, but I like to see her smile." How simple but how profound! It just makes me happy that I know of and feel my Savior's love. 1 Nephi 21:14-16 says, "But, behold, Zion hath said: The Lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me-- but he will show that he hath not. For can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee, O house of Israel. Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; they walls are continually before me." I believe the more we love the closer we come to Christ and our Heavenly Father. This man's beautiful love for his wife filled me with hope for the good things of the world. But then again, I guess it's not the good things of the world... because he just borrowed that love from God. So to sum it all up: Christ is with us, he cares for us, he loves us more than we can ever know in this life. The more we try to emulate the love he has for us in our love for others the closer we get to Him and the happier we are! The end. :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010


So this morning at about 12:15 I decided to make a list of things I was going to do today. The list was supposed to start at about 8:30. This is how the list appears in my notebook:

To Do List 3/25/10

Read Scrips
Write Amber
Write Austin
Write Chase Make VT appointments!!!
Practice Voice
Practice Piano
Clean room!
Practice Cello
Practice Choir Music
Get Cute
Shoot for *insert love interest's name here (Oh Baby!)

WELL it looks like a fabulous list, yes? Wanna know how I'm doing on it now that it's 1:30 in the afternoon? WELL, I woke up at 10... so already I'm failing. haha I did not run (I can always go tonight, right?) I browsed facebook and blogger for a while then finally got eggs, bacon and toast for breakfast around 11. (Productive AND healthy so far. ha!) I decided to watch my favorite show What I Like About You While I was eating breakfast... and ended up watching a couple episodes... so by the time noon rolled around I was feeling like some good tanning time. So I tanned (unsuccessfully... I really don't know why I keep trying.. I'm pretty sure I'm as white as ever) and wrote Austin and Amber! Woohoo two more things off my list! And I decided blogging was kind of like writing in my journal... so I'm gonna cross that one off when I'm finished here. I KNOW! I know what you're thinking. I wish I could be as dedicated to my lists as Annie is to hers. It's amazing. I really do have every intention of finishing my list, though. But in order to do that, I should probably get started.. haha. SO that's it for today.

My words of wisdom for today: Make lists. Even if you don't actually follow them... they make you feel more productive right away! It's amazing. Have a lovely day blogger friends! :)

*I couldn't very well put what is ACTUALLY on my list. I've heard this love interest reads my blog occasionally and that would just be plain embarrassing. Also, by "shoot for" I mean hang out with so I can try and seduce him. You know, the usual.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Holy Frijoles!

Okay, so basically a lot has happened since I last posted! Lots of funsie things. :)

First of all, I had my first swim of the season!! I had Wednesday off from work and me, mom, Kelene, and grandma went to Mike and Andrea's to swim! It seriously was so so much fun. Mike pulled the trampoline close to the pool so we could jump in. And yes, it was freezing. Their dog bit me and I got a nasty bruise. But I'm tanning! Woo! I have a tan on my back and arms and such.. and I decided that the only place that won't tan on my entire body is my lower legs. Even my thighs tan... but calves and shins? No. I don't understand. I WILL BREAK YOU, LEGS! But in a nice way.. I am not a violent person. :) Also that day we all went to see Alice in Wonderland and... it was super weird. haha I liked it!... but it was super weird.

OH I know for sure that I'm going to conference!! That makes me mucho grande happy! And I get to see my internet boyfriend for realsies. We have every intention of snogging the moment we meet.. so we'll see how that goes. ahHA!

Let's see what else? OH I have a lovely new friend. The mall guy.. the one that ran into the metal door and started BLEEDING. (hahaha so embarrassing, poor guy.) But yeah. I always have a grand old time when I hang out with good ol' mall guy. We have lovely times talking and me slaughtering him at card games. I decided we are going to go do all the things in this city that I've always wanted to do because he's cool enough to do them. It'll be fabulous. I'll keep you posted.

OH! Sweet goodness! I am getting my very first ever CAR!! This weekend. It is quite the family heirloom actually. He was born in 1994, christened Honda Accord and soon after was purchased by my grandmother and was brought up very nicely by her. They spent many many years and even more miles together in perfect happiness. However, my grandmother one day decided she was too cool for little Accord and sold him to my adorable sister, Jade Marie who lives in Safford with her hot hubby. (We told Accord Safford was kind of like Hawaii so he didn't feel too bad.) They've had lovely times there as well, but it is time for Accord to come live with me! And I will love him like no other woman in this family has before. And I will probably give him a real name.. I'll have to get a feel for him first before I can decide on something appropriate. So, I'll keep you posted on that as well. :)

Oh yeah, something else.. I locked the car keys in the car last night. It was awful. At 2 in the morning. ughhh. So we called a lock smith.. and even he had a hard time breaking into Lloyd, the old fogey!! That old man car does not like to be violated in that way! The rape of my car only cost 65 dollars! Woooo! ew. stoooopid. The end.

Welp. I think that's just about it, really. EXCEPT for my words of wisdom for the day, of course. Okay, this one has come in handy working at Walgreens, especially. Here it is: If you are feeling like you should punch someone in the face for being so stinky and rude or you feel like you should judge them because they look like a screw up weirdo... STOP YOURSELF! And instead.. try and see them as Christ would. If I ever find myself starting to make judgments on someone, I really do try and stop myself and look at them as Christ would. I try and understand why they could be the way they are that day. Maybe they smell really bad because they're water got turned off (and granted it is probably their own fault their water got turned off because of poor money management...) and maybe they got laid off at work so that's why they can't pay. Or maybe they are being so incredibly rude and impatient with me because they were up until 3 in the morning talking to their best friend who had a bad break up with her boyfriend and they're just tired. I don't know.. I really don't think people want to be mean or make people genuinely uncomfortable, I just think they don't realize what they're doing. Maybe they've never had anyone teach them that it's easier to be happy and kind than miserable and mean. Plus when you try and see people through Christ's eyes you can't help but love them. Because in Christ's eyes EVERYONE has immeasurable worth. He loves us all so so much and we should all love each other as well. Charity. That pretty much sums up the purpose of this life. The end. :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I don't really have anything to blog about, really. I haven't really had anything exciting happen to me lately.. but life's been good nonetheless. OH actually! Kyli came to visit!! What am I thinking?? haha that was DEFINITELY exciting. I love her mucho grande. It seriously just felt great to talk to my best friend again. In person. Yeah. Amazing, I miss great conversation. I think that is a requirement for my husband... I need someone who I can really TALK to.. just about anything and everything. I like talking. :) My internet boyfriend broke up with his for realsies girlfriend... haha that was interesting. I had a very informative conversation about relationships and why they FAIL with this great guy I know.. that was interesting. I'm still not completely sure if I can go to conference... which sucks.. pray for me. I haven't been to the temple in quite a while.. I should go this week. :) I get to go to church now!! But I still have to work on Sundays... I got a missionary letter from Austin Burnham! WOO! I made tacos for my boy Miles on Sunday, that was funsies! I work ALL nights now.. which kinda sucks haha. It goes by so much slower at night!.. also it kills my social life.. what little social life I had before.. haha. And I have to pee.. so I'm gonna wrap this up with...

MY WORDS OF WISDOM FOR THE DAY! Okay lets see.. something wise... ... make time to do the things you love. I know that sometimes I personally get caught up in other things.. and I have the time to do the things I love.. I just don't for some reason. Most of the things I love have to do with music. I love singing and playing the piano and cello. I LOVE love doing these things.. but for some reason I don't do them as often as I should. Whenever I DO do them... I'm always shocked at how much I enjoy it.. and then promise myself I'll do it more often. I'm just lazy I guess. haha another one is reading. I spend more time on the computer (I am embarrassed to say) than reading. SO once again, do what you love. Whether it's running, playing a card game, taking your kids to the park, reading, or just having time to take a nap (I also love this..), just do it! Make the time to do things that make you feel alive and like life is worth living. Change it up a bit! You'll feel happier, I promise. :) The end.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


So, sometimes it gets a little hard to smile. Don't you hate that? And I know it's silly because I really have so so much to be grateful for! I finally have a paying job that I enjoy, I have a wonderful family (seriously, they are freaking awesome), I have the gospel, I am getting my first car this month, I'll probably get to go to conference for the first time, I love the choir I'm in... honestly, life is pretty good!

...but at the same time... I don't want life to just be pretty good. In the words of Hitch (I know, it's the second blog in a row I've quoted this movie. What can I say, it's awesome!), "What if fine isn't good enough? What if I want extraordinary?" I miss having My-Life-is-Like-a-Movie Moments. If my life was a movie... this would be the part in the movie when the main character was being all depressed and boring and they'd just show little clips here and there of me watching a movie by myself eating ice cream and then standing at a cash register or organizing the ugly sandals at Walgreens while a Norah Jones track played in the background. I'd rather it be the part in the movie when the main character has her posse of awesome best girlfriends. They go out dancing and she meets a very attractive British man who happens to be Mormon, you know, and sweeps her away to some romantic location where they talk and laugh all night before, as soon as they know it, the sun is rising over the mountains so he drives her home and they share true love's first kiss on the front porch. Then she gets to tell her friends because, you know.. she has some. Yeah, that would be the part in my movie I'd like to get to.

But I kinda got off on a tangent there... I guess what I'm trying to say is... I'm just not really super content with life right now. Of course, that could totally change tomorrow... tomorrow could be fanfreakingtastic.. but as for today.. it was just sort of okay. I just want something to happen to me, something new and exciting. Mostly just someone to hang out with would be great. I mean, I love hanging out with my mom all the time... but.. I don't know. Yeah, that's it.

As for my words of wisdom segment... I'm not feeling very wise today.. I'm actually just feeling kinda whiny haha... but I'll say this at least: If things suck... just be patient and wait it out. I should definitely take my own advice on this one, I know... patience in general is something I need more of. But yeah. Things work out. They really do. At least I hope they do...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mish Mash

Alrighty so this post is just going to be a mish mash (great title, yes?) of all the things that I want to say. I have several topics to discuss. All are entertaining. So strap yourself down and put your hands up because it's gonna be a super fun ride! But not a roller coaster... because I'm not a big fan of those... at least not the ones with big drops. Those suck. Maybe a nice Ferris Wheel ride... and all of the nice things you can look at from the view are segments of my brain! Wooo. Okay. Back to the blog.

So first of all... I am seriously getting better at running and it makes me rejoice in my heart. I love it. I still am not a huge fan of running... but I'm starting to see why people might want to do it a lot. haha it really makes you feel great! Jacob Washburn and I have lovely times jogging together in Lehi. We even jogged down Nance Street.. which means something to very few... but don't worry.. we jogged the whole way.. no time for actual Nancing. haha I have plans on blogging about that subject in a later post... so stay tuned.

I got my general conference ticket today!! :) My stake only gives one little ticket to each person that asks for them so I only have a ticket to Saturday Afternoon.. but I'll go out on the street corners and beg for extra tickets and wait for standby. I need more people to go with though.... so far I have my freaking awesome cousin, Cami whom I adore. And MAYBE my mom... hahaha, yeah I know. I'm so cool, don't worry... I know.

Next subject: I recently found out that I had about 40 sophomores and juniors.. and a select seniors I suppose in love with me last year. Basically all of mens choir and some random IB kids. hahahaha okay, I know this is super dorky... but when I found out, it totally made my night. Who doesn't want to hear that 40 males thought you were super talented and hot? I know I like it. :)

Also, I had a hot date this past weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed it because my date was hilarious and cute and just overall really fun! I had a great time. He ran into a metal door and bled from his forehead... and we bought one little lego from the lego store because "we were missing just this one piece!!!" Actually we didn't buy it... we got it for free.. the lego people were very understanding and sympathetic of our plight. And we ate yummy food and yummy cupcakes and yeah... laughed so much my sides were sore the next day. Good times.

Oh, and remember that guy from facebook? I don't know if you do. But I kind of refer to him in my head as my internet boyfriend.. even though he has a for realsies girlfriend in Utah. Oh well. Anyway, we broke up for the THIRD time last night. It was very emotional. But we're over it. haha and we'll probably have to break up a few more times. Oh the silliness of it all. Gotta love it! I think it's entertaining at least!

My job is going great! Except that I have to work on Sunday... like every single Sunday. Ugh. I think I'm actually going to keep looking for another job that doesn't have that requirement.. but anyway. I really do enjoy it though. I like most of the people that I work with! (Except this one guy that makes me feel like I'm in a sexual harassment video.) And I love working with all the customers. Seriously, most people are super nice and I love people watching and just observing people in general and how they interact and behave in certain situations. It's very engaging to me.

I think I'm going to try and get Der Holle Rache ready for the Sonoran Desert Chorale's next concert.. Mr. Harris said he would add 3 or 4 arias to the concert... and that would be freaking awesome if I could pull it off!! My voice is out of shape though, I'll have to really work at it!

Okie doke. I can't really think of anything else right now.. life's pretty good. I can't complain too much, I suppose.

All that's left is my words of wisdom for the day! And here they are: Smile a lot! It makes you happy... and makes everyone else around you happier too. That fact is more evident to me working at the cash register at Walgreens than it ever has been before. Someone can walk up looking just terribly tired and ready to fall over and I give them a good, genuine smile and they stand up a little straighter and smile back with a smile that completely transforms their face. It's a great thing to witness and I highly recommend trying it! That is all. The end.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Tonight was weird. And not what I expected at all. Running down Nance with Jake was the highlight, actually. And it was mostly a highlight just because it was Nance St and I ran all the way and Jake is a cool boy. I decided I am not a huge fan of boys right now. But knowing me, that is very susceptible. Wow, I just spell checked and I actually spelled susceptible right the first time, I'm amazing. But yeah, tonight was mostly depressing... but I have a lot to think about.. a lot to internalize and mull over. I am a very very silly girl and I let my emotions get the best of me far too often. Perhaps I shall elaborate more later... or more likely just leave you hanging on this forever. HA! Suckers. Okay anyway.. that's the end.

Oh yeah, except for my words of wisdom segment. Today I will tell you... be grateful for emotions. They are amazing and they make life vibrant and interesting and worth living! Even the terrible ones are great... just because feeling something is better than nothing. In the words of Hitch, "I know... I know deep. Like just down, just in *this area* that I just know that I want.... I want to be miserable. Like, really miserable. Because, hey, if that's what it takes.. for me to be happy then... Wait, that didn't come out right." So take it from me.. and from Hitch (he's the love doctor you know... legit) be grateful for what you feel. Relish it, don't be afraid to feel. But don't spend too much time on the miserable ones... change it to happiness ASAP. You know? Okay, that's all. The end.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

So... life loves me. Just saying.

I'll just start off by saying I had the best day today. I really didn't have one thing to complain about all day. Ready to hear this awesomeness??
Okay, so I woke up to my sister Jade and her husband Ryan jumping on me in bed... at freaking 7:30! But I didn't mind too much because I love them so much and I love when they visit!! I didn't get up though... I stayed in bed for another hour or so.. haha and then got up to eat delicious eggs, toast, and BACON prepared by my lovely mother.
THEN I went to Walgreens and... drum roll please! Got hired for my first ever full time job!! :) I came home and went shopping with mom, grandma, Jade and Ryan at Goodwill. I found all the Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and The Divine Comedy all for 8 bucks! Seriously. Awesome.
Then off to the happiest place on earth... COSTCO! It is especially happy during lunch time because you get free samples. :) Then I took a nap (essential for any perfect day).
Then mom forgot the Sister Missionaries were coming over... so we cleaned the entire house and made dinner in about 15 min.. haha it was great! And guess what?? The sisters were actually... normal. It was fantastic! Not gonna lie, sister missionaries are usually really weird and awkward, but these two were perfectly acceptable!
Then I unexpectedly got free tickets to see the Phoenix Symphony from the lovely Jamie Petersen. Oh my heavens sake. It was incredible!! They had a special guest cellist... he kind of made me want to come home and practice my cello for five hours a day for the rest of my life! The music was so beautiful and I honestly just felt like I was floating as I walked out of the hall.
ALSO during the symphony intermission I got a call from the director of Joseph Smith the Prophet and I got the part of Mary Fielding Smith and I get to sing my favorite solo "Savior, Redeemer of My Soul"!!! I'm so so excited!
Then I came home, made some peach tea and read the scrips and my patriarchal blessing.

Over all basically the most amazing day ever. Who could ask for anything more? Honest to goodness I am so thankful for everything that has happened in my life lately. I was really struggling there for a while but with the help of some great friends, family and of course the Lord I am finally back on track and keeping busy again!

My words of wisdom for today are simple: Just try to love the life you live! Life really is so amazing, even if it isn't the greatest right now it's better than not living at all! Take the experiences you get to have and learn something and become something better than you are right now.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Evolution of Annie Citrine

Alrighty. So this afternoon I decided to put this together because I desperately needed to do something productive while I was watching What I Like About You. (I really do adore that show. Amanda Bynes has caused a variety of beverages to come out my nose because of her hilarious nature.) Well, I thought it was quite hilarious... and rather frightening at some times... and DEFINITELY makes me very happy for growing up out of awkward stages. Hope you enjoy!

So this is my absolutely adorable self as a wee little baby! Yes, that look on my face is a bit special, and yes I had more rolls than a bakery.

I'd say I was an adorable 2 year old at this point. I think I was trying to smile for the camera but it was hard not to look pained in that dress I'm wearing.

Even as a 3 year old I can rock the polka dots. and me a Dolly match! Precious. ... I'm not really sure why I was so confused, though.

Photo shoot with grandma at... 4? One of my cuter childhood pictures. :)

I think this one and the one before it might be out of order but oh well.. it was about the same age. But check out those 90's bangs!!! Bam baby! And little Kelene of course. We're just so darn cute.

Little Annie in Kindergarten. Just a bit of trivia... at this age I thought my last name was Bananie because EVERYONE called me Annie Bananie all the time. The disappointment when I learned my last name was Fletcher was devastating! But you know children... I got over it. haha Plus I have also discovered that the name Annie sounds awesome with just about every last name ever invented. (Not that I discovered this by putting my name with the last name of every boy I ever liked since I was 4 or anything....)

This is first grade. My hair was always a hot mess when I was a little kid. I had a snaggle tooth at this age as well. Also, HOLY LACE! Thank you mother, I'm sure I felt like a princess. ... or something.

And then in the Fourth Grade I exploded. Yes, it is hard to believe... but that really is me. Hahaha oh heavens.

This is probably 5th grade.. stage two of the awkward phase. I think God knew how much I'd like boys so he purposely made me kind of scary to keep me safe. .... and to protect the boys. Which doesn't really make sense because I was bigger and taller than most of them at this point.

This is the age I discovered I didn't have to wear frilly lace in my school pictures. 7th grade... I had graduated to glasses.. and I really didn't think I could get more awkward... I was wrong..

BAM! Glasses AND braces... and puberty... THIS was the peak of my awkwardness... ahh 8th grade. Thankfully I was able to balance it out by learning how to get ready in the morning and a weight training class. Orchestra didn't help.

Finally I start to get out of my awkward stage in 9th grade with the use of contacts and the removal of my braces.

For some reason I couldn't find my school pictures from 10th or 11th grade... but I found this lovely picture from Junior year... I did not know this boy that well... and I look fairly terrified in this picture. Good times.

And then finally senior year! I feel like I was completely out of all awkwardness at this point. I am still an incredibly awkward person but I like it that way! I was finally comfortable with myself and it felt great to finally be grown up!

That's it! This really was fun. I feel prettier just looking back at these.. hahaha. What a lovely walk down memory lane. :)


About Me

My photo
Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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