Thursday, March 25, 2010


So this morning at about 12:15 I decided to make a list of things I was going to do today. The list was supposed to start at about 8:30. This is how the list appears in my notebook:

To Do List 3/25/10

Read Scrips
Write Amber
Write Austin
Write Chase Make VT appointments!!!
Practice Voice
Practice Piano
Clean room!
Practice Cello
Practice Choir Music
Get Cute
Shoot for *insert love interest's name here (Oh Baby!)

WELL it looks like a fabulous list, yes? Wanna know how I'm doing on it now that it's 1:30 in the afternoon? WELL, I woke up at 10... so already I'm failing. haha I did not run (I can always go tonight, right?) I browsed facebook and blogger for a while then finally got eggs, bacon and toast for breakfast around 11. (Productive AND healthy so far. ha!) I decided to watch my favorite show What I Like About You While I was eating breakfast... and ended up watching a couple episodes... so by the time noon rolled around I was feeling like some good tanning time. So I tanned (unsuccessfully... I really don't know why I keep trying.. I'm pretty sure I'm as white as ever) and wrote Austin and Amber! Woohoo two more things off my list! And I decided blogging was kind of like writing in my journal... so I'm gonna cross that one off when I'm finished here. I KNOW! I know what you're thinking. I wish I could be as dedicated to my lists as Annie is to hers. It's amazing. I really do have every intention of finishing my list, though. But in order to do that, I should probably get started.. haha. SO that's it for today.

My words of wisdom for today: Make lists. Even if you don't actually follow them... they make you feel more productive right away! It's amazing. Have a lovely day blogger friends! :)

*I couldn't very well put what is ACTUALLY on my list. I've heard this love interest reads my blog occasionally and that would just be plain embarrassing. Also, by "shoot for" I mean hang out with so I can try and seduce him. You know, the usual.

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About Me

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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