Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I don't really have anything to blog about, really. I haven't really had anything exciting happen to me lately.. but life's been good nonetheless. OH actually! Kyli came to visit!! What am I thinking?? haha that was DEFINITELY exciting. I love her mucho grande. It seriously just felt great to talk to my best friend again. In person. Yeah. Amazing, I miss great conversation. I think that is a requirement for my husband... I need someone who I can really TALK to.. just about anything and everything. I like talking. :) My internet boyfriend broke up with his for realsies girlfriend... haha that was interesting. I had a very informative conversation about relationships and why they FAIL with this great guy I know.. that was interesting. I'm still not completely sure if I can go to conference... which sucks.. pray for me. I haven't been to the temple in quite a while.. I should go this week. :) I get to go to church now!! But I still have to work on Sundays... I got a missionary letter from Austin Burnham! WOO! I made tacos for my boy Miles on Sunday, that was funsies! I work ALL nights now.. which kinda sucks haha. It goes by so much slower at night!.. also it kills my social life.. what little social life I had before.. haha. And I have to pee.. so I'm gonna wrap this up with...

MY WORDS OF WISDOM FOR THE DAY! Okay lets see.. something wise... ... make time to do the things you love. I know that sometimes I personally get caught up in other things.. and I have the time to do the things I love.. I just don't for some reason. Most of the things I love have to do with music. I love singing and playing the piano and cello. I LOVE love doing these things.. but for some reason I don't do them as often as I should. Whenever I DO do them... I'm always shocked at how much I enjoy it.. and then promise myself I'll do it more often. I'm just lazy I guess. haha another one is reading. I spend more time on the computer (I am embarrassed to say) than reading. SO once again, do what you love. Whether it's running, playing a card game, taking your kids to the park, reading, or just having time to take a nap (I also love this..), just do it! Make the time to do things that make you feel alive and like life is worth living. Change it up a bit! You'll feel happier, I promise. :) The end.

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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