Thursday, March 11, 2010


So, sometimes it gets a little hard to smile. Don't you hate that? And I know it's silly because I really have so so much to be grateful for! I finally have a paying job that I enjoy, I have a wonderful family (seriously, they are freaking awesome), I have the gospel, I am getting my first car this month, I'll probably get to go to conference for the first time, I love the choir I'm in... honestly, life is pretty good!

...but at the same time... I don't want life to just be pretty good. In the words of Hitch (I know, it's the second blog in a row I've quoted this movie. What can I say, it's awesome!), "What if fine isn't good enough? What if I want extraordinary?" I miss having My-Life-is-Like-a-Movie Moments. If my life was a movie... this would be the part in the movie when the main character was being all depressed and boring and they'd just show little clips here and there of me watching a movie by myself eating ice cream and then standing at a cash register or organizing the ugly sandals at Walgreens while a Norah Jones track played in the background. I'd rather it be the part in the movie when the main character has her posse of awesome best girlfriends. They go out dancing and she meets a very attractive British man who happens to be Mormon, you know, and sweeps her away to some romantic location where they talk and laugh all night before, as soon as they know it, the sun is rising over the mountains so he drives her home and they share true love's first kiss on the front porch. Then she gets to tell her friends because, you know.. she has some. Yeah, that would be the part in my movie I'd like to get to.

But I kinda got off on a tangent there... I guess what I'm trying to say is... I'm just not really super content with life right now. Of course, that could totally change tomorrow... tomorrow could be fanfreakingtastic.. but as for today.. it was just sort of okay. I just want something to happen to me, something new and exciting. Mostly just someone to hang out with would be great. I mean, I love hanging out with my mom all the time... but.. I don't know. Yeah, that's it.

As for my words of wisdom segment... I'm not feeling very wise today.. I'm actually just feeling kinda whiny haha... but I'll say this at least: If things suck... just be patient and wait it out. I should definitely take my own advice on this one, I know... patience in general is something I need more of. But yeah. Things work out. They really do. At least I hope they do...

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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