But I just thought I'd write down a few things I've been thinking about. Because I would like to put off homework a little while longer.
I never wear red lipstick in public... or around anyone at all. Because I don't think I can really pull it off. So instead I wear it while I do homework... or when I'm cleaning my room. Or when no one else is home. And I always freak out if I think I'm gonna see me in it! And I hurry and take it off. Maybe someday I'll be a big girl and wear it for realsies.
I'm a pretty clean person... except when it comes to my own room. It's awful. I need to keep it picked it up. Seriously it's ridiculous.
I've recently become obsessed with nail polish. I like it. :)
I miss singing. A lot. Seriously. Singing along with the radio is just not cutting it anymore. I need to break out some broadway and opera soon. ... when I'm not doing homework, at school, or working.
I wish I could take pretty pictures.
I don't really feel pretty very often anymore. :(
I love this song. And this girl is legit.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
How I put off better things that I SHOULD be doing... with pointless things.
1. I find my awesome leopard print SNUGGIE and wear it like a robe thing...

....and try and be a hot model....

....and fail at a jumping picture...

....and then fail again...

...then embrace my inner tigress!

.... and attempt interpretive art?

2. Get bored and set up a battle with army men..

...then take awesome close up pictures to capture the raw emotion of war..

...and fall in love with the "gun furiously over the head guy". I'm a sucker for a man in uniform...

...and wonder how that soldier is supposed to fit his body into that little jet...

...and document more...emotion....

...and realize this is silly.. and the only reason I'm doing this is to blog about it... and I should be doing something better with my time...

...and then see the backside of "gun furiously over head guy" and feel MUCH better about my use of time...

...and finally pay tribute to "walkie talkie guy"...who has time for war when you can be CHATTING???

Okay, for realsies. PRODUCTIVITY TIME! Journey just came on Pandora. That should help me get started. :) THE END!
....and try and be a hot model....
....and fail at a jumping picture...
....and then fail again...
...then embrace my inner tigress!
.... and attempt interpretive art?
2. Get bored and set up a battle with army men..
...then take awesome close up pictures to capture the raw emotion of war..
...and fall in love with the "gun furiously over the head guy". I'm a sucker for a man in uniform...
...and wonder how that soldier is supposed to fit his body into that little jet...
...and document more...emotion....
...and realize this is silly.. and the only reason I'm doing this is to blog about it... and I should be doing something better with my time...
...and then see the backside of "gun furiously over head guy" and feel MUCH better about my use of time...
...and finally pay tribute to "walkie talkie guy"...who has time for war when you can be CHATTING???
Okay, for realsies. PRODUCTIVITY TIME! Journey just came on Pandora. That should help me get started. :) THE END!
I've become obsessed with mailbags lately....
Dear Mailbag,
You are awesome because you allow me to talk to anything I want. Like pants and money and sleep and such. Things that normal people don't really talk to.. but THEY WISH THEY COULD. yeah.... or something. And you're easy. I like the easy ones. ;)
Love, Me
Dear Legs,
Let's be honest. It really is time to shave you. I realize I've only been wearing pants lately... and I've been sick. But those days are OVER! I am feeling MUCHO better. And I start school tomorrow. How can I expect to attract a husband with my legs looking and feeling like a prickly cactus? HMMM? Okay.
Love, Me
Dear Body,
Why do you insist on hating running so much? On the treadmill this morning my brain was all, "Woohoo yeahhhhh! Get in shape, body!" and YOU were all, "Whaaa??? What does that even MEAN??" ALSO apparently you missed the memo that when you run.. you should produce endorphins. Yeah, you should get on that, body. If you don't.. I'm just gonna have to let you get FAT! Rudeface.
Love, Me
Dear Shower,
You make me feel so clean and pretty. I should use you more often. HA!
Love, Me
Dear To Do List,
I'm happy you exist. If you didn't. I would never do anything. Thanks for the motivation!! You could put on a seminar. No really. REALLY. Stop being so modest. You're fantastic. :)
Love, Me
Dear Nina by Nina Ricci,
I wish I could sweat your smell because it's so FREAKING HOT!
Love, Me
Dear College,
Even though you are sucking me dry like a preppy girl at Jamba Juice I think we will be best friends. It's gonna be some work to keep our relationship running smoothly. But if you're willing to teach me I'm willing to learn.
Love, Me
Dear Shower,
P.S. Let's get it on!
Love, Me
You are awesome because you allow me to talk to anything I want. Like pants and money and sleep and such. Things that normal people don't really talk to.. but THEY WISH THEY COULD. yeah.... or something. And you're easy. I like the easy ones. ;)
Love, Me
Dear Legs,
Let's be honest. It really is time to shave you. I realize I've only been wearing pants lately... and I've been sick. But those days are OVER! I am feeling MUCHO better. And I start school tomorrow. How can I expect to attract a husband with my legs looking and feeling like a prickly cactus? HMMM? Okay.
Love, Me
Dear Body,
Why do you insist on hating running so much? On the treadmill this morning my brain was all, "Woohoo yeahhhhh! Get in shape, body!" and YOU were all, "Whaaa??? What does that even MEAN??" ALSO apparently you missed the memo that when you run.. you should produce endorphins. Yeah, you should get on that, body. If you don't.. I'm just gonna have to let you get FAT! Rudeface.
Love, Me
Dear Shower,
You make me feel so clean and pretty. I should use you more often. HA!
Love, Me
Dear To Do List,
I'm happy you exist. If you didn't. I would never do anything. Thanks for the motivation!! You could put on a seminar. No really. REALLY. Stop being so modest. You're fantastic. :)
Love, Me
Dear Nina by Nina Ricci,
I wish I could sweat your smell because it's so FREAKING HOT!
Love, Me
Dear College,
Even though you are sucking me dry like a preppy girl at Jamba Juice I think we will be best friends. It's gonna be some work to keep our relationship running smoothly. But if you're willing to teach me I'm willing to learn.
Love, Me
Dear Shower,
P.S. Let's get it on!
Love, Me
The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.
Seeing as how I'm not sure I've ever actually been in love... this might all be waaayyyy off. But I hope not. I don't know what to think about it all. For those of you who HAVE been in love. Let me know what it's like for you. Because quite frankly I'm a little lost with it all right now.
Because isn't love supposed to be toxic and overwhelming and tragic and make you completely LOONY?? Aren't you supposed to feel heels over head and not be able to focus and just absolutely live and breathe the person you're in love with??
Or is that a kind of fake love they only show you in movies? I don't want to feel out of control in love. I don't think I do at least.
I'd rather it be slow and solid. Something you can feel in your core. Like thunder. It takes a while to build and as it does you can feel it all over in your soul. Not like lightning that strikes suddenly and dazzlingly, tingling your everything. But then it's over.
I'd rather have consistency. Waking up every morning and wanting to see the person simply because you love being with them. Not because they turn your world upside down.. but because they set your world straight. Because everything makes sense when they're with you. And you know that even though bad things will happen, they have to, they'll be right there with you to overcome and grow with you.
Instead of becoming someone completely new because I "fell in love" I'd rather stay myself. "Marriage is about learning to be yourself with someone else." I want to stay me... but become a better version of me. When you love someone, you should want to be better so they can be proud of you, even though they already are. You should be able to lift each other up to higher ground until you finally look down to the bottom of the mountain and cry with joy at what you've accomplished together.
I don't want to feel like the person I'm in love with is too good for me. I want to feel like we're just right for each other.
Everyone says you should marry your best friend. That sounds nice, doesn't it? To marry the person you watch movies with and have giggle fits with and you can talk to about anything and everything. To be in love with someone you're so comfortable with you're surprised at yourself. To know they won't get tired of you because they've seen you after swimming and taken care of you when you're sick and helped you study because you feel stupid and seen your crazy family but still stuck around to keep being your best friend. Yeah that sounds nice.
I want to love and be loved by someone not in spite of our flaws.. but because of them.
I think being in love means loving someone more than you love yourself. And also expecting them to love you more than they love themselves.
I think to be in love is to be happy. If you're with someone... and you're not happy. There's something wrong.
And that's about all I have on the subject for now.
Because isn't love supposed to be toxic and overwhelming and tragic and make you completely LOONY?? Aren't you supposed to feel heels over head and not be able to focus and just absolutely live and breathe the person you're in love with??
Or is that a kind of fake love they only show you in movies? I don't want to feel out of control in love. I don't think I do at least.
I'd rather it be slow and solid. Something you can feel in your core. Like thunder. It takes a while to build and as it does you can feel it all over in your soul. Not like lightning that strikes suddenly and dazzlingly, tingling your everything. But then it's over.
I'd rather have consistency. Waking up every morning and wanting to see the person simply because you love being with them. Not because they turn your world upside down.. but because they set your world straight. Because everything makes sense when they're with you. And you know that even though bad things will happen, they have to, they'll be right there with you to overcome and grow with you.
Instead of becoming someone completely new because I "fell in love" I'd rather stay myself. "Marriage is about learning to be yourself with someone else." I want to stay me... but become a better version of me. When you love someone, you should want to be better so they can be proud of you, even though they already are. You should be able to lift each other up to higher ground until you finally look down to the bottom of the mountain and cry with joy at what you've accomplished together.
I don't want to feel like the person I'm in love with is too good for me. I want to feel like we're just right for each other.
Everyone says you should marry your best friend. That sounds nice, doesn't it? To marry the person you watch movies with and have giggle fits with and you can talk to about anything and everything. To be in love with someone you're so comfortable with you're surprised at yourself. To know they won't get tired of you because they've seen you after swimming and taken care of you when you're sick and helped you study because you feel stupid and seen your crazy family but still stuck around to keep being your best friend. Yeah that sounds nice.
I want to love and be loved by someone not in spite of our flaws.. but because of them.
I think being in love means loving someone more than you love yourself. And also expecting them to love you more than they love themselves.
I think to be in love is to be happy. If you're with someone... and you're not happy. There's something wrong.
And that's about all I have on the subject for now.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
An Ode for Andrea
So I just looked up what an Ode actually is... this is not going to be a poem, in fact. It's not even really going to be poetical at all. Just basically a mish mash on why my aunt is the best and most hilarious aunt ever.
She's basically letting me stay here for free. Which is awesome. I get my own room and bathroom and spot in the garage. I will pay her for the time I'm staying here, I'm determined... just not right this second... because I am so incredibly poor and school is sucking me DRY. But I will pay you, Andrea. I promise.
She has the coolest kids. I love them. All of them. They are adorable and loud and obnoxious a lot of the time but I love having them around. It's so nice to be loved by little kids. :)
She always has her house stocked with the best food. Score.
When I was sick yesterday, she and Mike took me to see Vampires Suck. And when they were parody-ing(?) the part where Bella falls off the bike and Jacob rushes to help her by taking off his shirt.... instead of abs of steel.. there was hair. A LOT of hair. Then Bella says, "Are those teets?" and the camera does a close up of Jacob's stomach which, indeed has a lovely row of hairy teets. HILARIOUS! Even better? Andrea leans over and says, "All I can think of is Hairy Ben!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Lemme tell ya, we laughed our heads off. And that is just one example of the MANY funny things she says every day ever. Love it.
She married my mom's brother. And he's awesome. And ALSO hilarious. Yaay Mike! Together they are the best couple ever. A great example of a great marriage. They are happy and get annoyed with each other and help each other with chores and he cooks and she gets groceries and they both keep the kids in line. It's fantastic. And they're always laughing. :)
She has great hair.
And a testimony to boot.
And she makes me excited to be a mommy and wife and get outside myself... because when you're taking care of other people, you have to get outside yourself.
And she really wants me to blog this picture. So I will. hahahahaha I'm pretty sure Lilly took it. Just a glimpse into the awesome world that I am now living in. :)
She's basically letting me stay here for free. Which is awesome. I get my own room and bathroom and spot in the garage. I will pay her for the time I'm staying here, I'm determined... just not right this second... because I am so incredibly poor and school is sucking me DRY. But I will pay you, Andrea. I promise.
She has the coolest kids. I love them. All of them. They are adorable and loud and obnoxious a lot of the time but I love having them around. It's so nice to be loved by little kids. :)
She always has her house stocked with the best food. Score.
When I was sick yesterday, she and Mike took me to see Vampires Suck. And when they were parody-ing(?) the part where Bella falls off the bike and Jacob rushes to help her by taking off his shirt.... instead of abs of steel.. there was hair. A LOT of hair. Then Bella says, "Are those teets?" and the camera does a close up of Jacob's stomach which, indeed has a lovely row of hairy teets. HILARIOUS! Even better? Andrea leans over and says, "All I can think of is Hairy Ben!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Lemme tell ya, we laughed our heads off. And that is just one example of the MANY funny things she says every day ever. Love it.
She married my mom's brother. And he's awesome. And ALSO hilarious. Yaay Mike! Together they are the best couple ever. A great example of a great marriage. They are happy and get annoyed with each other and help each other with chores and he cooks and she gets groceries and they both keep the kids in line. It's fantastic. And they're always laughing. :)
She has great hair.
And a testimony to boot.
And she makes me excited to be a mommy and wife and get outside myself... because when you're taking care of other people, you have to get outside yourself.
And she really wants me to blog this picture. So I will. hahahahaha I'm pretty sure Lilly took it. Just a glimpse into the awesome world that I am now living in. :)

Another Mailbag... because they're easy and I'm lazy.
Dear Nose,
Please stop being stuffed up. I don't like it. I've only been sick for 3 days and I'm already ready for it to be over.
Respectfully, Me
Dear 80's Movies,
I love you. Even though you are cheesy. Actually it's probably BECAUSE you are cheesy that I love you so much. And you make me feel happy when I am sick.
Love, Me
Dear room,
Why must you get messy. I swear it's not my fault. (Actually it is.) I don't want to clean you. CLEAN YOURSELF LAZY FACE!
For Heavens Sake, Me
Dear Jon,
I'm grumpy at you for getting home late. But I forgive you already.
Dear Bed,
Thank you for being so comfortable and warm and happy. I think I'll be utilizing you VERY soon for a nap.
Love, Me
Dear Thailand,
Thanks for making such comfortable pants. If you could send me some of my own, that would be lovely. I'll have to return these ones soon, unfortunately.
Sincerely, Me
Please stop being stuffed up. I don't like it. I've only been sick for 3 days and I'm already ready for it to be over.
Respectfully, Me
Dear 80's Movies,
I love you. Even though you are cheesy. Actually it's probably BECAUSE you are cheesy that I love you so much. And you make me feel happy when I am sick.
Love, Me
Dear room,
Why must you get messy. I swear it's not my fault. (Actually it is.) I don't want to clean you. CLEAN YOURSELF LAZY FACE!
For Heavens Sake, Me
Dear Jon,
I'm grumpy at you for getting home late. But I forgive you already.
Dear Bed,
Thank you for being so comfortable and warm and happy. I think I'll be utilizing you VERY soon for a nap.
Love, Me
Dear Thailand,
Thanks for making such comfortable pants. If you could send me some of my own, that would be lovely. I'll have to return these ones soon, unfortunately.
Sincerely, Me
Saturday, August 21, 2010
This sickness is stupid because....
(With pictures to illustrate)
1. I can't do things with other people because I am probably contagious and am snotting everywhere. People don't like other people's snot on them. Heck, I don't even like my OWN snot on me. Gross.

2. I am a mouth breather. Which is weird. People can hear me before they see me. And they probably think I'm 500 lbs because just walking around makes me breathe like I just ran a mile. Also my lips get chapped because of this. Dumb.

3. I spent the majority of my day walking around work with a weird face on because it takes about 20 minutes for each of my sneezes to build up enough to actually come out my nose. And then when I finally did sneeze... the most polite thing I could do was sneeze in my shirt. Because if I didn't... I would have sprayed everything within a 4 foot radius with my snot and sickness. As a result... I had snotty boobs. Let's be honest, that is just not comfortable for anyone.

4. I had to work at Walgreens and smile at customers that I just wished would go home so I could go home too. But there was this really funny old lady that came in and was all mad because she'd gone to Target and gotten a hair product there and she said the nozzle was broken! The stuff she'd bought just wouldn't come out right and made her hair feel awful. "It was bad." So she found the product she'd bought at Target and asked to spray it in her hand to see if it was working right. I said it was fine. So she did.... and it did the same thing as the one at target! "It's supposed to come out poofy and white and this just kind of fizzles." "Uhm... wait, are you looking for MOUSSE? Because that right there is hairspray...." BAHAHAHAHAHA it was so funny. She, her husband and I were CRACKING UP. My favorite part was his contribution of, "This morning she came out of the bathroom with her hair all sticking out everywhere just confused as can be because she tried to blow dry and and comb it out and she couldn't even get a brush through it, let alone style it!" Yeah.. .it'd be kinda hard to style hair if you were applying hairspray like you do mousse. Hilar.

5. I don't even want to finish this blog because I don't want to think of things to say. I'm tired. The end.
1. I can't do things with other people because I am probably contagious and am snotting everywhere. People don't like other people's snot on them. Heck, I don't even like my OWN snot on me. Gross.
2. I am a mouth breather. Which is weird. People can hear me before they see me. And they probably think I'm 500 lbs because just walking around makes me breathe like I just ran a mile. Also my lips get chapped because of this. Dumb.
3. I spent the majority of my day walking around work with a weird face on because it takes about 20 minutes for each of my sneezes to build up enough to actually come out my nose. And then when I finally did sneeze... the most polite thing I could do was sneeze in my shirt. Because if I didn't... I would have sprayed everything within a 4 foot radius with my snot and sickness. As a result... I had snotty boobs. Let's be honest, that is just not comfortable for anyone.
4. I had to work at Walgreens and smile at customers that I just wished would go home so I could go home too. But there was this really funny old lady that came in and was all mad because she'd gone to Target and gotten a hair product there and she said the nozzle was broken! The stuff she'd bought just wouldn't come out right and made her hair feel awful. "It was bad." So she found the product she'd bought at Target and asked to spray it in her hand to see if it was working right. I said it was fine. So she did.... and it did the same thing as the one at target! "It's supposed to come out poofy and white and this just kind of fizzles." "Uhm... wait, are you looking for MOUSSE? Because that right there is hairspray...." BAHAHAHAHAHA it was so funny. She, her husband and I were CRACKING UP. My favorite part was his contribution of, "This morning she came out of the bathroom with her hair all sticking out everywhere just confused as can be because she tried to blow dry and and comb it out and she couldn't even get a brush through it, let alone style it!" Yeah.. .it'd be kinda hard to style hair if you were applying hairspray like you do mousse. Hilar.
5. I don't even want to finish this blog because I don't want to think of things to say. I'm tired. The end.
Friday, August 20, 2010
hooooly crap.
So... today was interesting. To say the least. The very least. It started out fine... I woke up and went to work. After work I went to Jon's.... we watched Wipeout and ate jello. Then we watched some Demetri Martin. Hilar.
....then we went upstairs to his room and were chillin up there. We played some California Speed and I slaughtered him as always. ...Then I laid down because I was tired... and he laid down too. And we... sorta cuddled. And when I say sorta.... I mean he kissed me. I was all, "Whaaaa????" Confused. Weird? Yes. Confused. Then I was mad at him. Did I NOT just give him the opportunity to get back with me like last week? CONFUSED.
I think the thing I was most shocked about was that none of it actually happened. I'm sure you'll be shocked too. Sorry guys... I was just feeling like my blog was getting boring and I thought I'd mix it up a little.. you know. Add some drama.
Oh that was good.
Yeah, what really happened is all that minus the laying down. We just played cards. And talked. And laughed as always. Jolly good. Then at 10 I went home and he went to bed!! See? Not nearly as exciting to read about, huh? Well get over it! I like it that way. :) Life's grand even if it isn't dramatic. When I got home Kyli came over and we watched Breakfast at Tiffany's and I was reminded AGAIN how absolutely DIVINE Audrey Hepburn is and how much I ADORE her wardrobe. Too bad I have curves so I could never pull off any of her clothes. But it was a lovely time. I love me some Kyli Larsonface!
Anyway, that's it.
Except for words of wisdom for the day. Be content with your life. In fact, be more than content. ENJOY your life. Savor the small happy moments. They are what really count. The end. :)
....then we went upstairs to his room and were chillin up there. We played some California Speed and I slaughtered him as always. ...Then I laid down because I was tired... and he laid down too. And we... sorta cuddled. And when I say sorta.... I mean he kissed me. I was all, "Whaaaa????" Confused. Weird? Yes. Confused. Then I was mad at him. Did I NOT just give him the opportunity to get back with me like last week? CONFUSED.
I think the thing I was most shocked about was that none of it actually happened. I'm sure you'll be shocked too. Sorry guys... I was just feeling like my blog was getting boring and I thought I'd mix it up a little.. you know. Add some drama.
Oh that was good.
Yeah, what really happened is all that minus the laying down. We just played cards. And talked. And laughed as always. Jolly good. Then at 10 I went home and he went to bed!! See? Not nearly as exciting to read about, huh? Well get over it! I like it that way. :) Life's grand even if it isn't dramatic. When I got home Kyli came over and we watched Breakfast at Tiffany's and I was reminded AGAIN how absolutely DIVINE Audrey Hepburn is and how much I ADORE her wardrobe. Too bad I have curves so I could never pull off any of her clothes. But it was a lovely time. I love me some Kyli Larsonface!
Anyway, that's it.
Except for words of wisdom for the day. Be content with your life. In fact, be more than content. ENJOY your life. Savor the small happy moments. They are what really count. The end. :)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Mail time!
Dear Me,
Why do you insist on staying up late? It's dumb. You are tired. Go to bed.
Love, Me
Dear Me,
MUST BLOG!!! AND I was writing to a missionary who has written you FOUR times... and you haven't responded to ANYTHING. So there. I had a good reason to stay up.
Love, Me
Dear hair,
You are so silky soft and luscious. I would ask you to cut it out because you are making me vain.. but I can't. I love you too much.
Love, Me
Dear Money,
I hate you. Mostly because you hate me and won't let me get any of you. I want you! School is expensive and my bank accounts are draining quickly. No bueno. Please come back to me. Let's be friends. We'll braid each other's hair and talk about boys when you sleep over. Jolly good.
Love, Me
Dear Kendra,
You are the reason I am making this post even though I'm so fetching tired. I am jealous you passed me in number of blog posts. I WILL catch up you blogging fiend!!
Love, Me
Dear Life,
You are sparkly and nice. I like you. :)
Love, Me
Dear Sleep,
I'm going to do you now. ;)
Love, Me
Why do you insist on staying up late? It's dumb. You are tired. Go to bed.
Love, Me
Dear Me,
MUST BLOG!!! AND I was writing to a missionary who has written you FOUR times... and you haven't responded to ANYTHING. So there. I had a good reason to stay up.
Love, Me
Dear hair,
You are so silky soft and luscious. I would ask you to cut it out because you are making me vain.. but I can't. I love you too much.
Love, Me
Dear Money,
I hate you. Mostly because you hate me and won't let me get any of you. I want you! School is expensive and my bank accounts are draining quickly. No bueno. Please come back to me. Let's be friends. We'll braid each other's hair and talk about boys when you sleep over. Jolly good.
Love, Me
Dear Kendra,
You are the reason I am making this post even though I'm so fetching tired. I am jealous you passed me in number of blog posts. I WILL catch up you blogging fiend!!
Love, Me
Dear Life,
You are sparkly and nice. I like you. :)
Love, Me
Dear Sleep,
I'm going to do you now. ;)
Love, Me
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I love the rain...
... because when it rains it feels like nothing bad could ever happen to you. Like nothing can touch you but the rain. It's been so blazing hot lately. And so humid your lungs feel heavy when you walk outside. As I was driving home today from Phoenix after my seven hour jury duty experience the only thing I was looking forward to was the rain. The traffic was horrible. That was the first time I'd ever driven in real grown up traffic before. But I could see the storm building and even though it would only make the traffic worse.. the only thing I wanted in the whole world was for it to pour down on us. I hate driving in the rain. People are rude and crazy and I can't see anything out my foggy tinted windows. But at that moment the rain would have washed away all my anger and frustration and loneliness of the day. ...but it didn't rain. So I took deep breaths and let people in front of me and made it home to take a loooong shower to clean the dirty of Phoenix and the courtroom with the child molester and the too long looks of some of the other male juror candidates. I used my happy soap that smells like citrus and sunshine and conditioned my hair til it was silky soft and shaved my legs with my man razor for extra smooth. When I got out I moisturized like none other. I feel so absolutely clean and peaceful. It's the best feeling. I put on some pajamas and went out and jumped on the trampoline until it started raining. I laid on the trampoline and just let the drops fall. On my pants and hair and arms and eyes. The wind made my hair go crazy and even wobbled the trampoline underneath me. Everything felt so fresh and beautiful. Nothing could touch me but everything was touching me. Then I got out a book and read on the porch until it stopped raining. Reading in the rain always makes me feel like I'm in a movie... which is the best feeling ever because that means life is interesting. Then I wanted to swing! So I changed into a skirt so it could billow in the wind and I walked down to the park... which didn't have a swing set. So I just buried my feet in the sand. Sand between your toes is the prettiest feeling. :) And then I laid on the jungle gym and looked at the swirly storm clouds that are so perfect it's impossible and thought about all the things I love about life. And I watched the lightning and felt the thunder and thought it was better than any man made fireworks show because lightning is more powerful and thunder rumbles in your chest. And then I came home and Jon came over. And he's been sitting on my floor patiently waiting for me to finish blogging.. so I suppose it would be a good idea to not make him wait longer.
I hope YOU enjoyed the rain! :)
I hope YOU enjoyed the rain! :)
Monday, August 16, 2010
I love Sundays... :)
I love how I can sleep in and not feel guilty. I love how I can watch little kid movies with my little cousins. I love how me and Uncle Mike sometimes say we're gonna start P90X tomorrow.... and die. I love how church is awesome and I meet new people. I love how ward choir ROCKS. I love how when I wear these heels... boys ask for my number. TWO today to be exact.

I love how funny my ward choir director is. I love how my ward feeds me EVERY Sunday after church. I love how I have bruises all over my legs from the past week and they look naaasssty. I love the scriptures. I love how I actually get ready and pretty for Sundays. :) I love firesides and how they have the PERFECT message for me RIGHT NOW. I love that the speakers from the fireside were the parents of the STUD that I took to Winter Formal Senior Year. :) I love that Jon has game nights at his house and our team DOMINATES (actually barely wins) every time.
I love Sundays.... :)
And now for the Words of Wisdom for the Day!! Something I'm always learning and relearning is you make your own life. Things happen that you don't plan. You don't always get your way. People are mean to you and let you down. You have to do things you don't want to do. You feel inadequate and small compared to the spiritual, musical, intellectual, whatever-else-there-is giants all around you. BUT it's all up to you to turn it around. It's up to ME to make ME happy. No one else. I've been thinking about this quote alllll day. Every talk reminded me of it at church. Even now sitting here chatting with Jon who's one of the nicest people EVER I have to remind myself:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world."
-Marianne Williamson
Go get'em tiger! The end. :)
I love how funny my ward choir director is. I love how my ward feeds me EVERY Sunday after church. I love how I have bruises all over my legs from the past week and they look naaasssty. I love the scriptures. I love how I actually get ready and pretty for Sundays. :) I love firesides and how they have the PERFECT message for me RIGHT NOW. I love that the speakers from the fireside were the parents of the STUD that I took to Winter Formal Senior Year. :) I love that Jon has game nights at his house and our team DOMINATES (actually barely wins) every time.
I love Sundays.... :)
And now for the Words of Wisdom for the Day!! Something I'm always learning and relearning is you make your own life. Things happen that you don't plan. You don't always get your way. People are mean to you and let you down. You have to do things you don't want to do. You feel inadequate and small compared to the spiritual, musical, intellectual, whatever-else-there-is giants all around you. BUT it's all up to you to turn it around. It's up to ME to make ME happy. No one else. I've been thinking about this quote alllll day. Every talk reminded me of it at church. Even now sitting here chatting with Jon who's one of the nicest people EVER I have to remind myself:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world."
-Marianne Williamson
Go get'em tiger! The end. :)
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Have you ever been in love with your best friend?
... I haven't. haha. But I was getting pretty close to it! ...until Jon told me for realsies we're just friends. Seriously, my life is awesome. It's like a movie. Don't worry, I'm fine. Really. Jon is a fanfreakingtastic best friend. He doesn't think I'm annoying (even though I am), we get along simply swimmingly and I don't really get tired of him (which rarely happens), he makes me want to be a better person and I HAVE been since I met him (which is something I really need), and he has humored all my crazy ideas and has done a fabulous job keeping me entertained this summer. Awesome, right? Yes. It is. :) I like my life. Plus he is an awesome kisser. Not that we kiss anymore ever ever. But just the memory.. you know. It's kind of cool to just KNOW that your best friend is an awesome kisser, right? No? Maybe that's just me. baha ANYWAY!
So this weekend I took Jon with me to visit the fam fam in Thatcher! It was mucho fun. :) We got there Friday night and went to my uncle's to eat DELISH food. Saw a bunch of family. Went to Frye Mesa and walked up to a waterfall and got stung by nettles (THEY SUCK) and jumped off some cliffs. Fabulous. We watched a scary movie... I think Jon might be worse than me. No. Actually no, definitely not. Maybe about the same. No, he's definitely more manly than me. Which is good. Played POGS. Hi, I love these. I'd always heard about them on those "You were a 90's kid if you remember..." thingies, but I never actually knew what they were... or what they were for. Hi, I love them. They are awesome and fun and I sucked at winning them. I guess I'm not a TRUE 90's child. We watched a chick flick... ate at R&R pizza. Which is DELISH by the way. I forgot how much I like their pizza.
FUNNY STORY: So when I was 15 I went to Lake Powell with my best friend and her family and her family's best friends. On the lake trip I ended up making out with one of the guys in that family. (Call me a ho if you will, I know, I know.) Anyway it was gross. It was the first time I had ever made out and he was icky and slobbery and toothy and it was very awkward all over the place. So that guy leaves on his mission, alls fine and dandy. I saw him once after he got back and it was chill. So I'm in Thatcher this weekend and my best friend was supposed to be there and I was gonna hang with her.. but she had to stay in Tucson for work for another week so it didn't end up happening.. but she recommend I try and meet up with this GUY from Lake Powell because he always knows of parties.... which was a terrible idea.. haha! So I didn't do it. BUT then the next day at R&R.. I remembered that his dad owns that place... and that he works there in the summer. Awesome. He was there. I lean over to Jon and I say, "I made out with the guy that is working back there one time. Awwwkward!" He looks back and says, "Wait, his name is Tanner?" "Whaaaa?? Yes.. Tanner Pursley." "I totally know him." "WHAAAAAA???" Here Tanner comes out and sees Jon. Yeah. They DEFINITELY served in the same area on their missions. Tanner was a greenie and it was Jon's last area. So weird. Tanner's face was priceless though. He looked so confused to see two VERY different areas of his life mixing.
So that was pretty much my weekend. It was fabulous. I love my family. Jon is awesome. Funny things happen in my life. Good times. :)
Words of Wisdom for the day! When you go cliff jumping.... jump off the high one. You feel so cool. The end. :)
So this weekend I took Jon with me to visit the fam fam in Thatcher! It was mucho fun. :) We got there Friday night and went to my uncle's to eat DELISH food. Saw a bunch of family. Went to Frye Mesa and walked up to a waterfall and got stung by nettles (THEY SUCK) and jumped off some cliffs. Fabulous. We watched a scary movie... I think Jon might be worse than me. No. Actually no, definitely not. Maybe about the same. No, he's definitely more manly than me. Which is good. Played POGS. Hi, I love these. I'd always heard about them on those "You were a 90's kid if you remember..." thingies, but I never actually knew what they were... or what they were for. Hi, I love them. They are awesome and fun and I sucked at winning them. I guess I'm not a TRUE 90's child. We watched a chick flick... ate at R&R pizza. Which is DELISH by the way. I forgot how much I like their pizza.
FUNNY STORY: So when I was 15 I went to Lake Powell with my best friend and her family and her family's best friends. On the lake trip I ended up making out with one of the guys in that family. (Call me a ho if you will, I know, I know.) Anyway it was gross. It was the first time I had ever made out and he was icky and slobbery and toothy and it was very awkward all over the place. So that guy leaves on his mission, alls fine and dandy. I saw him once after he got back and it was chill. So I'm in Thatcher this weekend and my best friend was supposed to be there and I was gonna hang with her.. but she had to stay in Tucson for work for another week so it didn't end up happening.. but she recommend I try and meet up with this GUY from Lake Powell because he always knows of parties.... which was a terrible idea.. haha! So I didn't do it. BUT then the next day at R&R.. I remembered that his dad owns that place... and that he works there in the summer. Awesome. He was there. I lean over to Jon and I say, "I made out with the guy that is working back there one time. Awwwkward!" He looks back and says, "Wait, his name is Tanner?" "Whaaaa?? Yes.. Tanner Pursley." "I totally know him." "WHAAAAAA???" Here Tanner comes out and sees Jon. Yeah. They DEFINITELY served in the same area on their missions. Tanner was a greenie and it was Jon's last area. So weird. Tanner's face was priceless though. He looked so confused to see two VERY different areas of his life mixing.
So that was pretty much my weekend. It was fabulous. I love my family. Jon is awesome. Funny things happen in my life. Good times. :)
Words of Wisdom for the day! When you go cliff jumping.... jump off the high one. You feel so cool. The end. :)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Pretty day.
I had a pretty day. :) I woke up at 11. Which was actually not so pretty.. I hate waking up that late! But then Jon came over and we played. And watched THE DOOR!! Which he did not fully appreciate... but I can forgive him. He did laugh every so often. It's good. And then we played Rock Band and he pretty much creamed me. I seriously fail at that game always. Always. But its okay. I was happy for Jon for being so good. hahaha. And then it was stinky and I had to go to work. Which really wasn't all that bad seeing as I had the consolation of knowing that after this shift I didn't have to go back to work again until MONDAY NIGHT! :) 3 whole days off of work. Jolly good. And then I came back to Andrea's and watched So You Think You Can Dance. Lauren is so good. I want to dance like her. But I guess I sing instead. That's cool too, I guess. I can live with it. :) And then I decided to empty my purse... it looks innocent enough, right?

BUT then you dump it out and THIS comes out.

Holy hannah, right??? I made a list of all the things in my purse for you! I can tell you're excited.
The book "Dating for Under a Dollar", a stack of mail, a coupon for a free tire rotation because I donated blood, my phone, face lotion, Visine, 2 little mini lotions, my keys, a planner and a tiny composition book, a sock........, temple names I need to give back to Andrea, international stamps, samples that I stole from work, a little princess mirror that my friend found on the bus and gave to me Junior year, my Book of Mormon, a bottle of ibuprofen I need to give back to Andrea, Lucky You perfume :), a pen, 2 tubes of lipstick, a necklace, ribbon, compact, movie stubs, a yoda pez dispenser along with stray lemon pez, 2 tubes of chapstick, hand sanitizer, Nina by Nina Ricci perfume, bobby pins, various receipts and other miscellaneous pieces of paper and trash, and a taco bell hot sauce packet that says "Will you scratch my back?" on it. Wow. My camera was also in there actually. But I took it out to take the picture. HA! Seriously. I need to do some hard core cleaning out, wouldn't you say?
Moral of the story? My life is pretty and I like it. :) Words of wisdom for the day? If you feel yourself getting angry ask yourself if it's worth getting angry about. It never is. Trust me. Anger is a dumbface emotion. It never makes anything better and it makes you feel awful. In the grand scheme of things it's really not gonna matter at all that some jerkface just cut you off on your way to your crummy Walgreens job. It's really not. SO just be happy. :) Take a deep breath. Feel that breath, that LIFE, coming into you. Hold it. Feel your lungs full and working and feel the LIFE. It's nice. It's pretty. And THAT'S what matters. The end. :)
BUT then you dump it out and THIS comes out.
Holy hannah, right??? I made a list of all the things in my purse for you! I can tell you're excited.
The book "Dating for Under a Dollar", a stack of mail, a coupon for a free tire rotation because I donated blood, my phone, face lotion, Visine, 2 little mini lotions, my keys, a planner and a tiny composition book, a sock........, temple names I need to give back to Andrea, international stamps, samples that I stole from work, a little princess mirror that my friend found on the bus and gave to me Junior year, my Book of Mormon, a bottle of ibuprofen I need to give back to Andrea, Lucky You perfume :), a pen, 2 tubes of lipstick, a necklace, ribbon, compact, movie stubs, a yoda pez dispenser along with stray lemon pez, 2 tubes of chapstick, hand sanitizer, Nina by Nina Ricci perfume, bobby pins, various receipts and other miscellaneous pieces of paper and trash, and a taco bell hot sauce packet that says "Will you scratch my back?" on it. Wow. My camera was also in there actually. But I took it out to take the picture. HA! Seriously. I need to do some hard core cleaning out, wouldn't you say?
Moral of the story? My life is pretty and I like it. :) Words of wisdom for the day? If you feel yourself getting angry ask yourself if it's worth getting angry about. It never is. Trust me. Anger is a dumbface emotion. It never makes anything better and it makes you feel awful. In the grand scheme of things it's really not gonna matter at all that some jerkface just cut you off on your way to your crummy Walgreens job. It's really not. SO just be happy. :) Take a deep breath. Feel that breath, that LIFE, coming into you. Hold it. Feel your lungs full and working and feel the LIFE. It's nice. It's pretty. And THAT'S what matters. The end. :)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
...because it hurts so bad I can't even take a nap! :(
Dear Future Baby,
Please send a heaven note to my uterus telling it to lay off. I know it wanted to make you this month... BUT IT'S NOT HAPPENING OKAY??? Just because it didn't get it's way doesn't mean it gets to throw a freaking tantrum.
Love, Your Future Mommy
Dear Uterus,
You're a stupid poo face.
Hate, Me
Dear Attractive Black Coworker of Mine,
Our awkward hug was hilarious. Remember when you went to lean in for it and I definitely paused for a full 2 seconds but could not back out of it because your arms were already waaayyyy up? Good times. And then remember when you bought me a kit kat and left it with the front register guy to give to me after you left? Yeah, that was funny too.
Yours truly, Me
Dear Scriptures,
You rock. You make me happy when I read you. :)
Love, Me
Dear New For Real Life Friend,
I had fun last night! Remember that one time when we walked up and down Mill Ave in our shnazzy clothes and talked about NOT drinking alcohol, doing drugs, and having sex while all the others our age were doing ALL of them all around us at that very moment? Yeah, good times. We're cool. Also remember that one time when it was sooo nice outside so we sat on some grass and chatted... and then our butts were wet the rest of the night. That was kinda awkward... and uncomfortable. HA!
We rock, Me
Dear Uterus again,
Thank you for not hurting so much already! You're pretty and nice. Someday I'll make lots of babies, I promise. It'll be fun. :)
Love, Me
Funsie things happen to me.
Seriously. Funsie things really do happen to me. It's grand. Life is grand. :) To start with Friday night.... I did pedicures with my cousins Lilly and Sam. They are adorable. Here's how they turned out!
Then I tried to teach Sam how to do funny faces in pictures...
And then Jon came over. BAHAHAHA and I made him put on this awesome Sulfer Mask that I had done earlier. It makes your skin so silky soft! And pretty. And I told him if he did it all the girls would want to date him. AND I had to put bobby pins in his hair... because it was getting goopy in the mask. Hilar. He's such a good sport! AHAHAHA!
THEN we sat around for a bit. Because we couldn't think of anything to do. I kept throwing out ideas.... but none were sticking. UNTIL I suggested we play dress up!!! (Let's be honest.. that didn't really stick that well, either. But then I MADE it stick!! I have the best dress up clothes, that's what convinced him.) And then we dressed up like this:
So we went to Denny's!!
...And Jon struck an unusually queer pose in the booth....
You like what you see? We're starting a club. We will be meeting every weekend around 11 or midnight at some Denny's dressed in only the finest. If you're interested... let me know.
Words of Wisdom for the Day? Be confident. It's the sexiest thing you'll ever wear. ;) The end!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
My life lately...
....is pretty awesome. I'm all moved in to Mike and Andrea's. And I am LOVING it. My uncle and aunt are freaking awesome. And I LOVE my cousins!!! They're all so stinkin cute! I'm at my new store at Walgreens. So far I like it pretty well... except that its soooo slow. But everyone I've worked with I like so far. Plus there's a pretty darn ATTRACTIVE black man that I work with. :) Good times.
I have pictures!! So I'll show you some. :)
Okay, I have a confession to make. Remember Hairy Ben? WELL he's pretty much my best friend now. haha And I decided since he is no longer a lover interest. HAHAHA. I will just call him by his name. JON. Not that basically everyone who reads my blog didn't know that already or anything. But whatev. ANYWAY. So for my birthday Jonny took me to a bunch of places that give out free food for birthdays!! And it was AWESOME. I love free things. And I love birthdays. And I love food. It was fabulous. And I had a plan to take pictures of all of the free things that I got... but since I am not used to having a camera... I forgot. :(
So I basically just stole pictures from off the internet...

Okay, this ice cream was gross, not gonna lie. Or maybe I was just so freaking full from everything else that nothing would have tasted good. It was blueberry ice cream and I had graham cracker crumbs folded into it. yeah. It was nasty. I mostly just played with it until I could throw it away at Denny's because we had to go back there to get my phone... that I forgot. Sad.
So basically I never wanted to eat ever again.... until my family offered to take me to Garcia's for dinner... and we got a couple sampler dishes and got to try just about everything on the menu. Delish.
I also donated blood that morning and watched a movie with some friends that night. Overall it was a pretty fabulous birthday. :)
Words of wisdom for the day: Do what feels right. Just because it's weird for other people, doesn't mean it's weird for you. Some of the weirdest things ever can be so perfect. And it would be a shame to miss out just because you're afraid of sticking out of the "norm" the end. :)
Monday, August 2, 2010
You have to be in the mood....
.... to blog. And I have either been too busy.. or just NOT in the mood to blog lately. ... and I'm still not in the mood. I am in the mood to chat on facebook and watch reruns of The Nanny on tv. I just thought I'd drop in and say that I'm not dead. And I'll update more soon!
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About Me

- Annie Citrine
- Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
Blog Archive
- Still not an update...
- I'll update soon I promise.
- Do you ever watch movies that are awkwardly like y...
- How I put off better things that I SHOULD be doing...
- I've become obsessed with mailbags lately....
- The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to lo...
- An Ode for Andrea
- Another Mailbag... because they're easy and I'm lazy.
- This sickness is stupid because....
- hooooly crap.
- Mail time!
- I love the rain...
- I love Sundays... :)
- Have you ever been in love with your best friend?
- Pretty day.
- Funsie things happen to me.
- My life lately...
- You have to be in the mood....
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