Monday, August 23, 2010

I've become obsessed with mailbags lately....

Dear Mailbag,
You are awesome because you allow me to talk to anything I want. Like pants and money and sleep and such. Things that normal people don't really talk to.. but THEY WISH THEY COULD. yeah.... or something. And you're easy. I like the easy ones. ;)
Love, Me

Dear Legs,
Let's be honest. It really is time to shave you. I realize I've only been wearing pants lately... and I've been sick. But those days are OVER! I am feeling MUCHO better. And I start school tomorrow. How can I expect to attract a husband with my legs looking and feeling like a prickly cactus? HMMM? Okay.
Love, Me

Dear Body,
Why do you insist on hating running so much? On the treadmill this morning my brain was all, "Woohoo yeahhhhh! Get in shape, body!" and YOU were all, "Whaaa??? What does that even MEAN??" ALSO apparently you missed the memo that when you run.. you should produce endorphins. Yeah, you should get on that, body. If you don't.. I'm just gonna have to let you get FAT! Rudeface.
Love, Me

Dear Shower,
You make me feel so clean and pretty. I should use you more often. HA!
Love, Me

Dear To Do List,
I'm happy you exist. If you didn't. I would never do anything. Thanks for the motivation!! You could put on a seminar. No really. REALLY. Stop being so modest. You're fantastic. :)
Love, Me

Dear Nina by Nina Ricci,
I wish I could sweat your smell because it's so FREAKING HOT!
Love, Me

Dear College,
Even though you are sucking me dry like a preppy girl at Jamba Juice I think we will be best friends. It's gonna be some work to keep our relationship running smoothly. But if you're willing to teach me I'm willing to learn.
Love, Me

Dear Shower,
P.S. Let's get it on!
Love, Me


Kendra B. said...

Hahaha I LOVE these posts. My favorite was the Nina Ricci one!

Kelsey said...

Dear Annie,

I love your mailbags. They make me laugh. But I also kinda hate your mailbags becuase they make me miss you a lot.

Love, Kelsey


About Me

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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