She's basically letting me stay here for free. Which is awesome. I get my own room and bathroom and spot in the garage. I will pay her for the time I'm staying here, I'm determined... just not right this second... because I am so incredibly poor and school is sucking me DRY. But I will pay you, Andrea. I promise.
She has the coolest kids. I love them. All of them. They are adorable and loud and obnoxious a lot of the time but I love having them around. It's so nice to be loved by little kids. :)
She always has her house stocked with the best food. Score.
When I was sick yesterday, she and Mike took me to see Vampires Suck. And when they were parody-ing(?) the part where Bella falls off the bike and Jacob rushes to help her by taking off his shirt.... instead of abs of steel.. there was hair. A LOT of hair. Then Bella says, "Are those teets?" and the camera does a close up of Jacob's stomach which, indeed has a lovely row of hairy teets. HILARIOUS! Even better? Andrea leans over and says, "All I can think of is Hairy Ben!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Lemme tell ya, we laughed our heads off. And that is just one example of the MANY funny things she says every day ever. Love it.
She married my mom's brother. And he's awesome. And ALSO hilarious. Yaay Mike! Together they are the best couple ever. A great example of a great marriage. They are happy and get annoyed with each other and help each other with chores and he cooks and she gets groceries and they both keep the kids in line. It's fantastic. And they're always laughing. :)
She has great hair.
And a testimony to boot.
And she makes me excited to be a mommy and wife and get outside myself... because when you're taking care of other people, you have to get outside yourself.
And she really wants me to blog this picture. So I will. hahahahaha I'm pretty sure Lilly took it. Just a glimpse into the awesome world that I am now living in. :)

Thank you, Annie. We love you, too. I love the picture. Can't decide what's cuter..the fuzzy hamster or the curly-haired girl. Thanks for your window into my life. You missed the "I hate myself" list I wrote last week during the world's best pity party. I needed to see your view of my life, because mine looked pretty bad, even though I knew I was seeing it through really dirty glass covered by hideous curtains. Thanks for throwing open the window and letting the light in again. And Get better soon!
Yeaaaah, we all know how FANTASTIC Andrea is! My only regret about moving here is that I will probably never move in with her xD You are amazing Andrea!
Kelene, you can come to Oklahoma and live with me and go to OSU!!! Cute, cute pic, Annie!
Kelene, you can come to Oklahoma and live with ME and go to OSU!!! Cute pic, Annie!
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