BUT then you dump it out and THIS comes out.
Holy hannah, right??? I made a list of all the things in my purse for you! I can tell you're excited.
The book "Dating for Under a Dollar", a stack of mail, a coupon for a free tire rotation because I donated blood, my phone, face lotion, Visine, 2 little mini lotions, my keys, a planner and a tiny composition book, a sock........, temple names I need to give back to Andrea, international stamps, samples that I stole from work, a little princess mirror that my friend found on the bus and gave to me Junior year, my Book of Mormon, a bottle of ibuprofen I need to give back to Andrea, Lucky You perfume :), a pen, 2 tubes of lipstick, a necklace, ribbon, compact, movie stubs, a yoda pez dispenser along with stray lemon pez, 2 tubes of chapstick, hand sanitizer, Nina by Nina Ricci perfume, bobby pins, various receipts and other miscellaneous pieces of paper and trash, and a taco bell hot sauce packet that says "Will you scratch my back?" on it. Wow. My camera was also in there actually. But I took it out to take the picture. HA! Seriously. I need to do some hard core cleaning out, wouldn't you say?
Moral of the story? My life is pretty and I like it. :) Words of wisdom for the day? If you feel yourself getting angry ask yourself if it's worth getting angry about. It never is. Trust me. Anger is a dumbface emotion. It never makes anything better and it makes you feel awful. In the grand scheme of things it's really not gonna matter at all that some jerkface just cut you off on your way to your crummy Walgreens job. It's really not. SO just be happy. :) Take a deep breath. Feel that breath, that LIFE, coming into you. Hold it. Feel your lungs full and working and feel the LIFE. It's nice. It's pretty. And THAT'S what matters. The end. :)
You poo face. You didn't ask me to come watch the door with you? ...even though you knew I couldn't come? ...I'm not upset. I just wanted to use poo face in a sentence. Did you watch the meteor shower?
Yes. :( I'm dreadfully sorry, dear. We will watch it again, I promise. haha
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