Yup. I just went there.
FIRST NAME BASIS for all ya'll.
You know why??
He keeps trying to be my best friend.
Like, hardcore.
We're not QUITE there yet.. but you know. Maybe soon.
Anyway, Chocolaty Goodness will now be known as Jarrett. Because that's his name.
Mostly because I'm kind of tired of typing Chocolaty Goodness ALL THE WAY OUT EVERY TIME.
Sorry, dudes.
Thursday nights can be fun.
I have some friends in a band and they were playing right on Mill Ave last night.
And they rocked it, let's be honest. :)
Last night was the first time I'd ever seen them perform for realsies so I decided it would be festive to dress up all dapper like.
So naturally I made Monte Cristo and Jarrett dress up with me!
Jarrett loves dressing up anyway. He's almost always dapper all by himself.
Oh hai there! I like when he drives my car. Is that weird?
We're basically the most awkward (but attractive) 3 amigos everrr.
How PRESH are we?
Oh, hello there, dear.
Do you see the dashing manliness I am privy to ALL THE TIME?
If you look closely you can see the actual band. Don't judge. I suck at picture taking and we were kinda far away.
After the band we went to Five Guys to eat some mucho delish food.
They serve free peanuts.
And Monte Cristo loves him some free peanuts!
And Jarrett couldn't stop messaging this girl named Monique. You think she's black, don't you. NOPE. She's white. I love when white people have black people names. So does Jarrett apparently.
This food is seriously so yummy in my tummy. I was happy. :)
I sort of adore this picture.
Five Guys has super duper yummy Cajun Fries.
{Super unflattering summary of our awesomeness}
The end.
I love being dapper.
If you have the means, I highly recommend it.
Wow. I think you and your attractive male friends almost have us beat in sheer awesomeness... They might actually beat us.
Have I ever told you how ridiculously attractive Hark is?
haha don't worry. I know. I know. :)
But NO ONE is cooler than us. Duh.
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