Stuff telling me that women of ALL shapes and sizes and skin/hair color/type and everything in between is beautiful.
Everyone is beautiful.
Even you.
Don't believe me?
You're still single?
There is a man for every woman.
If you like a man that doesn't like you back because
You're too big or
You're too skinny or
You're boobs aren't big enough or
You're butt is TOO big or
Then you're liking the wrong men, lady.
Why would you spend your emotions on someone who isn't WORTH it??
And you know what else I realized?
It's usually not the man who's thinking these things about you.. it's YOU who's thinking these things about you.
We get in our own way ALL the time.
Men just love women.
They love our bodies.
And if they're worth it, they'll love YOUR body for what it is and not what the FAKE magazine covers say it should be.
And if you're smart, you'll love your body for what it is too.
Once again,
Love yourself.
And show it.
Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can wear.
And confidence doesn't mean being as slutty as possible.. as some of the new teeny bopper generation thinks.
Confidence is waking up every morning and wearing clothes that LOOK GOOD ON YOU, no matter what size they are, and wearing them with pride.
It's OWNING your unruly hair. (bedhead's supposed to be in right now anyway, right?)
It's putting a beautiful smile on your beautiful face to show that you KNOW how beautiful you are.
Trust me.
People will notice.
And they'll agree with you.
NOW that we've got that out there.
And if you're still not convinced...
Watch these videos.
All the mommies out there PLEASE talk to your daughters.
Tell them how pretty they are.
And help them understand that what they see on magazine covers at the grocery store is NOT a real woman.
And tell your SONS as well.
They need to know as well so they don't EXPECT women that don't exist.
I hope this helped at least one beautiful woman realize how amazing she is.
We are all daughters of God and He does NOT make ugly little girls. He does not even make mediocre girls. He only creates beautiful ones who grow up into beautiful women.
Think of it this way:
We always hear about God's great creations. A gorgeous sunset, beautiful trees and rolling green hills, the Grand Canyon, the great mountain ranges across the world, Hawaii's beaches. All these images can take your breath away.
Those are nothing compared to you.
You are your Heavenly Father's SUPREME creation.
Everything else is just for you to enjoy.
Don't miss it because you're too busy putting down what your Heavenly Father created so carefully.
I hope you feel beautiful.
I do.
The end. :)
Annie! I freaking love this! My favorite part was probably
"We are all daughters of God and He does NOT make ugly little girls. He does not even make mediocre girls. He only creates beautiful ones who grow up into beautiful women."
Thank you for this! :) It helps SO much.
"The sexiest thing any girl can wear is confidence." AMEN SISTA! LOVED IT!
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