Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sometimes my brain...

... likes to try and tell my body that it should do stuff it really doesn't WANT to do. It's stuff it really SHOULD do... it just doesn't want to.

Like squats.

Once about every 2 weeks or so I look at myself in the mirror and I say, "Annie, your legs are fatty. Do squats!!" And then I do them! ... and then I'm sore. Whaaa? Me no likey. So I don't do them ever again. Until my legs look fatty to me again. HA!

So two days ago was one of those 'fatty legs' days. So I did squats... lots of them. hahaha and then yesterday I was SORE!

Which I am okay with. Sometimes it feels good to be sore. Because you know what you have to do to be sore?


I know. I know. I'm awesome.

So I was minding my own business when I got a text from Chocolaty Goodness. "We might need you to play tonight. We are short girls."

Hi. I'm Annie. I am not sporty. As in I can't remember the last time I swung a baseball bat. As in my last memory of softball was 13 yr old me SUCKING at young women's softball. likeWOAH.

But Chocolaty Goodness's chocolaty goodness was calling to me. They needed me! Sure it was in a sporty way... but they needed me to save them!
*also Monte Cristo is on this team and this was the perfect opportunity to not wow him with my amazing skills*

So I decided to play.

Batting cages.
I hit the majority of the balls, whaaa??
I'm awesome.
But my arms hurt already?

Softball game.
I hit the ball BOTH times I batted... but then struck out because I'm so FREAKING slow, whaa??
I'm awesome.
I stopped the ball TWICE as short stop, the first time I almost face planted and the second time I stopped it with my chest, whaa??
I'm awesome.
We lost our game by like 19 points, whaaa????

Haha. It was hilar.
And Buffalo Wild Wings is awesomespice.
And Chocolaty Goodness has this hot sauce that makes 21 year old men cry and look all sickie pukie. Don't try it.
And Monte Cristo basically killed himself sliding into third like a pro. And by killed himself I mean he baby sprained his ankle and ripped open his knee and got a huge raspberry on his BUTTOCK.
Don't worry I rubbed and cleaned and hydrogen peroxided and kissed it alllll better. :) (except the buttock, don't worry Mom.)

And it sorta feels like I got trampled by a Tyrannosaurus Rex today. No big deal.

1 comment:

Kendra B. said...

"And it sorta feels like I got trampled by a Tyrannosaurus Rex today. No big deal." HAHAHA!


About Me

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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