Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Alright already!

Okay so I've been getting complaints that I haven't blogged for a whole FIVE DAYS! I know, how did all 8 of my followers survive without me for that long? But don't worry!! I'm back. I always have all these great ideas for posts... but then I'm too lazy to do them. Sorry. SO I'll try and remember all of the super duper exciting things that have happened to me since my last post.

FIRSTLY! I got a car!!! :) Can I just say that I am so freaking excited to finally own my very own beautiful car. I do have a picture on my phone.. but I'm too lazy to upload it. Sorry.. maybe someday. BUT I will tell you his name is James. When Jade dropped him off she was all concerned that he was a boy... because to tell the honest to goodness truth, he's kind of girly. Okay, really girly... his steering wheel cover has butterflies on it for heavens sake. SO I decided that he was gay. I've never had a sassy gay BFF so I am giving James the title. So far we have had splendid times together! He lurches a little when he changes gears (at least he's an automatic... we would SO not get along if he were stick shift) and I have to roll the windows down in order to see out of them (but I like riding with the windows down better anyway, ahh the free open air! Plus it's easier to eye flirt with the strangers that drive next to me) and I have to wrestle with the ignition to turn the key.. but HEY, he's got character! And so do I so I feel we are a perfect pair.

SECONDLY! I started watching Lost.. the tv show. I know. I know. What am I thinking??? I'll never catch up. Never. SIX SEASONS?? really now? But it's so good!! and so INTENSE! And I keep reading things on facebook and blogs that are giving things away and I'm FREAKING OUT. But not too bad.. I can still function and such. haha and I'm pretty sure one of the reasons I'm liking it so much is I have a GREAT cuddle buddy. (Yes, I'm talking to you... what kind of boy reads blogs anyway? BAHAHA!)

THIRDLY! I love Arizona. I really don't think I can say it enough. I went swimming again on Monday at the Fishers. And I get to tan all the time... and it's SNOWING in other places in this country. How awful. Some people hate the heat but it's one of my favorite things. I love when I walk outside in the summer and it's so HOT and DRY that my skin tightens. I love the feel of sun on my skin. I love smelling like chlorine all summer. I don't mind pit stains anymore because EVERYONE has them... it's like the whole state of Arizona is unified by their mutual sweatiness. Which sounds really gross.. but I adore it all! I love never wearing shoes and spending as much time as I possibly can in my swimsuit and never showering because... I went swimming, duh. and sleeping in and staying up late. People think Arizona summers are brutal.. but they're just perfect. :)

FOURTHLY! I am going to conference this weekend. :) And I have a HOT DATE saturday night with my internet boyfriend. And I get to see my brother and his wifey and my roommate from last semester. :) AND I get to be in the same room as the prophet and all the apostles. How awesome is that? I am so stoked.

FIFTHLY! I must tell you this story. Work on Monday was very slow. And when I say slow I mean I was working front register and the two people working photo and cosmetics would come over and we'd all chat and every time a customer would come we'd all fight over them and try and convince them to come to our register. I'd win of course because "my name is Annie and look how smiley I am and I'll sing you a song!! "The sun'll come ooouuuut tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrowwww there'll be sun!" Well, during one of these times a little old hunched over man in (I think) his 80's came up to my register with about 30 different hallmark cards. I joked with him and asked if he was starting his own card store. He chuckled and replied, "It certainly does seem that way doesn't it? But no, my wife has Alzheimer's and I send her a card every day. She doesn't remember a lot of the time, but I like to send them just the same. I like to see her smile." I couldn't even say anything for a few seconds. When I could say something all I could muster was, "That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard."

Which brings me to my words of wisdom for the day. Love is the most powerful force in this whole universe. "She doesn't remember a lot of the time, but I like to see her smile." How simple but how profound! It just makes me happy that I know of and feel my Savior's love. 1 Nephi 21:14-16 says, "But, behold, Zion hath said: The Lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me-- but he will show that he hath not. For can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee, O house of Israel. Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; they walls are continually before me." I believe the more we love the closer we come to Christ and our Heavenly Father. This man's beautiful love for his wife filled me with hope for the good things of the world. But then again, I guess it's not the good things of the world... because he just borrowed that love from God. So to sum it all up: Christ is with us, he cares for us, he loves us more than we can ever know in this life. The more we try to emulate the love he has for us in our love for others the closer we get to Him and the happier we are! The end. :)


Jo said...

Ok, the story about the little old man made me cry. It is so cute how people still love each other after all those years.

Jo said...

Oh... and Annie did you replace me? :'( cuddle buddy? did you get a new one? :)

Verity Kae said...

When I saw you wrote fourthly, for some reason it registered in my brain as Nicely Nicely Johnson and now I'm humming guys and dolls. Not sad about this at all!

Verity Kae said...

OOoooh la la! And good luck on your date with I.B!!!


About Me

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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