Monday, March 22, 2010

Holy Frijoles!

Okay, so basically a lot has happened since I last posted! Lots of funsie things. :)

First of all, I had my first swim of the season!! I had Wednesday off from work and me, mom, Kelene, and grandma went to Mike and Andrea's to swim! It seriously was so so much fun. Mike pulled the trampoline close to the pool so we could jump in. And yes, it was freezing. Their dog bit me and I got a nasty bruise. But I'm tanning! Woo! I have a tan on my back and arms and such.. and I decided that the only place that won't tan on my entire body is my lower legs. Even my thighs tan... but calves and shins? No. I don't understand. I WILL BREAK YOU, LEGS! But in a nice way.. I am not a violent person. :) Also that day we all went to see Alice in Wonderland and... it was super weird. haha I liked it!... but it was super weird.

OH I know for sure that I'm going to conference!! That makes me mucho grande happy! And I get to see my internet boyfriend for realsies. We have every intention of snogging the moment we meet.. so we'll see how that goes. ahHA!

Let's see what else? OH I have a lovely new friend. The mall guy.. the one that ran into the metal door and started BLEEDING. (hahaha so embarrassing, poor guy.) But yeah. I always have a grand old time when I hang out with good ol' mall guy. We have lovely times talking and me slaughtering him at card games. I decided we are going to go do all the things in this city that I've always wanted to do because he's cool enough to do them. It'll be fabulous. I'll keep you posted.

OH! Sweet goodness! I am getting my very first ever CAR!! This weekend. It is quite the family heirloom actually. He was born in 1994, christened Honda Accord and soon after was purchased by my grandmother and was brought up very nicely by her. They spent many many years and even more miles together in perfect happiness. However, my grandmother one day decided she was too cool for little Accord and sold him to my adorable sister, Jade Marie who lives in Safford with her hot hubby. (We told Accord Safford was kind of like Hawaii so he didn't feel too bad.) They've had lovely times there as well, but it is time for Accord to come live with me! And I will love him like no other woman in this family has before. And I will probably give him a real name.. I'll have to get a feel for him first before I can decide on something appropriate. So, I'll keep you posted on that as well. :)

Oh yeah, something else.. I locked the car keys in the car last night. It was awful. At 2 in the morning. ughhh. So we called a lock smith.. and even he had a hard time breaking into Lloyd, the old fogey!! That old man car does not like to be violated in that way! The rape of my car only cost 65 dollars! Woooo! ew. stoooopid. The end.

Welp. I think that's just about it, really. EXCEPT for my words of wisdom for the day, of course. Okay, this one has come in handy working at Walgreens, especially. Here it is: If you are feeling like you should punch someone in the face for being so stinky and rude or you feel like you should judge them because they look like a screw up weirdo... STOP YOURSELF! And instead.. try and see them as Christ would. If I ever find myself starting to make judgments on someone, I really do try and stop myself and look at them as Christ would. I try and understand why they could be the way they are that day. Maybe they smell really bad because they're water got turned off (and granted it is probably their own fault their water got turned off because of poor money management...) and maybe they got laid off at work so that's why they can't pay. Or maybe they are being so incredibly rude and impatient with me because they were up until 3 in the morning talking to their best friend who had a bad break up with her boyfriend and they're just tired. I don't know.. I really don't think people want to be mean or make people genuinely uncomfortable, I just think they don't realize what they're doing. Maybe they've never had anyone teach them that it's easier to be happy and kind than miserable and mean. Plus when you try and see people through Christ's eyes you can't help but love them. Because in Christ's eyes EVERYONE has immeasurable worth. He loves us all so so much and we should all love each other as well. Charity. That pretty much sums up the purpose of this life. The end. :)


Jo said...

hehe so I read Alicia in Wonderland and not Alice in Wonderland. I just wanted to point out my blondness :)

The One Klar said...

You are a dork. And I love your stories. And you haven't told me about this new man. Which I am offended about. Kind of. NOt really because I don't get offended. Well I must be off. Love you. Haha.

The Candlands said...

You crack me up! FYI: Plan clothes accordingly as Utah weather seems to be bipolar lately!


About Me

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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