Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mish Mash

Alrighty so this post is just going to be a mish mash (great title, yes?) of all the things that I want to say. I have several topics to discuss. All are entertaining. So strap yourself down and put your hands up because it's gonna be a super fun ride! But not a roller coaster... because I'm not a big fan of those... at least not the ones with big drops. Those suck. Maybe a nice Ferris Wheel ride... and all of the nice things you can look at from the view are segments of my brain! Wooo. Okay. Back to the blog.

So first of all... I am seriously getting better at running and it makes me rejoice in my heart. I love it. I still am not a huge fan of running... but I'm starting to see why people might want to do it a lot. haha it really makes you feel great! Jacob Washburn and I have lovely times jogging together in Lehi. We even jogged down Nance Street.. which means something to very few... but don't worry.. we jogged the whole way.. no time for actual Nancing. haha I have plans on blogging about that subject in a later post... so stay tuned.

I got my general conference ticket today!! :) My stake only gives one little ticket to each person that asks for them so I only have a ticket to Saturday Afternoon.. but I'll go out on the street corners and beg for extra tickets and wait for standby. I need more people to go with though.... so far I have my freaking awesome cousin, Cami whom I adore. And MAYBE my mom... hahaha, yeah I know. I'm so cool, don't worry... I know.

Next subject: I recently found out that I had about 40 sophomores and juniors.. and a select seniors I suppose in love with me last year. Basically all of mens choir and some random IB kids. hahahaha okay, I know this is super dorky... but when I found out, it totally made my night. Who doesn't want to hear that 40 males thought you were super talented and hot? I know I like it. :)

Also, I had a hot date this past weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed it because my date was hilarious and cute and just overall really fun! I had a great time. He ran into a metal door and bled from his forehead... and we bought one little lego from the lego store because "we were missing just this one piece!!!" Actually we didn't buy it... we got it for free.. the lego people were very understanding and sympathetic of our plight. And we ate yummy food and yummy cupcakes and yeah... laughed so much my sides were sore the next day. Good times.

Oh, and remember that guy from facebook? I don't know if you do. But I kind of refer to him in my head as my internet boyfriend.. even though he has a for realsies girlfriend in Utah. Oh well. Anyway, we broke up for the THIRD time last night. It was very emotional. But we're over it. haha and we'll probably have to break up a few more times. Oh the silliness of it all. Gotta love it! I think it's entertaining at least!

My job is going great! Except that I have to work on Sunday... like every single Sunday. Ugh. I think I'm actually going to keep looking for another job that doesn't have that requirement.. but anyway. I really do enjoy it though. I like most of the people that I work with! (Except this one guy that makes me feel like I'm in a sexual harassment video.) And I love working with all the customers. Seriously, most people are super nice and I love people watching and just observing people in general and how they interact and behave in certain situations. It's very engaging to me.

I think I'm going to try and get Der Holle Rache ready for the Sonoran Desert Chorale's next concert.. Mr. Harris said he would add 3 or 4 arias to the concert... and that would be freaking awesome if I could pull it off!! My voice is out of shape though, I'll have to really work at it!

Okie doke. I can't really think of anything else right now.. life's pretty good. I can't complain too much, I suppose.

All that's left is my words of wisdom for the day! And here they are: Smile a lot! It makes you happy... and makes everyone else around you happier too. That fact is more evident to me working at the cash register at Walgreens than it ever has been before. Someone can walk up looking just terribly tired and ready to fall over and I give them a good, genuine smile and they stand up a little straighter and smile back with a smile that completely transforms their face. It's a great thing to witness and I highly recommend trying it! That is all. The end.


Haley said...

Be careful in what you reveal about Nance. It is sacred... hahaha. Lovin on the blog.

Jacob said...

Awwww?? Sweet?? I am suddenly afraid to read your blog. just a little. inside.

Jadeth said...

Sister, I miss you and you should come over here to get your car. You don't have to pay me all at once, but you can get your car all at once


About Me

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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