Thursday, March 4, 2010

So... life loves me. Just saying.

I'll just start off by saying I had the best day today. I really didn't have one thing to complain about all day. Ready to hear this awesomeness??
Okay, so I woke up to my sister Jade and her husband Ryan jumping on me in bed... at freaking 7:30! But I didn't mind too much because I love them so much and I love when they visit!! I didn't get up though... I stayed in bed for another hour or so.. haha and then got up to eat delicious eggs, toast, and BACON prepared by my lovely mother.
THEN I went to Walgreens and... drum roll please! Got hired for my first ever full time job!! :) I came home and went shopping with mom, grandma, Jade and Ryan at Goodwill. I found all the Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and The Divine Comedy all for 8 bucks! Seriously. Awesome.
Then off to the happiest place on earth... COSTCO! It is especially happy during lunch time because you get free samples. :) Then I took a nap (essential for any perfect day).
Then mom forgot the Sister Missionaries were coming over... so we cleaned the entire house and made dinner in about 15 min.. haha it was great! And guess what?? The sisters were actually... normal. It was fantastic! Not gonna lie, sister missionaries are usually really weird and awkward, but these two were perfectly acceptable!
Then I unexpectedly got free tickets to see the Phoenix Symphony from the lovely Jamie Petersen. Oh my heavens sake. It was incredible!! They had a special guest cellist... he kind of made me want to come home and practice my cello for five hours a day for the rest of my life! The music was so beautiful and I honestly just felt like I was floating as I walked out of the hall.
ALSO during the symphony intermission I got a call from the director of Joseph Smith the Prophet and I got the part of Mary Fielding Smith and I get to sing my favorite solo "Savior, Redeemer of My Soul"!!! I'm so so excited!
Then I came home, made some peach tea and read the scrips and my patriarchal blessing.

Over all basically the most amazing day ever. Who could ask for anything more? Honest to goodness I am so thankful for everything that has happened in my life lately. I was really struggling there for a while but with the help of some great friends, family and of course the Lord I am finally back on track and keeping busy again!

My words of wisdom for today are simple: Just try to love the life you live! Life really is so amazing, even if it isn't the greatest right now it's better than not living at all! Take the experiences you get to have and learn something and become something better than you are right now.


The One Klar said...

WOW!!! I haven't heard about a day that good in a SUPER long time, Annie! That's fantastic! :) It makes me want to live in your shoes. And since you have so many pairs, you won't really mind, right? LOVE YOU!

Jo said...

Which Sister Missionaries were they? Sister Holiday and Sister Morton?

Annie Citrine said...

Kyli: Yeah, seriously, it was amazing. :) I still feel happy when I think about it! And of course you can take a walk in some of my shoes! But you have to come to Mesa to get them!!!

Whitney: I have absolutely no idea what there names were... I think one of them was Sister Holiday... from Idaho? And the other one was on splits so she's not from our stake. But yeah, they were great! We even all started quoting "Can I get your number? The back o yo head is riDIcilus!!" It was awesome. :)

Jacob said...

sounds sweet- sorry running wasn't part of the day. following you on this is physically impossible, by the way.


About Me

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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