Friday, April 23, 2010

Mr. Stalker Bank Man

Okay, I know all of you are just DYING to know what happened with Mr. Stalker Bank Man. Obviously I don't think he's as permanent a fixture on the show yet to reveal his actual name.. HA! But I will tell you he might have a fighting chance. But he will have to fight for it... mostly because I'm a freak.

I think before I tell you what has happened since my last post I should tell you a little about this problem I have. See, whenever a boy likes me a lot... I can't stand him. It's twisted and weird and I'm a freak.. but it's true. I can even like a guy a lot... and I'll flirt a ton to get him to like me.. and then as soon as he does like me.. I FREAK out and run away as fast as possible. I am not entirely sure why I do this... and I'm really trying to work on it. But it's hard to ease my panic a lot. HA!

So you can see where this is leading. Obviously Mr. Stalker Bank Man is very interested in me.. which obviously means I have to freak out and want to get out of there as fast as possible. I realized I was doing this a little... so I kept trying to hang out with him.. but he's just so touchy and I was freaking out as it was and I was just having issues! So we met Monday.. and saw each other every day until our date which was tonight. I'm not gonna lie, I was basically DREADING this date. He told me we were going to go on the Light Rail to Tempe... get ice cream.. and then come back on the Light Rail. Awwwwkward if you don't want to be on the date. HA! So I talked to three lovely people that I adore about it.. and they all gave me excellent advice and input and helped me calm down a bit.

So before he picked me up I just decided I was going to have a great time (attitude is everthing) and got all cute and tried to get pumped. WELL he picked me up and he'd changed plans, thank HEAVENS! And the activity was so cute and thoughtful! He knew I liked reading and books a lot and so we went to Bookman's and we each found our favorite book and we told each other about it and read one of our favorite passages and just discussed literature and the types of books we like and why we like them. It was really simple and kinda dorky but it was the cutest thing ever. And I was WAY impressed that he took the time to think of something that I was really interested in. And of course it's all very flattering and such, which is always nice.

I don't know if it's going to work out though.. just because I am wanting to take things nice and slow.. no rushing. Spend more time with him and just really get to know each other. And he seems ready to really date. I don't know. I don't really have a ton of experience with this stuff. It's a bit stressful. Ha. I just don't want to get into anything I really don't want to be in.. if that makes sense. If any of this makes sense. And I'm just trying to be a good girl. haha. Oh goodness, growing up is fun! HA! And RM's are scary.

So that's pretty much it for that subject!

We are moving next week to Fraser Fields and I'm way excited!! I start Census training next week... and yeah, that's just about it! Nothing else too exciting. :)

And as for my words of wisdom for today... I guess something I'm learning at this very moment is to pray about this little things. If it's something that you care about... and that is worrying you or stressing you, no matter how insignificant it may seem to the world, Heavenly Father cares about it just because you do. He loves us all so much and wants to help us with things we are struggling with! So don't be afraid to go to him. The end. :)

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About Me

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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