Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I might be falling in love...

.... with the guitar.
It's true.
I've always wanted one.
So I could learn.
Because I heard it was easy.
And it would seriously up my hot points. (obvi)
But I just never got one.
Mostly because of how poor I am.


You can imagine my joy at finding my Uncle Michael has one!!
I was going to start learning over Christmas break...
But I had nothing to do tonight so I decided to start!

And it's lovely.
And this guitar and I are going to get along splendidly, I can tell.

First song I'm learning?
You and I by Ingrid Michaelson.
Super generic and everyone knows it, I know.
BUT it's pretty easy and I'm just a beginner for heavens sake! Don't be judging.
Plus it's a darling song and I like it.
The end.

P.S. I decided to record it for you guys!
I know, I know. It's all choppy and disconnected.
What else is new when I record songs for you, huh?
Forgive me.
And here you go.


Wanna know why?


I'll tell you.

I was doing stinky math homework.
And hating it, duh.
Because it was due tonight.
Just like EVERY OTHER Tuesday ever.


And then I saw THIS!!

So happy.
I felt like crying.
But I just freaked out and did a happy dance instead.

To celebrate further... I broke out the best thing in the world.

Pure bliss in a cup:

No kidding.

I'm so happy.

And I rocked my China presentation today.
Mostly because I made food.
Fried rice and egg drop soup make people happy on a super cold AZ morning, did you know that?

I should have taken pictures.
But Richard was over last night... so I got distracted.
He helped me cook and then we cuddled by the fire.
It was heaven.
I like him.

How was your day, dearies?

Sunday, November 28, 2010


I got to go to Thatcher to be with my family for Thanksgiving!
The food was amazing.
My family is awesome and hilarious.
Black Friday at Walmart at midnight was ... interesting. And also hilarious... and slightly terrifying.
And I got some serious, much needed girl time in with Mom, Jade, and Kelene.
Basically it was lovely.

And we did a really super fast photo shoot!

Aren't my sisters BABES?

This picture cracks me up and I look like a tard. But I still love it!
Plus Jade and Kelene look super good. haha




And thank you Nanny for being our photographer!

So since I didn't do a Thanksgiving post ON Thanksgiving... I'll do one now.

I'm thankful for my beautiful sisters and the closeness we share and the laughter that inevitably follows us wherever we go. I'm thankful for all of my family, immediate and extended, for all they do to support each other and show their love. I'm thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the knowledge I've been blessed with. I'm thankful for my Savior and His Atonement and repentance. I'm thankful for a loving Heavenly Father. I'm thankful for eternal families made possible by our beautiful temples and the Priesthood. I'm thankful for living prophets and apostles who give us guidance to help us along the way. I'm thankful for all the little joys in life and the tender mercies. I'm thankful for the warm fuzzies. I'm thankful for this blog and the outlet it's been. I'm thankful for all of my readers! ;) ...I'm thankful for Richard. I'm thankful for all my friends who make me smile and laugh and just make me happy! I'm thankful for education.
Life is wonderful, isn't it?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Think you're not pretty enough? NEITHER ARE THEY.

For some reason I've been hearing and seeing and stumbling across a lot of this stuff lately.

Stuff telling me that women of ALL shapes and sizes and skin/hair color/type and everything in between is beautiful.

Everyone is beautiful.


Even you.


Don't believe me?

You're still single?

There is a man for every woman.
If you like a man that doesn't like you back because
You're too big or
You're too skinny or
You're boobs aren't big enough or
You're butt is TOO big or
Then you're liking the wrong men, lady.
Why would you spend your emotions on someone who isn't WORTH it??

And you know what else I realized?
It's usually not the man who's thinking these things about you.. it's YOU who's thinking these things about you.
We get in our own way ALL the time.
Men just love women.
They love our bodies.
And if they're worth it, they'll love YOUR body for what it is and not what the FAKE magazine covers say it should be.
And if you're smart, you'll love your body for what it is too.

Once again,
Love yourself.
And show it.
Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can wear.
And confidence doesn't mean being as slutty as possible.. as some of the new teeny bopper generation thinks.
Confidence is waking up every morning and wearing clothes that LOOK GOOD ON YOU, no matter what size they are, and wearing them with pride.
It's OWNING your unruly hair. (bedhead's supposed to be in right now anyway, right?)
It's putting a beautiful smile on your beautiful face to show that you KNOW how beautiful you are.
Trust me.
People will notice.
And they'll agree with you.

NOW that we've got that out there.
And if you're still not convinced...
Watch these videos.

All the mommies out there PLEASE talk to your daughters.
Tell them how pretty they are.
And help them understand that what they see on magazine covers at the grocery store is NOT a real woman.
And tell your SONS as well.
They need to know as well so they don't EXPECT women that don't exist.

I hope this helped at least one beautiful woman realize how amazing she is.

We are all daughters of God and He does NOT make ugly little girls. He does not even make mediocre girls. He only creates beautiful ones who grow up into beautiful women.

Think of it this way:
We always hear about God's great creations. A gorgeous sunset, beautiful trees and rolling green hills, the Grand Canyon, the great mountain ranges across the world, Hawaii's beaches. All these images can take your breath away.

Those are nothing compared to you.
You are your Heavenly Father's SUPREME creation.
Everything else is just for you to enjoy.
Don't miss it because you're too busy putting down what your Heavenly Father created so carefully.

I hope you feel beautiful.
I do.

The end. :)

Woman troubles...

...are stupid.
Hardcordly stupid.
Rude, uterus.

I get through it.
And you can too!
(If you're a girl, at least... if you're a guy with these problems... you've got other issues I just really don't have time to address. Sorry.)

And so, I have come up with 6 things that make ME feel better at least.
And hopefully will make you feel better, too.

Hello, pretty white pills.
I love you.

This does not need an explanation.
But I could just KISS the person who invented this beauty.

Hot chicken noodle soup.
Warm on the INSIDE and OUTSIDE.

This awesome Princess thermos to eat the soup out of.
...also I'm eating it with my fingers because I'm too lazy/in pain to get a spoon.
But isn't it HAPPY??
... it doesn't HAVE to be a princess thermos though... it could just be ANY happy container.
Just make sure it's happy.
You'll need it.

The knowledge that you are going through this so that someday you can have adorable, perfect, little babies. :)
Cute yawn Pictures, Images and Photos

Nap time.
Just sleep it off, girl.
That's MY plan at least!
Nighty night, dears.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Oh snap!

Aunt Charisse and her family were in town today! AND it's Haydin and Randi's birthday.
We went to the rodeo!
...and I didn't get any pictures...
But it was very Mormon and very cowboy and very dusty and very fun!

Then we came back home for cake and ice cream and hot tubbing!! :)


Oh yeah, Jarrett came too. I forgot to mention that. He came to the rodeo just because I asked him too. hahaha he was a little shocked by the hickness of it, I think. It was great.


So Jarrett borrowed a swimsuit from us...

And he changed in my room.

... and I may have found some evidence that we are a little too close.
...yup this is his underwear that he just left lying on my floor.

And then he looked like this. and Andrea thought it was hilarious.
So I documented.

Aww besties. :)
...even if he does fart in my room without any trace of shame.

The end.

P.S. Anyone else see Jake's super duper special face in the above photograph? He did it on purpose and I thought it was hilarious.

It's the little things really...

... like how he wears Old Spice deoderant.
... like how he puts the roll of toilet paper coming over the top instead of under.
... like how he sneak attack kisses me randomly.
... like how he's a terrible speller and it makes me giggle every time I get a misspelled text.
... like how he tells me I'm beautiful almost TOO much. Crazy boy.
... like how he randomly texts me "...hi" just to let me know he's thinking of me
... like how we can be in a big group of people and he'll look at me with that one look and I can't help but smile.
... like how even just thinking about it makes me smile. :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I feel sick to my stomach.
Like really really sick.
All of a sudden.
No bueno.
I might puke.
Like that one time in Haley Mills bathtub/on her rug/and on her floor.
Naturally, since I feel so sick, I am blogging. ?
I don't understand myself.

And I got lost driving for 45 min trying to find the stupid Mortuary Science building for class tonight. And I may or may not have been on the verge of bawling my eyes out in frustration. But I finally got there.
And when I got there it smelled weird. And there were people's ashes from cremation! ... and my super weird classmate wiped up some of the ash with her finger and SNIFFED it.
.. not gonna lie, I laughed. hahahahaha
She's so weird. All the time.

And then Richard was going to come over and FINALLY watch Nacho Libre with me!
... but then he didn't. :(

So I had to catch up on my hulu and paint my nails instead.

BUT Richard said I looked really good today. :)
That has pretty much kept me going.
And this family that I live with.
I seriously love them.
I love that Jake cries so easily and does his hair in a fauxhawk and actually gets my jokes and laughs at them.
I love that Ethan has long hair and is such a stud with the ladies and is so dang FUNNY!
I love that Lilly is so quirky and weird and she likes my opera music just as much as I do!
I love that Sarah is little mini me and has angry eyebrows and would run down the street with a huge chunk of cheese and make everyone wonder where she was just because, "I couldn't just stand there with a bunch of CHEESE!"
I love that Sam has the prettiest skin on the planet and he's just so darn CUTE! and he always gives me hugs when I least expect and most need them. :)
I love that Mike is basically just a big kid and does the dishes for his wife and makes the coolest cakes ever ever.
I love that Andrea knows how to do basically everything in the world including helping me with my resume and she can laugh at herself and always bounces back.

So basically the first part of this post was just really really whiny.
And my life actually rocks.
But I really might actually puke any second.
So I'll just leave it at that!
Good night, lovelies.
I hope you realize how GOOD you have it!

The Footie Adventures: Part One

Hey remember that one time I bought footies?

Oh yeah.
I made Jarrett go buy some too.

Look how happy he is to have FOOTIES!!


He seriously wouldn't stop modeling them. He loves them.


Naturally we had to take Footie Buddy pictures.



He was freaking out because his Footie was stretched so tight you couldn't see his butt.


The footies turned on each other!! It was scary for a minute. Especially since Jarrett's penguins were pretty much TWICE as big as my lil monkeys.

They resolved their differences though. :)

That's it for now.
But don't you worry! There will be more adventures where this came from!


Oh yeah. I took pictures of this.

I'll tell you!

Once upon a time Kyli Larsonface and I both had boys to cuddle with! Bronson Shipp for her and Austin Burnham for me! AND we were in the same city. Amazing. SO we decided to have an awesome 24 hour movie marathon.

The four of us were deciding what we wanted to make for food.
And of course mac n cheese came up because it is DELICIOUS.
And we were discussing that you must use 2% milk so it can be *creamy* and wonderful.
Then we were speculating what would happen if we used WHOLE MILK!
What if we BOILED it in whole milk??


... then it would probably curdle and become like a ...loaf.

like a...


And then genius was born.

And we laughed really hard at our silliness.

... but also made these shirts:

Underneath it says cheese, pasta, and cream in latin.
Yes, we are that awesome.
I know.

SO we always planned to actually try this. Just to see what would actually happen.

This was winter of 2008, mind you.

And I finally got around to it this weekend in Thatcher.

And I WISH I took more pictures of the process.. but I didn't.

SO the only ingredients I used were:
1 pint of whipping cream
1 packet of cheese stuff from a kraft mac and cheese box
1 box of noodles from a kraft mac and cheese box

So I poured all the cream in a pan.
Turned on the heat.
Stirred the cheese packet in til it was completely mixed in.
Then poured the noodles in.

I stirred and stirred until it came to a boil.

And then I kept stirring... hahaha

Once it was mostly solid and not so soupy...
I put it in a bread pan.

And then Kelene seemed to think it needed a buttload of seasonings. So she kept throwing in random ones until I finally made her stop!!

It still didn't seem finished to me..
So I put it in the oven for a while.

And it came out looking like this:

I thought it was really super gross.
Kelene thought it was pretty good.
And Richard thought it was pretty gross too... but was so hungry he ate most of it.

It was surprisingly sweet.. because of the cream.. but was super greasy too for some reason... and also tasted weird because of all the spices Kelene put in it.

... overall a successful endeavor, I'd say!

Weekend Lovlies

This weekend was fabulous.


To be perfectly honest we were pretty boring most of the time.

Which was a little bit perfect.

..Thatcher has nothing to do anyway.


I felt a little bad... Richard might not be used to the boredom.

I only go there for my awesome FAMILY!
(He got to meet ALL of them at once! He's a trooper.)

But he said he likes them. :)
And they like him. :)

The one most exciting thing we did all weekend was go shooting! Thanks to Uncle Eric and all his fun guns!

... This also happened to be basically the only time I took pictures.. sorry.

But here they are!

Driving to the shooting place! For some reason Richard got stuck carrying all the stuffed animals we were gonna BLOW UP!

I know, I know. We're the cutest.

We really do like each other, I promise.

See? :)

Hello Mr. Bulldog that Kelene will blow up.

This gun was fraaaaakin awesome.

Hello Mr. Bunny. Where'd your body go? OH I BLEW IT UP! BAHAHAHA

What a stud.


BAHAHAHA we found the nose.

Kelene's before picture:


Kelene's after picture:

Oh mercy! Isn't he handsome? :) MmmMMmmmm

My PERSONAL favorite.

Playing with Jade. :)

It was a lovely weekend.
And stake conference was awesome.
And the movie Unstoppable was awesome! I recommend it. Yup.
The end. :)


About Me

My photo
Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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