Sunday, November 28, 2010


I got to go to Thatcher to be with my family for Thanksgiving!
The food was amazing.
My family is awesome and hilarious.
Black Friday at Walmart at midnight was ... interesting. And also hilarious... and slightly terrifying.
And I got some serious, much needed girl time in with Mom, Jade, and Kelene.
Basically it was lovely.

And we did a really super fast photo shoot!

Aren't my sisters BABES?

This picture cracks me up and I look like a tard. But I still love it!
Plus Jade and Kelene look super good. haha




And thank you Nanny for being our photographer!

So since I didn't do a Thanksgiving post ON Thanksgiving... I'll do one now.

I'm thankful for my beautiful sisters and the closeness we share and the laughter that inevitably follows us wherever we go. I'm thankful for all of my family, immediate and extended, for all they do to support each other and show their love. I'm thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the knowledge I've been blessed with. I'm thankful for my Savior and His Atonement and repentance. I'm thankful for a loving Heavenly Father. I'm thankful for eternal families made possible by our beautiful temples and the Priesthood. I'm thankful for living prophets and apostles who give us guidance to help us along the way. I'm thankful for all the little joys in life and the tender mercies. I'm thankful for the warm fuzzies. I'm thankful for this blog and the outlet it's been. I'm thankful for all of my readers! ;) ...I'm thankful for Richard. I'm thankful for all my friends who make me smile and laugh and just make me happy! I'm thankful for education.
Life is wonderful, isn't it?

1 comment:

Sister Larson said...

LOVE this. :) I like that we avidly follow each other's blogs. I hope that this doesn't change. And I'm working on being a better poster. You know. With pictures and videos and stuff. Ha. But we both know I mostly just love to talk. The end. I love you. And yes. Life is wonderful.


About Me

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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