Friday, May 21, 2010

So it's 2:13 am...

... and I am just getting home for the night. Wanna know why? Because I am an awesome moocher! ... and I took terrible advantage of the fact that I am a cute girl tonight... and because Angry Preacher Man took me to see the new Shrek movie... because he likes me. And this is where I freak out. Except I know I'm freaking out so I'm able to contain it more. I know I have this problem... yet I can never seem to fix it. It's only not happened a few times in my whole life... when I didn't freak out when a boy liked me, I mean. I tried to fight it, I really did.... but he keeps making his hands too available for holding... and he gave me this look after we hugged goodnight that was just like..."oh heavens"... and he keeps commenting on my prettiness... I can't handle it. And on top of all that, he's shorter than me. This is just not going to work out.

It's kind of funny.... I used to have a terrible habit of rushing into things... and now I have a terrible habit of never getting into anything. Perhaps someday I'll find a happy medium.

I really wish my hair was longer already! Why am I so restless? When I'm feeling restless, I take it out on my hair. PROBABLY because I am too chicken to take it out on anything else. But I have decided to grow out my hair in order to better attract a husband. I figure it'll take at least a year to grow it out to the desired length... during that time I'll date all the wrong guys and learn oodles and oodles about myself and also what I want in a member of the male species. It'll be splendid. And then when the blessed day is finally here... when my hair is long and luscious once more... then I will be ready to meet my future husband. And he'll be all romantic and sweep my off my feet (which is much easier to do when I have long hair, you know... it's so much more romantical with long hair).

So I don't remember if I mentioned that I am definitely staying here for school... going to MCC to work on Psychology so I can be the best Marriage and Family Counselor EVER! And I'll stay in my ward... which I now adore!

Alright, it is now 2:40 and I am getting up at 8:30 so I can do baptisms at 9... so I must go to bed now. I should get more sleep at night... naps just aren't quite the same as a good solid 8 hours at night.

So I'll close with my words of wisdom for the day. Don't be afraid to say what you think. Don't be afraid to act on what you feel. I don't know anyone who got anywhere worthwhile by being afraid. I'll wrap that up with an awesome quote by Madonna. I think of this when I'm feeling chicken. I kind of live my life by it, really."A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want." It's easy to let life happen to you.. but where's the fun in that? The end. :)

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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