Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years Eve!!

New Years Eve basically rocked my world.
Let's be honest.
I got homework done in the morning.
... and all afternoon...
Then I got ready for the night of partying!!
Our whole group was going to a party thrown by the church at Gameworks!!
I'd never been there before and it was awesome!
I never knew I liked video games so much.
I pretty much rocked the driving games.
Especially snowmobiling.
.... I hear that's the funnest thing EVER in real life too!
I'll have to try it someday. :)
Richard rocked everything else, of course.

We got to see a lot of friends and it was basically a blast.
Most of the games were just two player though.. so Richard and I kinda just stuck with each other.
I was totally fine with that!
Considering he's my favorite.
You know.

As the new year was approaching we all went upstairs to the DANCE FLOOR!
Have I ever told you how much I love dancing?
..I think it's just kind of a universal thing to love.

They stopped the music at about 30 seconds to midnight and switched over to the ball dropping in NY.

At ten seconds of course everyone started counting down!

Except Richard.

He leaned in so close and put his lips right to my ear.
He pulled away and looked at me.
Then leaned back in.
"I love you."

Everyone was screaming and shouting and jumping up and down.

Happy new year, indeed.
Richard then proceeded to give me my very first New Years Kiss.

And I may or may not have almost cried.
BUT I didn't.

Everything after that for the rest of the night was just pure bliss.
And it still is.
I surprise myself sometimes by how HAPPY I am.

It's gonna be a good year.
I can tell.



Jadeth said...

How absolutely perfect!

Kelsey said...

Can I just say that I totally just teared up?!! I stinkin' love you! Happy New Year to you INDEED!


About Me

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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