Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Once Kelene gets out of the shower....

I'm going to do her hair and then go to the gym. And work out! and swim! But for now... I'll blog. I don't know how much longer she'll be.. so I'll try and fit in some juicy stuff! Everything with Hairy Ben is going well. I'm definitely a fan of him. :) Last night was the second night in a row that I've been at his house til the wee hours of the morning. Which is absolute silliness. Night is for sleeping. We still have not held hands... but it's pretty inevitable at this point. :) I'd probably say more but he reads my freaking blog. Dang him! And it's awkward to write about someone when you KNOW they're going to read it.

OH hahahahaha speaking of him reading my blog! Last night when I was at his house we got on his laptop to watch Wipe out (which is freaking HILARIOUS I might add... I highly recommend it). WELL when he opened his computer... the screen was on my blog... hahahaha awwwwkward. So he clicked out of that real fast but the next tab up was my facebook profile.... hahahahaha awwwwkward. So basically he's a major STALKER. It made me laugh super duper hard.

OH and we talked about the whole awkwardness of where to put our hands and such. It was hilarious. I feel like talking about awkward things makes it less awkward and WAYYY funnier. Admitting it's awkward makes everything funnier too. Good times. :)

Anyway, Kelene's out of the shower so that's about all I have time for. I'm having fun, though. :) I'm a fan of this one. And he's made it past the one week mark without FAILING miserably like most guys. There's potential here. hahaha.

Words of wisdom for the day: Smile! It makes you happy. The end. :)

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About Me

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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