Friday, June 11, 2010


is a word that people use to describe a person who is rather smitten with another person. Some common symptoms of twitterpation are fluttery stomachs, not being able to concentrate on anything other than the object of the twitterpating for very long at all, staying up very very late every night just to be with that person, etc. I believe I might be twitterpated with this Hairy Ben fellow. I will give you a further proof that this is the case.

First off I will tell you (so you don't think I am a floosy and don't follow through with my resolutions...) that Hairy Ben took me on a little mini date. Which was cute. I like him. SO I am totally justified in holding hands. And in participating in the following story.

Last night Hairy Ben invited me over to his house to watch Leap Year. Yeah... he picked out the movie. It was the first time I'd ever watched a chick flick when HE was the one that picked the movie. Hilarious. I'm a fan. Well we watched Leap Year which was adorable and I want to marry an Irish man because they're hot! And after the movie we were cuddling and such and just talking. He was laying on my stomach and I was playing with his luscious head of hair. But then I got tired and I tried to lay down a little but then his body was in the way... so I told him I was a little uncomfortable. haha so he moved down the couch because he's so nice! So we were laying there... he with his feet at one end of the couch and me with my feet at the other end and our heads right next to each other. We're still talking when he reaches up and starts playing with my hair and the conversation kinda dies out. Which was comfy.. not awkward. Now the way he was playing with my hair was kinda pulling my face so it had to look at his face and I thought to myself, "This boy wants to kiss me! ...but do I want to kiss him? .... well I WANT to of course.. but SHOULD I? If we kissed right now it would be all awkward and upside down like in Spiderman. But it looked super hot in the movie.. I've always wanted to try it... and I like this boy. BUT there is the whole-" .. I was cut off here by Hairy Ben asking, "Have you seen Spiderman?" (hahahaha!) "Why yes I have! Why do you ask that?" hahahaha! ...."Well, I was just thinking about whether or not I should kiss you." ... "I was just thinking the same thing." ....(insert rather long pause here where I decide whether or not to kiss this boy.. who is actually a man.. which makes it way scarier. HECK! It's 2 in the morning! Go for it!) So I moved my face ever so slightly towards his and that was enough. We KISSED! It was hot. ....but awkward because it was upside down. hahaha it felt weird.. but I LOVED loved kissing him. We stopped and he said, "That was awkward." BAHAHA! "Yeah, it was.. hahaha" Another kiss. "Your chin is on my nose and I can't really breathe." HAHAHAHAHA I laughed so hard. Another kiss. "Hey lets get more comfortable." "Yeah good idea." I know what you're thinking now... that was the most awkward, weird, HOT, hilarious, awesome first kiss ever. I know, I know. Trust me... I know. :)

Well, that's all I've got for now. I was planning on writing about a bunch more stuff that's going on in my head and stuff that I'm feeling and stressing and such. But I am wayyy too tired to do that. So I'll do it when I wake up maybe.

But before I go I'll tell you this one other story. So I share a room with my sister.. which is problematic because she goes to bed EARLY and wakes up EARLY and I go to bed LATE and wake up LATE. So I feel bad blogging in there because I wake her up... so I sometimes go into the front room... but my Nanny(grandma) is in town spending the night in the recliner (don't ask me why she's not sleeping in my bed.. she always does. WEIRD). So I didn't have anywhere else to blog....

Which brings me to my words of wisdom for the day. Don't blog in the bathroom late at night because it's slightly awkward when your Nanny timidly knocks on the door having to go to the bathroom and you open the door carrying a laptop... it's just weird. Don't do it. The end. :)


Maddi said...

hahaha i love it! Confession: I've totally blogged in the bathroom. They don't call it a restroom for nothing! I want to hear all about this boy! Before we talk we may need to establish our "roommate"/best friend law. I'll explain more later ;)

kbuckhan82 said...


Jo said...

1) I haven't read your blog in forever!! and 2) I am so glad this was the first one I read :) you are so cute!


About Me

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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