Friday, February 26, 2010


So I have a running buddy as I mentioned in my last post. And he is just an absolute dear for putting up with my fattiness. Tonight we went "running" again... and I actually feel like I did a little better than before... as in I ran more instead of walking. But I still felt like a fattie because Jake had 5 lb weights this time and I was still the one always stopping. ... but I WILL get better. I must. I need to be hot so I can attract a husband. hahaha yes, that's right. A husband. I actually do expect to get married someday and make attractive little babies. This is going to sound terribly shallow and terrible of me, but I really am genuinely concerned that I will have unattractive babies. I mean, come on. Let's be honest, there are some children that you look at and just think... wow, I wish I thought she was cute... or... basically she's only cute because she's a little girl, but once she gets to those teeny bopper years she is DONE FOR. Yeah, I don't want children like that. Of course I'd still love them regardless.. and be extra nice even just because you know, I felt bad for giving them ugly genes.

For some reason whenever I blog I have the song lalelalelale get your adverbs here from school house rock. Those were the best videos, by the way. So informative and such great catchy tunes!!

Oh my heavens I am exhausted, I should probably go to bed... but then again I hate going to bed.. so I won't for a while I'm guessing.

Okay I really am too tired to think of anything else... I even took a break and played a game of Spider Solitaire... which I won! to try and think of something to write about.. but nothing came. My mind is shutting down.. oi. So goodnight... to no one in particular I guess.... I really wonder if people read this. haha :)

Oh I guess I have to do my word of wisdom for the day. Look for friends in places you weren't expecting. Never think you're too cool for someone or too mature or too young or old or far away even.... If you limit yourself and make up rules for who you can and can't be friends with you will miss out on some amazing experiences and learning so much from people that are different from you. Sorry if that had terrible grammar.. I can't tell because I'm so tired. haha The end.

1 comment:

The One Klar said...

You are awesome. :)) And I have a hard time keeping up because you blog like every day. Haha. I'm so bad. And boring. You are very good at this stuff.


About Me

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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