Sunday, July 4, 2010

Another one?? Whaaa?

I know, I know. Two posts in one day? What am I thinking? I'll tell you.

I GOT TO SEE FIREWORKS AFTER ALL!! :) It made me mucho grande happy! They were awesome of course. Fireworks are definitely near the tippy top of my favorites list. I went to my aunt's house.. that I'm moving in with and watched them with her family. It was a very very nice evening. :) I took Jamie with me and she had a blast playing with all the little kids. When we first got there my aunt's two big dogs literally scared the pee and poo out of her.... HA! But then she got used to it and ate up the attention!

Also I love Lost. The tv show.

Also I'm really excited for my family to come home tomorrow...I'm a little lonely in the house all by myself.

Also I had an older and wiser friend tell me to find a boy and use him shamelessly to get over Hairy Ben. I'll keep you updated!

Also I want to make myself a cup of tea right now. Herbal! Don't worry.

Also I realized today that I have 2 random places in my hair that grow out as perfect ringlets. The rest is STRAIGHT as a pair of 70's Bell Bottom Jeans (which I realize are not that straight... but my hair IS straight but flips out at the ends... just like bell bottom jeans.... anyway). The ringlety spots are a lovely chunk right in the middle of my bangs... which is inconvenient... and another chunk at the bottom that always falls out of my ponytail. What the random, right?

Also I found this quote that I absolutely ADORE. I have no idea where it's from or who said it. But I can't WAIT to feel this way about someone. :)

"There is just something about you that makes me want to sing... maybe it's because you are music itself."

Uhm.. HELLO. Awesome, right? I love it. A lot.

And I have more wisdom for the day. I know, "How can she be this wise at such a young age," you ask. It's a gift. ;) But ANYWAY. Spend time with family. Lots of time. I mean, I know it's important for me to get out there with new people to mix and mingle and know people so I can date and make decisions and find that special someone ... or whatever. But there's just something about spending time with people you KNOW you'll have FOREVER no matter what... that just makes me happy. The end. :)

1 comment:

Ken Fletcher said...

I love you Annie. You're such a wonderful daughter. I'm so proud of you.


About Me

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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