Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'm really really really really really really curious... know who reads my blog. SO ... if you read it... Or if you sometimes glance over it because my posts are freakishly long and don't have pictures because I don't have a camera and when I try and draw it looks like a handicapped 1st grader drew it and you don't want to read the WHOLE thing... or if you're just reading it for the first time ever ever and you just clicked on my link from facebook... PLEASE leave a comment telling me you were here. You don't have to have a blogger account to do it. Just leave a comment saying, "Hey.. I was here. I read it, yo! I got yo back, Annie.. you're not talking to the 3 people that originally read your blog from the beginning. Also you're funny and awesome and pretty and cool." (Okay, that last part was probably just me getting a little carried away... but you get the picture.) Because I have this statcounter thingy on my blog.. that tells me how many pageloads I get in a day. And when I post it's usually about 40 hits a day.. which isn't very many still... but it could just be the same 3 people rereading my posts because I'm THAT funny. (I wish.)

But anyway. Just thought I'd ask.. because I want to know. "A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want." -Madonna! Words to live by, my lovelies.

However, I must get to bed.. because I am getting my teeth cleaned at 7:40 tomorrow morning!! I'm so excited!.... not for waking up early.. but for getting my teeth cleaned! It's always a jolly occasion. It makes my teeth happy. And when my teeth are happy.. I'm happy. :)

Good night, dearies.

P.S. OH YEAH!! I was going to tell you a story but I couldn't remember what I was going to say before I published this.. but now I do! My Junior year in high school I had the craziest History teacher ever. She never really taught... she stole power point presentations from other teachers and would just read off of those to the class. And most of the time she would mispronounce or just flat out tell us lies from history. When we were learning about the big move West she called Joseph Smith, John Smith. I was all, "Whaaaa?" It was silly. ANYWAY. One time she gave us an assignment to make a timeline of the revolution. We had to draw at least 5 pictures along the timeline... well, I KNOW that I'm a terrible artist. I just know. However, my little sister, Kelene, freaking DOMINATES the arts. For serious. So I went home and asked her to draw the pictures for me.. she was totally willing to, because she's super nice and pretty like that.. but Mom wouldn't let her! She said it was MY homework.. so I should do it. Ridic. So I sat down and worked on that stupid assignment for TWO HOURS! Two hours to draw 5 little itty bitty pictures on a timeline. It looked awful, and I knew it.. but I had given it my all! I turned it in when it was due and a couple days later the teacher got up in front of the class and told us overall we hadn't done very well on the assignment. She then proceeded to say that she WAS pleased with SOME of the students' work. For example: "This one" (insert very pretty, well planned out timeline done by someone with a decent amount of artistic skill. Definitely a girl.) "However," she said, "Some of you did not put in any effort at ALL. I was very disappointed. Some of the drawings looked like a SECOND GRADER could have done better. Like this one." (insert MY timeline. At least she didn't say who drew it, right?) Yeah, needless to say.. she wasn't my favorite teacher after that. Also, Kelene was allowed to draw for me from then on. The end.
(Wasn't that RUDE though??? Seriously. Rude. I worked so hard! Poo on her!)


ramon alvarez said...

hallo there, i was here :)

Elisabeth said...

Hey.. I was here. I read it, yo! I got yo back, Annie.. you're not talking to the 3 people that originally read your blog from the beginning. Also you're funny and awesome and pretty and cool. :D

Anonymous said...

Natalie was here (:

Maddi said...

dang! elisabeth took my idea! "you're pretty!!"

Anonymous said...

Hey.. I was here. I read it, yo! I got yo back, Annie.. you're not talking to the 3 people that originally read your blog from the beginning. Also you're funny and awesome and pretty and cool. But I won't tell you who this is because I am bored and cantankerous.

Dad said...

I might be one of the original 3. But then I've been reading the stuff you write since you learned to write waaaaaaay back when. Love you, Dad :)

Shawna Fletcher Pidge said...

I read it. Every single day. Your BLOG is like sleep to me (or food)... I just can't live without it!!! I love you even more EVERY time I read it! I am so proud that you are known the world over as "MINI ME", even though I was never as amazing as you are! =}

Emily Zoe Hale said...

I love your blog!

Jean Bob said...

Haha sad story. And you know I stalk your blog.

Anonymous said...

You said ridic! Looooover it! And if you don't know who this is I might have to tell the- you puked in my bathtub anecdote. :D Bahahaha! Love you!

Maralie said...

I am here, and I love your blog! Ahh yay I'm glad we're friends! :D

Marc Johnson said...

I've been here

Marc Johnson said...

I was here

Interloper said...

"Hey.. I was here. I read it, yo! I got yo back, Annie.. you're not talking to the 3 people that originally read your blog from the beginning. Also you're funny and awesome and pretty and cool."


About Me

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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