Friday, July 2, 2010

It's late...

.. and I should go to bed because I have work at 8:30 tomorrow... but I want to blog. I don't really know about what.. we'll see what comes to me.

Hairy Ben and I are still friends. I decided to give it a try. But it's still really hard sometimes. Other times it's as easy as anything though. I just wish I could get over it already. It's super annoying.

I've decided that my car, James, is a hypochondriac. He is ALWAYS getting sick and making me take him to the doctor and spend lots of money. It's a bit ridiculous... and the only punishment I can inflict is letting him run low on gas... which he HATES.. but that makes it scary for me too.. because the gas light is broken.. HA! It's terrible.

I really really need to clean my room. I just really really don't want to. I should be a neater person... someday I have to get married... and if my husband turns out to be cleaner than me.. that'll be a problem.

I don't really wanna get married anytime soon.. even though when I look at engagement and wedding pictures my heart aches a little for it...

I just want to be in love. For the first time. I've never been in love.. and I just want to know what it FEELS like. I love emotions... and I haven't experienced the BEST one yet. I'll get there someday.. someone has to fall in love with ME first though... which could be a problem. I'm kind of insane.

I am having a movie night to watch While You Were Sleeping and eat Ben and Jerry's with the lovely Maddi tomorrow night and I am excited beyond reason. I love that girl and I love that movie and I SO need a girls night it's not even funny.

I guess that's it.

My words of wisdom for the day is this: Get some sleep. Sleep is healthy. And you feel better if you do it. The end.


Maddi said...

I could take your advice. haha...but I'm talking to you on fb instead. P.S. I'm so so excited too!

kbuckhan82 said...

I know what you mean about Hairy Ben (even though I don't know who Hairy Ben is). And I don't like sleep either. I wish you were at BYU-I with me! We could do this together... haha But I totally get what you mean about not wanting to get married and aching for it at the same time- you don't want to get married, but being in love sounds nice. It's like you took the words out of my brain :) haha

Annie Citrine said...

haha Kendra you have NO idea how much your blogs help me. Its kind of ridiculous. And I followed your example and OFFICIALLY ended everything with Hairy Ben. We're not friends anymore... I just can't be around him. I can't move on when he's always there! and I'm glad I'm not at BYU I anymore... haha too cold and sunless for me! But sometimes you make me wish I was up there!! I miss college and being on my own and learning new things EVERY DAY! But anyway, you're awesome. and we can do this together through blogger! hahaha


About Me

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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