Sunday, August 8, 2010

Funsie things happen to me.

Seriously. Funsie things really do happen to me. It's grand. Life is grand. :) To start with Friday night.... I did pedicures with my cousins Lilly and Sam. They are adorable. Here's how they turned out!

Yes, my middle toe is deformed. Thanks for bringing up such a tender subject.

Then I tried to teach Sam how to do funny faces in pictures...
We'll have to keep working on it. :)

And then Jon came over. BAHAHAHA and I made him put on this awesome Sulfer Mask that I had done earlier. It makes your skin so silky soft! And pretty. And I told him if he did it all the girls would want to date him. AND I had to put bobby pins in his hair... because it was getting goopy in the mask. Hilar. He's such a good sport! AHAHAHA!

(As he's rinsing off the stuff) "I can see why they call this a sulfer mask. My face smells like fart." HA!

THEN we sat around for a bit. Because we couldn't think of anything to do. I kept throwing out ideas.... but none were sticking. UNTIL I suggested we play dress up!!! (Let's be honest.. that didn't really stick that well, either. But then I MADE it stick!! I have the best dress up clothes, that's what convinced him.) And then we dressed up like this:

I can see it in your eyes that you're jealous. I know. Who wouldn't be. Then we decided we had to share this beautifulness with more than my aunt and my poor Jake who saw us.

So we went to Denny's!!

...And Jon struck an unusually queer pose in the booth....

.... and I was a doofus.
You like what you see? We're starting a club. We will be meeting every weekend around 11 or midnight at some Denny's dressed in only the finest. If you're interested... let me know.

Words of Wisdom for the Day? Be confident. It's the sexiest thing you'll ever wear. ;) The end!


Anonymous said...

I am so BEYOND jealous that you don't live with ME!!! Next time I am in AZ, or you are HERE in Oklahoma, we are playing dress up and going to DENNY'S!!! You amaze me and I love you!

Annie Citrine said...

haha love you too Shawna!! and HECK YES WE WILL!! I love dressing up. And Denny's. And YOU! We can only win. :)

Maddi said...

Oh.M.Gosh! I'm so in love! haha...hottttt.


About Me

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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