Monday, October 11, 2010

Things I need to blog about: One

I made this list at work today... because as always I was super duper bored. No joke. If for some reason I go completely insane and flush my life down the toilet and end up going to hell... it'll be Walgreens. Seriously, my hell will be having to work at that Walgreens for eternity. Even greater incentive to be righteous... besides that whole faith and love for the gospel thing. Okay... this is getting sacrilegious. Let's move on.

My list looked like this:

Things I need to blog about:
1. Kissing ******* (Monte Cristo)
2. Thatcher, Lexi, Kendra, Jon, fam fam, fair and such!
3. more ******* (Monte Cristo) mm!
4. Staying by myself
5. new laptop! suggestions?
6. weird people I see at Walgreens. ALSO I'm quitting.
7. How awesome my life is and how freaking bomb the gospel is

SO I'll be working my way down the list. Thank heavens for list. I'd never do anything without them.

So Monte Cristo and I kissed. I like him. :)

Story time!

He came over to my house. And we sat on the couch and talked and laughed and talked and cuddled a bit. The day before I told him I wasn't sure if I wanted to kiss him just yet. I was thinking of trying to wait a whole month. A WHOLE MONTH. Pff. What was I thinking?? BUT he didn't know that I'd already given in. So it's time for him to go.. and he leans in and gives me a hug. ... and pulls out and just stops about 3 inches from my face. And we just stare at each other.. and we're both kinda smiling/laughing a little. HILAR. Then he moves in closer and says, "90/10 baby." Just like in Hitch (I love that movie with a passion). And I just laugh. ... then lean in OH SO CLOSE but BAM! Nothing. BAHAHAHA. I was dying laughing. Then I did it again. ... and again. And then I couldn't take it anymore. He's too pretty. :) We kissed. And it was absolutely fabulous. I'm so glad. I was worried he'd be bad and then I would have a hard time liking him. hahahaha. BUT he's fanfreakingtastic. I could seriously talk about this forever... haha BUT I won't do that to you. You're welcome.

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About Me

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Hi, I'm Annie. I like life. I think it's pretty DARN awesome. I like blogging because I like writing. And I like talking about my life. I like that people read about my life... which is vain, I know. But I do! I'm a very silly girl but you'll like me. I just know it. :)
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